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Best Famous Graciously Poems

Here is a collection of the all-time best famous Graciously poems. This is a select list of the best famous Graciously poetry. Reading, writing, and enjoying famous Graciously poetry (as well as classical and contemporary poems) is a great past time. These top poems are the best examples of graciously poems.

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Written by Edgar Bowers | Create an image from this poem

Elegy: Walking the Line

 Every month or so, Sundays, we walked the line,
The limit and the boundary.
Past the sweet gum Superb above the cabin, along the wall— Stones gathered from the level field nearby When first we cleared it.
(Angry bumblebees Stung the two mules.
They kicked.
Thirteen, I ran.
) And then the field: thread-leaf maple, deciduous Magnolia, hybrid broom, and, further down, In light shade, one Franklinia Alatamaha In solstice bloom, all white, most graciously.
On the sunnier slope, the wild plums that my mother Later would make preserves of, to give to friends Or sell, in autumn, with the foxgrape, quince, Elderberry, and muscadine.
Around The granite overhang, moist den of foxes; Gradually up a long hill, high in pine, Park-like, years of dry needles on the ground, And dogwood, slopes the settlers terraced; pine We cut at Christmas, berries, hollies, anise, And cones for sale in Mister Haymore’s yard In town, below the Courthouse Square.
James Haymore, One of the two good teachers at Boys’ High, Ironic and demanding, chemistry; Mary Lou Culver taught us English: essays, Plot summaries, outlines, meters, kinds of clauses (Noun, adjective, and adverb, five at a time), Written each day and then revised, and she Up half the night to read them once again Through her pince-nez, under a single lamp.
Across the road, on a steeper hill, the settlers Set a house, unpainted, the porch fallen in, The road a red clay strip without a bridge, A shallow stream that liked to overflow.
Oliver Brand’s mules pulled our station wagon Out of the gluey mire, earth’s rust.
Then, here And there, back from the road, the specimen Shrubs and small trees my father planted, some Taller than we were, some in bloom, some berried, And some we still brought water to.
We always Paused at the weed-filled hole beside the beech That, one year, brought forth beech nuts by the thousands, A hole still reminiscent of the man Chewing tobacco in among his whiskers My father happened on, who, discovered, told Of dreaming he should dig there for the gold And promised to give half of what he found.
During the wars with Germany and Japan, Descendents of the settlers, of Oliver Brand And of that man built Flying Fortresses For Lockheed, in Atlanta; now they build Brick mansions in the woods they left, with lawns To paved and lighted streets, azaleas, camellias Blooming among the pines and tulip trees— Mercedes Benz and Cadillac Republicans.
There was another stream further along Divided through a marsh, lined by the fence We stretched to posts with Mister Garner’s help The time he needed cash for his son’s bail And offered all his place.
A noble spring Under the oak root cooled his milk and butter.
He called me “honey,” working with us there (My father bought three acres as a gift), His wife pale, hair a country orange, voice Uncanny, like a ghost’s, through the open door Behind her, chickens scratching on the floor.
Barred Rocks, our chickens; one, a rooster, splendid Sliver and grey, red comb and long sharp spurs, Once chased Aunt Jennie as far as the daphne bed The two big king snakes were familiars of.
My father’s dog would challenge him sometimes To laughter and applause.
Once, in Stone Mountain, Travelers, stopped for gas, drove off with Smokey; Angrily, grievingly, leaving his work, my father Traced the car and found them way far south, Had them arrested and, bringing Smokey home, Was proud as Sherlock Holmes, and happier.
Above the spring, my sister’s cats, black Amy, Grey Junior, down to meet us.
The rose trees, Domestic, Asiatic, my father’s favorites.
The bridge, marauding dragonflies, the bullfrog, Camellias cracked and blackened by the freeze, Bay tree, mimosa, mountain laurel, apple, Monkey pine twenty feet high, banana shrub, The owls’ tall pine curved like a flattened S.
The pump house Mort and I built block by block, Smooth concrete floor, roof pale aluminum Half-covered by a clematis, the pump Thirty feet down the mountain’s granite foot.
Mort was the hired man sent to us by Fortune, Childlike enough to lead us.
He brought home, Although he could not even drive a tractor, Cheated, a worthless car, which we returned.
When, at the trial to garnishee his wages, Frank Guess, the judge, Grandmother’s longtime neighbor, Whose children my mother taught in Cradle Roll, Heard Mort’s examination, he broke in As if in disbelief on the bank’s attorneys: “Gentlemen, must we continue this charade?” Finally, past the compost heap, the garden, Tomatoes and sweet corn for succotash, Okra for frying, Kentucky Wonders, limas, Cucumbers, squashes, leeks heaped round with soil, Lavender, dill, parsley, and rosemary, Tithonia and zinnias between the rows; The greenhouse by the rock wall, used for cuttings In late spring, frames to grow them strong for planting Through winter into summer.
Early one morning Mort called out, lying helpless by the bridge.
His ashes we let drift where the magnolia We planted as a stem divides the path The others lie, too young, at Silver Hill, Except my mother.
Ninety-five, she lives Three thousand miles away, beside the bare Pacific, in rooms that overlook the Mission, The Riviera, and the silver range La Cumbre east.
Magnolia grandiflora And one druidic live oak guard the view.
Proudly around the walls, she shows her paintings Of twenty years ago: the great oak’s arm Extended, Zeuslike, straight and strong, wisteria Tangled among the branches, amaryllis Around the base; her cat, UC, at ease In marigolds; the weeping cherry, pink And white arms like a blessing to the blue Bird feeder Mort made; cabin, scarlet sweet gum Superb when tribes migrated north and south.
Alert, still quick of speech, a little blind, Active, ready for laughter, open to fear, Pity, and wonder that such things may be, Some Sundays, I think, she must walk the line, Aunt Jennie, too, if she were still alive, And Eleanor, whose story is untold, Their presences like muses, prompting me In my small study, all listening to the sea, All of one mind, the true posterity.

Written by Robert Frost | Create an image from this poem

A Fountain a Bottle a Donkeys Ears and Some Books

 Old Davis owned a solid mica mountain
In Dalton that would someday make his fortune.
There'd been some Boston people out to see it: And experts said that deep down in the mountain The mica sheets were big as plate-glass windows.
He'd like to take me there and show it to me.
"I'll tell you what you show me.
You remember You said you knew the place where once, on Kinsman, The early Mormons made a settlement And built a stone baptismal font outdoors— But Smith, or someone, called them off the mountain To go West to a worse fight with the desert.
You said you'd seen the stone baptismal font.
Well, take me there.
" Someday I will.
" "Today.
" "Huh, that old bathtub, what is that to see? Let's talk about it.
" "Let's go see the place.
" 'To shut you up I'll tell you what I'll do: I'll find that fountain if it takes all summer, And both of our united strengths, to do it.
" "You've lost it, then?" "Not so but I can find it.
No doubt it's grown up some to woods around it.
The mountain may have shifted since I saw it In eighty-five.
" "As long ago as that?" "If I remember rightly, it had sprung A leak and emptied then.
And forty years Can do a good deal to bad masonry.
You won't see any Mormon swimming in it.
But you have said it, and we're off to find it.
Old as I am, I'm going to let myself Be dragged by you all over everywhere——" "I thought you were a guide.
” "I am a guide, And that's why I can't decently refuse you.
" We made a day of it out of the world, Ascending to descend to reascend.
The old man seriously took his bearings, And spoke his doubts in every open place.
We came out on a look-off where we faced A cliff, and on the cliff a bottle painted, Or stained by vegetation from above, A likeness to surprise the thrilly tourist.
"Well, if I haven't brought you to the fountain, At least I've brought you to the famous Bottle.
" "I won't accept the substitute.
It's empty.
” "So's everything.
" "I want my fountain.
" "I guess you'd find the fountain just as empty.
And anyway this tells me where I am.
” "Hadn't you long suspected where you were?" "You mean miles from that Mormon settlement? Look here, you treat your guide with due respect If you don't want to spend the night outdoors.
I vow we must be near the place from where The two converging slides, the avalanches, On Marshall, look like donkey's ears.
We may as well see that and save the day.
" "Don't donkey's ears suggest we shake our own?" "For God's sake, aren't you fond of viewing nature? You don't like nature.
All you like is books.
What signify a donkey's cars and bottle, However natural? Give you your books! Well then, right here is where I show you books.
Come straight down off this mountain just as fast As we can fall and keep a-bouncing on our feet.
It's hell for knees unless done hell-for-leather.
" Be ready, I thought, for almost anything.
We struck a road I didn't recognize, But welcomed for the chance to lave my shoes In dust once more.
We followed this a mile, Perhaps, to where it ended at a house I didn't know was there.
It was the kind To bring me to for broad-board paneling.
I never saw so good a house deserted.
"Excuse me if I ask you in a window That happens to be broken, Davis said.
"The outside doors as yet have held against us.
I want to introduce you to the people Who used to live here.
They were Robinsons.
You must have heard of Clara Robinson, The poetess who wrote the book of verses And had it published.
It was all about The posies on her inner windowsill, And the birds on her outer windowsill, And how she tended both, or had them tended: She never tended anything herself.
She was 'shut in' for life.
She lived her whole Life long in bed, and wrote her things in bed.
I'll show You how she had her sills extended To entertain the birds and hold the flowers.
Our business first's up attic with her books.
" We trod uncomfortably on crunching glass Through a house stripped of everything Except, it seemed, the poetess's poems.
Books, I should say!—-if books are what is needed.
A whole edition in a packing case That, overflowing like a horn of plenty, Or like the poetess's heart of love, Had spilled them near the window, toward the light Where driven rain had wet and swollen them.
Enough to stock a village library— Unfortunately all of one kind, though.
They bad been brought home from some publisher And taken thus into the family.
Boys and bad hunters had known what to do With stone and lead to unprotected glass: Shatter it inward on the unswept floors.
How had the tender verse escaped their outrage? By being invisible for what it was, Or else by some remoteness that defied them To find out what to do to hurt a poem.
Yet oh! the tempting flatness of a book, To send it sailing out the attic window Till it caught wind and, opening out its covers, Tried to improve on sailing like a tile By flying like a bird (silent in flight, But all the burden of its body song), Only to tumble like a stricken bird, And lie in stones and bushes unretrieved.
Books were not thrown irreverently about.
They simply lay where someone now and then, Having tried one, had dropped it at his feet And left it lying where it fell rejected.
Here were all those the poetess's life Had been too short to sell or give away.
"Take one," Old Davis bade me graciously.
"Why not take two or three?" "Take all you want.
" Good-looking books like that.
" He picked one fresh In virgin wrapper from deep in the box, And stroked it with a horny-handed kindness.
He read in one and I read in another, Both either looking for or finding something.
The attic wasps went missing by like bullets.
I was soon satisfied for the time being.
All the way home I kept remembering The small book in my pocket.
It was there.
The poetess had sighed, I knew, in heaven At having eased her heart of one more copy— Legitimately.
My demand upon her, Though slight, was a demand.
She felt the tug.
In time she would be rid of all her books.
Written by Russell Edson | Create an image from this poem

One Lonely Afternoon

 Since the fern can't go to the sink for a drink of
water, I graciously submit myself to the task, bringing two
glasses from the sink.
And so we sit, the fern and I, sipping water together.
Of course I'm more complex than a fern, full of deep thoughts as I am.
But I lay this aside for the easy company of an afternoon friendship.
I don't mind sipping water with a fern, even though, had I my druthers, I'd be speeding through the sky for Stockholm, sipping a bloody mary with a wedge of lime.
And so we sit one lonely afternoon sipping water together.
The fern looking out of its fronds, and I, looking out of mine .
Written by Anne Bronte | Create an image from this poem

In Memory of a Happy Day in February

 Blessed be Thou for all the joy
My soul has felt today!
O let its memory stay with me
And never pass away! 
I was alone, for those I loved
Were far away from me,
The sun shone on the withered grass,
The wind blew fresh and free.
Was it the smile of early spring That made my bosom glow? 'Twas sweet, but neither sun nor wind Could raise my spirit so.
Was it some feeling of delight, All vague and undefined? No, 'twas a rapture deep and strong, Expanding in the mind! Was it a sanguine view of life And all its transient bliss­- A hope of bright prosperity? O no, it was not this! It was a glimpse of truth divine Unto my spirit given Illumined by a ray of light That shone direct from heaven! I felt there was a God on high By whom all things were made.
I saw His wisdom and his power In all his works displayed.
But most throughout the moral world I saw his glory shine; I saw His wisdom infinite, His mercy all divine.
Deep secrets of his providence In darkness long concealed Were brought to my delighted eyes And graciously revealed.
But while I wondered and adored His wisdom so divine, I did not tremble at his power, I felt that God was mine.
I knew that my Redeemer lived, I did not fear to die; Full sure that I should rise again To immortality.
I longed to view that bliss divine Which eye hath never seen, To see the glories of his face Without the veil between.
Written by Rg Gregory | Create an image from this poem

daft icarus

 it began as a secret desire (an itch
in the marrow too vague to get through
to the bone) an idea that never could
make it as flesh - there wasn't a part of me
sane i could tell that would have spared
it a breath to get started
   so i slept

one midday i woke up with a bang - light
was bashing in through the windows
and suddenly out of my pores
sprang this fully-fledged practical paeon
this triumphant brass-note of praise
for a why-hadn't-i-yelled-it-before
sort of answer to my life's rubbing-out
of my dreams
  i’ll jump from the window
(i sang to myself)
  and i'll fly
and be damned to daft icarus
   i crowed
and i flew - or i fled (which is
very much the same grain of word
and it graciously covers the gap
between the experience i had in my head
and the one i met rushing up
from the ground where the glasshouse
splashed around to reflect me
as i passed on my way down to earth
and the squirt of my dad's best tomatoes
and my mum's angry mask of a face
that just wasn't brought up to be fruitful)
so i fled - or i flew - out the gate
up the street till i melted
just like that daft icarus before me
and i thought
  well why the sod not
so i jumped in a pond till i cooled
and the blood from a scratch on my hand
turned the green water red but not a
thick peasant came to be in on the wonder
and i had to go home soaking wet
to a tongue that had blisters and a belt
round the head from my dad - but i lived

which is more than daft icarus did

Written by Lucy Maud Montgomery | Create an image from this poem

My Legacy

 My friend has gone away from me 
From shadow into perfect light, 
But leaving a sweet legacy.
My heart shall hold it long in fee­ A grand ideal, calm and bright, A song of hope for ministry, A faith of unstained purity, A thought of beauty for delight­ These did my friend bequeath to me; And, more than even these can be, The worthy pattern of a white, Unmarred life lived most graciously.
Dear comrade, loyal thanks to thee Who now hath fared beyond my sight, My friend has gone away from me, But leaving a sweet legacy.
Written by Joyce Kilmer | Create an image from this poem

A Blue Valentine

 (For Aline)

Right Reverend Bishop Valentinus,
Sometime of Interamna, which is called Ferni,
Now of the delightful Court of Heaven,
I respectfully salute you,
I genuflect
And I kiss your episcopal ring.
It is not, Monsignore, The fragrant memory of your holy life, Nor that of your shining and joyous martyrdom, Which causes me now to address you.
But since this is your august festival, Monsignore, It seems appropriate to me to state According to a venerable and agreeable custom, That I love a beautiful lady.
Her eyes, Monsignore, Are so blue that they put lovely little blue reflections On everything that she looks at, Such as a wall Or the moon Or my heart.
It is like the light coming through blue stained glass, Yet not quite like it, For the blueness is not transparent, Only translucent.
Her soul's light shines through, But her soul cannot be seen.
It is something elusive, whimsical, tender, wanton, infantile, wise And noble.
She wears, Monsignore, a blue garment, Made in the manner of the Japanese.
It is very blue -- I think that her eyes have made it more blue, Sweetly staining it As the pressure of her body has graciously given it form.
Loving her, Monsignore, I love all her attributes; But I believe That even if I did not love her I would love the blueness of her eyes, And her blue garment, made in the manner of the Japanese.
Monsignore, I have never before troubled you with a request.
The saints whose ears I chiefly worry with my pleas are the most exquisite and maternal Brigid, Gallant Saint Stephen, who puts fire in my blood, And your brother bishop, my patron, The generous and jovial Saint Nicholas of Bari.
But, of your courtesy, Monsignore, Do me this favour: When you this morning make your way To the Ivory Throne that bursts into bloom with roses because of her who sits upon it, When you come to pay your devoir to Our Lady, I beg you, say to her: "Madame, a poor poet, one of your singing servants yet on earth, Has asked me to say that at this moment he is especially grateful to you For wearing a blue gown.
Written by Friedrich von Schiller | Create an image from this poem

The Driver

 "What knight or what vassal will be so bold
As to plunge in the gulf below?
See! I hurl in its depths a goblet of gold,
Already the waters over it flow.
The man who can bring back the goblet to me, May keep it henceforward,--his own it shall be.
" Thus speaks the king, and he hurls from the height Of the cliffs that, rugged and steep, Hang over the boundless sea, with strong might, The goblet afar, in the bellowing deep.
"And who'll be so daring,--I ask it once more,-- As to plunge in these billows that wildly roar?" And the vassals and knights of high degree Hear his words, but silent remain.
They cast their eyes on the raging sea, And none will attempt the goblet to gain.
And a third time the question is asked by the king: "Is there none that will dare in the gulf now to spring?" Yet all as before in silence stand, When a page, with a modest pride, Steps out of the timorous squirely band, And his girdle and mantle soon throws aside, And all the knights, and the ladies too, The noble stripling with wonderment view.
And when he draws nigh to the rocky brow, And looks in the gulf so black, The waters that she had swallowed but now, The howling Charybdis is giving back; And, with the distant thunder's dull sound.
From her gloomy womb they all-foaming rebound.
And it boils and it roars, and it hisses and seethes, As when water and fire first blend; To the sky spurts the foam in steam-laden wreaths, And wave presses hard upon wave without end.
And the ocean will never exhausted be, As if striving to bring forth another sea.
But at length the wild tumult seems pacified, And blackly amid the white swell A gaping chasm its jaws opens wide, As if leading down to the depths of hell: And the howling billows are seen by each eye Down the whirling funnel all madly to fly.
Then quickly, before the breakers rebound, The stripling commends him to Heaven, And--a scream of horror is heard around,-- And now by the whirlpool away he is driven, And secretly over the swimmer brave Close the jaws, and he vanishes 'neath the dark wave.
O'er the watery gulf dread silence now lies, But the deep sends up a dull yell, And from mouth to mouth thus trembling it flies: "Courageous stripling, oh, fare thee well!" And duller and duller the howls recommence, While they pause in anxious and fearful suspense.
"If even thy crown in the gulf thou shouldst fling, And shouldst say, 'He who brings it to me Shall wear it henceforward, and be the king,' Thou couldst tempt me not e'en with that precious foe; What under the howling deep is concealed To no happy living soul is revealed!" Full many a ship, by the whirlpool held fast, Shoots straightway beneath the mad wave, And, dashed to pieces, the hull and the mast Emerge from the all-devouring grave,-- And the roaring approaches still nearer and nearer, Like the howl of the tempest, still clearer and clearer.
And it boils and it roars, and it hisses and seethes, As when water and fire first blend; To the sky spurts the foam in steam-laden wreaths, And wave passes hard upon wave without end.
And, with the distant thunder's dull sound, From the ocean-womb they all-bellowing bound.
And lo! from the darkly flowing tide Comes a vision white as a swan, And an arm and a glistening neck are descried, With might and with active zeal steering on; And 'tis he, and behold! his left hand on high Waves the goblet, while beaming with joy is his eye.
Then breathes he deeply, then breathes he long, And blesses the light of the day; While gladly exclaim to each other the throng: "He lives! he is here! he is not the sea's prey! From the tomb, from the eddying waters' control, The brave one has rescued his living soul!" And he comes, and they joyously round him stand; At the feet of the monarch he falls,-- The goblet he, kneeling, puts in his hand, And the king to his beauteous daughter calls, Who fills it with sparkling wine to the brim; The youth turns to the monarch, and speaks thus to him: "Long life to the king! Let all those be glad Who breathe in the light of the sky! For below all is fearful, of moment sad; Let not man to tempt the immortals e'er try, Let him never desire the thing to see That with terror and night they veil graciously.
" "I was torn below with the speed of light, When out of a cavern of rock Rushed towards me a spring with furious might; I was seized by the twofold torrent's wild shock, And like a top, with a whirl and a bound, Despite all resistance, was whirled around.
" "Then God pointed out,--for to Him I cried In that terrible moment of need,-- A craggy reef in the gulf's dark side; I seized it in haste, and from death was then freed.
And there, on sharp corals, was hanging the cup,-- The fathomless pit had else swallowed it up.
" "For under me lay it, still mountain-deep, In a darkness of purple-tinged dye, And though to the ear all might seem then asleep With shuddering awe 'twas seen by the eye How the salamanders' and dragons' dread forms Filled those terrible jaws of hell with their swarms.
" "There crowded, in union fearful and black, In a horrible mass entwined, The rock-fish, the ray with the thorny back, And the hammer-fish's misshapen kind, And the shark, the hyena dread of the sea, With his angry teeth, grinned fiercely on me.
" "There hung I, by fulness of terror possessed, Where all human aid was unknown, Amongst phantoms, the only sensitive breast, In that fearful solitude all alone, Where the voice of mankind could not reach to mine ear, 'Mid the monsters foul of that wilderness drear.
" "Thus shuddering methought--when a something crawled near, And a hundred limbs it out-flung, And at me it snapped;--in my mortal fear, I left hold of the coral to which I had clung; Then the whirlpool seized on me with maddened roar, Yet 'twas well, for it brought me to light once more.
" The story in wonderment hears the king, And he says, "The cup is thine own, And I purpose also to give thee this ring, Adorned with a costly, a priceless stone, If thou'lt try once again, and bring word to me What thou saw'st in the nethermost depths of the sea.
" His daughter hears this with emotions soft, And with flattering accent prays she: "That fearful sport, father, attempt not too oft! What none other would dare, he hath ventured for thee; If thy heart's wild longings thou canst not tame, Let the knights, if they can, put the squire to shame.
" The king then seizes the goblet in haste, In the gulf he hurls it with might: "When the goblet once more in my hands thou hast placed, Thou shalt rank at my court as the noblest knight, And her as a bride thou shalt clasp e'en to-day, Who for thee with tender compassion doth pray.
" Then a force, as from Heaven, descends on him there, And lightning gleams in his eye, And blushes he sees on her features so fair, And he sees her turn pale, and swooning lie; Then eager the precious guerdon to win, For life or for death, lo! he plunges him in! The breakers they hear, and the breakers return, Proclaimed by a thundering sound; They bend o'er the gulf with glances that yearn, And the waters are pouring in fast around; Though upwards and downwards they rush and they rave, The youth is brought back by no kindly wave.
Written by Allen Ginsberg | Create an image from this poem

Transcription Of Organ Music

 The flower in the glass peanut bottle formerly in the
 kitchen crooked to take a place in the light, 
the closet door opened, because I used it before, it
 kindly stayed open waiting for me, its owner.
I began to feel my misery in pallet on floor, listening to music, my misery, that's why I want to sing.
The room closed down on me, I expected the presence of the Creator, I saw my gray painted walls and ceiling, they contained my room, they contained me as the sky contained my garden, I opened my door The rambler vine climbed up the cottage post, the leaves in the night still where the day had placed them, the animal heads of the flowers where they had arisen to think at the sun Can I bring back the words? Will thought of transcription haze my mental open eye? The kindly search for growth, the gracious de- sire to exist of the flowers, my near ecstasy at existing among them The privilege to witness my existence-you too must seek the sun.
My books piled up before me for my use waiting in space where I placed them, they haven't disappeared, time's left its remnants and qual- ities for me to use--my words piled up, my texts, my manuscripts, my loves.
I had a moment of clarity, saw the feeling in the heart of things, walked out to the garden crying.
Saw the red blossoms in the night light, sun's gone, they had all grown, in a moment, and were wait- ing stopped in time for the day sun to come and give them.
Flowers which as in a dream at sunset I watered faithfully not knowing how much I loved them.
I am so lonely in my glory--except they too out there--I looked up--those red bush blossoms beckon- ing and peering in the window waiting in the blind love, their leaves too have hope and are upturned top flat to the sky to receive--all creation open to receive--the flat earth itself.
The music descends, as does the tall bending stalk of the heavy blssom, because it has to, to stay alive, to continue to the last drop of joy.
The world knows the love that's in its breast as in the flower, the suffering lonely world.
The Father is merciful.
The light socket is crudely attached to the ceil- ing, after the house was built, to receive a plug which sticks in it alright, and serves my phonograph now.
The closet door is open for me, where I left it, since I left it open, it has graciously stayed open.
The kitchen has no door, the hole there will admit me should I wish to enter the kitchen.
I remember when I first got laid, H.
gra- ciously took my cherry, I sat on the docks of Prov- incetown, age 23, joyful, elevated in hope with the Father, the door to the womb wasopen to admit me if I wished to enter.
There are unused electricity plugs all over my house if I ever needed them.
The kitchen window is open, to admit air.
The telephone--sad to relate--sits on the floor--I haven't had the money to get it connected-- I want people to bow when they see me and say he is gifted with poetry, he has seen the presence of the Creator And the Creator gave me a shot of his presence to gratify my wish, so as not to cheat me of my yearning for him.
Berkeley, September 8, 1955
Written by Laure-Anne Bosselaar | Create an image from this poem

Dinner at the Who's Who

  amidst swirling wine 
and flickers of silver guests quote 
Dante, Brecht, Kant and each other.
I wait in the hall after not powdering my nose, trying to re- compose that woman who’ll graciously take her place at the table and won’t tell her hosts: I looked into your bedroom and closets, smelled your “Obsession” and “Brut,” sat on your bed, imagined you in those spotless sheets, looked long into the sad eyes of your son staring at your walls from his frame.
I tried to smile at myself in your mirrors, wondering if you smile that way too: those resilient little smiles one smiles at one’s self before facing the day, or another long night ahead — guests coming for dinner.
So I wait in this hall because there are nights it’s hard not to blurt out Stop! Stop our babble: Pulitzer, Wall Street, sex, Dante, politics, wars, have some Chianti.
let’s stop and talk.
Of our thirsts and obsessions, our bedrooms and closets, the brutes in our mirrors, the eyes of our sons.
There is time yet — let’s talk.
I am starving.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things