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Best Famous Omar Khayyam Poems

Here is a collection of the all-time best famous Omar Khayyam poems. This is a select list of the best famous Omar Khayyam poetry. Reading, writing, and enjoying famous Omar Khayyam poetry (as well as classical and contemporary poems) is a great past time. These top poems are the best examples of omar khayyam poems.

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Written by Omar Khayyam | Create an image from this poem

You know all secrets of this earthly sphere,

You know all secrets of this earthly sphere,
Why then remain a prey to empty fear?
You cannot bend things to your will, but yet
Cheer up for the few moments you are here!

Written by Omar Khayyam | Create an image from this poem

Man is the whole creation's summary,

Man is the whole creation's summary,
The precious apple of great wisdom's eye;
The circle of existence is a ring,
Whereof the signet is humanity.
Written by Omar Khayyam | Create an image from this poem

'Tis well to drink, and leave anxiety

'Tis well to drink, and leave anxiety
For what is past, and what is yet to be;
Our prisoned spirits, lent us for a day,
A while from season's bondage shall go free!
Written by Omar Khayyam | Create an image from this poem

Now the New Year

Now the New Year reviving old Desires,
The thoughtful Soul to Solitude retires,
Where the White Hand of Moses on the Bough
Puts out, and Jesus from the Ground suspires.
Written by Omar Khayyam | Create an image from this poem

Diversity of creed divides the human race into about

Diversity of creed divides the human race into about
seventy-two sects. Amongst all these dogmas, I have
chosen that of Thy love. What signify these words:
Impiety, Islamism, creed, sin? My true aim is to seek
Thee. Far be from me all these vain, indifferent pretexts.

Written by Omar Khayyam | Create an image from this poem

How long shall we blush at the injustice of others?

How long shall we blush at the injustice of others?
How long shall we burn in the fire of this insipid world?
Arise, banish from thee the sorrow of the world, if thou
art a man; to-day is a feast; come, drink rose-colored
Written by Omar Khayyam | Create an image from this poem

Alas! the period of adolescence reaches home. The

Alas! the period of adolescence reaches home. The
springtime of our pleasures slips away! That bird of
gaiety which is called youth, alas! I know not when it
came nor when it flew away!
Written by Omar Khayyam | Create an image from this poem

My heart is weary of hypocrisy,

My heart is weary of hypocrisy,
Cupbearer, bring some wine, I beg of thee!
This hooded cowl and prayer-mat pawn for wine,
Then will I boast me in security.
Written by Omar Khayyam | Create an image from this poem

Justice is the soul of the universe, the universe is the

Justice is the soul of the universe, the universe is the
body. The angels are the wit of the body, the heavens
the elements, the creatures in it are the members; behold
here the eternal unity. The rest is only trumpery.
Written by Omar Khayyam | Create an image from this poem

A potter at his work I chanced to see,

A potter at his work I chanced to see,
Pounding some earth and shreds of pottery;
I looked with eyes of insight, and methought
'Twas Adam's dust with which he made so free!

Book: Reflection on the Important Things