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Best Famous Gladdened Poems

Here is a collection of the all-time best famous Gladdened poems. This is a select list of the best famous Gladdened poetry. Reading, writing, and enjoying famous Gladdened poetry (as well as classical and contemporary poems) is a great past time. These top poems are the best examples of gladdened poems.

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Written by Anne Bronte | Create an image from this poem

A Reminiscence

 YES, thou art gone ! and never more
Thy sunny smile shall gladden me ;
But I may pass the old church door,
And pace the floor that covers thee.
May stand upon the cold, damp stone, And think that, frozen, lies below The lightest heart that I have known, The kindest I shall ever know.
Yet, though I cannot see thee more, 'Tis still a comfort to have seen ; And though thy transient life is o'er, 'Tis sweet to think that thou hast been ; To think a soul so near divine, Within a form so angel fair, United to a heart like thine, Has gladdened once our humble sphere.

Written by Bob Hicok | Create an image from this poem

Spirit Dity Of No Fax Line Dial Tone

 The telephone company calls and asks what the fuss is.
Betty from the telephone company, who's not concerned with the particulars of my life.
For instance if I believe in the transubstantiation of Christ or am gladdened at 7:02 in the morning to repeat an eighth time why a man wearing a hula skirt of tools slung low on his hips must a fifth time track mud across my white kitchen tile to look down at a phone jack.
Up to a work order.
Down at a phone jack.
Up to a work order.
Over at me.
Down at a phone jack.
Up to a work order before announcing the problem I have is not the problem I have because the problem I have cannot occur in this universe though possibly in an alternate universe which is not the responsibility or in any way the product, child or subsidiary of AT&T.
With practice I've come to respect this moment.
One man in jeans, t-shirt and socks looking across space at a man with probes and pliers of various inclinations, nothing being said for five or ten seconds, perhaps I'm still in pajamas and he has a cleft pallet or is so tall that gigantism comes to mind but I can't remember what causes flesh to pile that high, five or ten seconds of taking in and being taken in by eyes and a brain, during which I don't build a shotgun from what's at hand, oatmeal and National Geographics or a taser from hair caught in the drain and the million volts of frustration popping through my body.
Even though.
Even though his face is an abstract painting called Void.
Even though I'm wondering if my pajama flap is open, placing me at a postural disadvantage.
Breathe I say inside my head, which is where I store thoughts for the winter.
All is an illusion I say by disassembling my fists, letting each finger loose to graze.
Thank you I say to kill the silence with my mouth, meaning **** you, meaning die you shoulder-shrugging fusion of chipped chromosomes and puss, meaning enough.
That a portal exists in my wall that even its makers can't govern seems an accurate mirror of life.
Here's the truce I offer: I'll pay whatever's asked to be left alone.
To receive a fax from me stand beside your mailbox for a week.
It will come in what appears to be an envelope.
While waiting for the fax reintroduce yourself to the sky.
It's often blue and will transmit without fail everything clouds have been trying to say to you.
Written by Friedrich von Schiller | Create an image from this poem

The Triumph Of Love

 By love are blest the gods on high,
Frail man becomes a deity
When love to him is given;
'Tis love that makes the heavens shine
With hues more radiant, more divine,
And turns dull earth to heaven!

In Pyrrha's rear (so poets sang
In ages past and gone),
The world from rocky fragments sprang--
Mankind from lifeless stone.
Their soul was but a thing of night, Like stone and rock their heart; The flaming torch of heaven so bright Its glow could ne'er impart.
Young loves, all gently hovering round, Their souls as yet had never bound In soft and rosy chains; No feeling muse had sought to raise Their bosoms with ennobling lays, Or sweet, harmonious strains.
Around each other lovingly No garlands then entwined; The sorrowing springs fled toward the sky, And left the earth behind.
From out the sea Aurora rose With none to hail her then; The sun unhailed, at daylight's close, In ocean sank again.
In forests wild, man went astray, Misled by Luna's cloudy ray-- He bore an iron yoke; He pined not for the stars on high, With yearning for a deity No tears in torrents broke.
But see! from out the deep-blue ocean Fair Venus springs with gentle motion The graceful Naiad's smiling band Conveys her to the gladdened strand, A May-like, youthful, magic power Entwines, like morning's twilight hour, Around that form of godlike birth, The charms of air, sea, heaven, and earth.
The day's sweet eye begins to bloom Across the forest's midnight gloom; Narcissuses, their balm distilling, The path her footstep treads are filling.
A song of love, sweet Philomel, Soon carolled through the grove; The streamlet, as it murmuring fell, Discoursed of naught but love, Pygmalion! Happy one! Behold! Life's glow pervades thy marble cold! Oh, LOVE, thou conqueror all-divine, Embrace each happy child of thine! .
By love are blest the gods on high,-- Frail man becomes a deity When love to him is given; 'Tis love that makes the heavens shine With hues more radiant, more divine, And turns dull earth to heaven! .
The gods their days forever spend In banquets bright that have no end, In one voluptuous morning-dream, And quaff the nectar's golden stream.
Enthroned in awful majesty Kronion wields the bolt on high: In abject fear Olympus rocks When wrathfully he shakes his locks.
To other gods he leaves his throne, And fills, disguised as earth's frail son, The grove with mournful numbers; The thunders rest beneath his feet, And lulled by Leda's kisses sweet, The Giant-Slayer slumbers.
Through the boundless realms of light Phoebus' golden reins, so bright, Guide his horses white as snow, While his darts lay nations low.
But when love and harmony Fill his breast, how willingly Ceases Phoebus then to heed Rattling dart and snow-white steed! See! Before Kronion's spouse Every great immortal bows; Proudly soar the peacock pair As her chariot throne they bear, While she decks with crown of might Her ambrosial tresses bright, Beauteous princess, ah! with fear Quakes before thy splendor, love, Seeking, as he ventures near, With his power thy breast to move! Soon from her immortal throne Heaven's great queen must fain descend, And in prayer for beauty's zone, To the heart-enchainer bend! .
By love are blest the gods on high, Frail man becomes a deity When love to him is given; 'Tis love that makes the heavens shine With hues more radiant, more divine, And turns dull earth to heaven! .
'Tis love illumes the realms of night, For Orcus dark obeys his might, And bows before his magic spell All-kindly looks the king of hell At Ceres' daughter's smile so bright,-- Yes--love illumes the realms of night! In hell were heard, with heavenly sound, Holding in chains its warder bound, Thy lays, O Thracian one! A gentler doom dread Minos passed, While down his cheeks the tears coursed fast And e'en around Megaera's face The serpents twined in fond embrace, The lashes' work seemed done.
Driven by Orpheus' lyre away, The vulture left his giant-prey [8]; With gentler motion rolled along Dark Lethe and Cocytus' river, Enraptured Thracian, by thy song,-- And love its burden was forever! By love are blest the gods on high, Frail man becomes a deity When love to him is given; 'Tis love that makes the heavens shine With hues more radiant, more divine, And turns dull earth to heaven! .
Wherever Nature's sway extends, The fragrant balm of love descends, His golden pinions quiver; If 'twere not Venus' eye that gleams Upon me in the moon's soft beams, In sunlit hill or river,-- If 'twere not Venus smiles on me From yonder bright and starry sea, Not stars, not sun, not moonbeams sweet, Could make my heart with rapture beat.
'Tis love alone that smilingly Peers forth from Nature's blissful eye, As from a mirror ever! Love bids the silvery streamlet roll More gently as it sighs along, And breathes a living, feeling soul In Philomel's sweet plaintive song; 'Tis love alone that fills the air With streams from Nature's lute so fair.
Thou wisdom with the glance of fire, Thou mighty goddess, now retire, Love's power thou now must feel! To victor proud, to monarch high, Thou ne'er hast knelt in slavery,-- To love thou now must kneel! Who taught thee boldly how to climb The steep, but starry path sublime, And reach the seats immortal? Who rent the mystic veil in twain, And showed thee the Elysian plain Beyond death's gloomy portal? If love had beckoned not from high, Had we gained immortality? If love had not inflamed each thought, Had we the master spirit sought? 'Tis love that guides the soul along To Nature's Father's heavenly throne By love are blest the gods on high, Frail man becomes a deity When love to him is given; 'Tis love that makes the heavens shine With hues more radiant, more divine, And turns dull earth to heaven!
Written by William Topaz McGonagall | Create an image from this poem

Beautiful Crief

 Ye lovers of the picturesque, if ye wish to drown your grief,
Take my advice, and visit the ancient town of Crieff;
The climate is bracing, and the walks lovely to see.
Besides, ye can ramble over the district, and view the beautiful scenery.
The town is admirably situated from the cold winter winds, And the visitors, during their stay there, great comfort finds, Because there is boating and fishing, and admission free, Therefore they can enjoy themselves right merrily.
There is also golf courses, tennis greens, and good roads, Which will make the travelling easier to tourists with great loads, And which will make the bicyclists' hearts feel gay, Because they have everything there to make an enjoyable holiday.
The principal river there is the Earn, rolling on its way, And which flows from Loch Earn, and joins the silvery Tay Above Newburgh, after a course of more than thirty miles; And as the tourist views the scene with joy he smiles.
The princely domain of Drummond Castle is most beautiful to be seen, Especially when the woody landscape is blown full green, And from the entrance gate to the castle an avenue extends all the way, And to view the branches of the frees interlacing makes the heart feel gay.
Drummond Castle's flowery gardens are really very grand; They cannot be surpassed in Great Britain, And in the summer-time the bee and the butterfly are there on the wing, And with the carolling of birds the gardens doth ring.
And from Knock Hill on the north and west, The view from its summit is considered the best; Because the Grampians and the Ochils can be seen, While the beautiful rich fertile valley lies between.
And there are many seats where the weary traveller can rest, And there is also a fountain of water, the very best, While visitors can drink of while resting there, And gaze on the magnificent scenery and inhale the pure air.
Then there's Lady Mary's Walk near the Bridge of Turret, Which I hope visitors will go and see and not forget, Because near by grows a magnificent oak most lovely to see, Which is known by the name of Eppie Callum's Tree.
And at each end of this walk the visitors can ascend Laggan Hill, And as they view the woods and fields with joy their hearts And they will find seats plenteous on this elevated bower, On which they may rest and wile away the hour.
The Hydropathic is situated on an eminence most grand, And is one of the largest buildings in fair Scotland; And capable of accommodating five hundred visitors, who often call there, To recuperate their health and breathe the fragrant air.
Then there's Abercairny, which is most beautiful to view, And Her Majesty the Queen visited the grounds in 1842; And the park and the trees has the aspect of a southern scene, And the lovely appearance of it gladdened the heart of our Queen.
Then there's the village of Foulis, which tourists ought to see, Because the scenery there is charming and pretty; And there's a sycamore tree there that was planted 300 years ago, And I'm sure the sight thereof will please both high and low.
Therefore, in conclusion, to all lovers of the beautiful I will say, If ye really wish to spend an enjoyable holiday, I would recommend Crieff for lovely scenery and pure air; Besides, the climate gives health to many visitors during their stay there.
Written by Robert William Service | Create an image from this poem

The Soldier Of Fortune

 "Deny your God!" they ringed me with their spears;
Blood-crazed were they, and reeking from the strife;
Hell-hot their hate, and venom-fanged their sneers,
And one man spat on me and nursed a knife.
And there was I, sore wounded and alone, I, the last living of my slaughtered band.
Oh sinister the sky, and cold as stone! In one red laugh of horror reeled the land.
And dazed and desperate I faced their spears, And like a flame out-leaped that naked knife, And like a serpent stung their bitter jeers: "Deny your God, and we will give you life.
" Deny my God! Oh life was very sweet! And it is hard in youth and hope to die; And there my comrades dear lay at my feet, And in that blear of blood soon must I lie.
And yet .
I almost laughed -- it seemed so odd, For long and long had I not vainly tried To reason out and body forth my God, And prayed for light, and doubted -- and denied: Denied the Being I could not conceive, Denied a life-to-be beyond the grave.
And now they ask me, who do not believe, Just to deny, to voice my doubt, to save This life of mine that sings so in the sun, The bloom of youth yet red upon my cheek, My only life! -- O fools! 'tis easy done, I will deny .
and yet I do not speak.
"Deny your God!" their spears are all agleam, And I can see their eyes with blood-lust shine; Their snarling voices shrill into a scream, And, mad to slay, they quiver for the sign.
Deny my God! yes, I could do it well; Yet if I did, what of my race, my name? How they would spit on me, these dogs of hell! Spurn me, and put on me the brand of shame.
A white man's honour! what of that, I say? Shall these black curs cry "Coward" in my face? They who would perish for their gods of clay -- Shall I defile my country and my race? My country! what's my country to me now? Soldier of Fortune, free and far I roam; All men are brothers in my heart, I vow; The wide and wondrous world is all my home.
My country! reverent of her splendid Dead, Her heroes proud, her martyrs pierced with pain: For me her puissant blood was vainly shed; For me her drums of battle beat in vain, And free I fare, half-heedless of her fate: No faith, no flag I owe -- then why not seek This last loop-hole of life? Why hesitate? I will deny .
and yet I do not speak.
"Deny your God!" their spears are poised on high, And tense and terrible they wait the word; And dark and darker glooms the dreary sky, And in that hush of horror no thing stirred.
Then, through the ringing terror and sheer hate Leaped there a vision to me -- Oh, how far! A face, Her face .
through all my stormy fate A joy, a strength, a glory and a star.
Beneath the pines, where lonely camp-fires gleam, In seas forlorn, amid the deserts drear, How I had gladdened to that face of dream! And never, never had it seemed so dear.
O silken hair that veils the sunny brow! O eyes of grey, so tender and so true! O lips of smiling sweetness! must I now For ever and for ever go from you? Ah, yes, I must .
for if I do this thing, How can I look into your face again? Knowing you think me more than half a king, I with my craven heart, my honour slain.
No! no! my mind's made up.
I gaze above, Into that sky insensate as a stone; Not for my creed, my country, but my Love Will I stand up and meet my death alone.
Then though it be to utter dark I sink, The God that dwells in me is not denied; "Best" triumphs over "Beast", -- and so I think Humanity itself is glorified.
"And now, my butchers, I embrace my fate.
Come! let my heart's blood slake the thirsty sod.
Curst be the life you offer! Glut your hate! Strike! Strike, you dogs! I'll not deny my God.
" I saw the spears that seemed a-leap to slay, All quiver earthward at the headman's nod; And in a daze of dream I heard him say: "Go, set him free who serves so well his God!"

Written by Algernon Charles Swinburne | Create an image from this poem


 CHILD, when they say that others
Have been or are like you,
Babes fit to be your brothers,
Sweet human drops of dew,
Bright fruit of mortal mothers,
What should one say or do?

We know the thought is treason,
We feel the dream absurd;
A claim rebuked of reason,
That withers at a word:
For never shone the season
That bore so blithe a bird.
Some smiles may seem as merry, Some glances gleam as wise, From lips as like a cherry And scarce less gracious eyes; Eyes browner than a berry, Lips red as morning's rise.
But never yet rang laughter So sweet in gladdened ears Through wall and floor and rafter As all this household hears And rings response thereafter Till cloudiest weather clears.
When those your chosen of all men, Whose honey never cloys, Two lights whose smiles enthrall men, Were called at your age boys, Those mighty men, while small men, Could make no merrier noise.
Our Shakespeare, surely, daffed not More lightly pain aside From radiant lips that quaffed not Of forethought's tragic tide: Our Dickens, doubtless, laughed not More loud with life's first pride.
The dawn were not more cheerless With neither light nor dew Than we without the fearless Clear laugh that thrills us through: If ever child stood peerless, Love knows that child is you.
Written by Joyce Kilmer | Create an image from this poem

Citizen of the World

 No longer of Him be it said
"He hath no place to lay His head.
" In every land a constant lamp Flames by His small and mighty camp.
There is no strange and distant place That is not gladdened by His face.
And every nation kneels to hail The Splendour shining through Its veil.
Cloistered beside the shouting street, Silent, He calls me to His feet.
Imprisoned for His love of me He makes my spirit greatly free.
And through my lips that uttered sin The King of Glory enters in.
Written by Emily Dickinson | Create an image from this poem

Dreams -- are well -- but Wakings better

 Dreams -- are well -- but Waking's better,
If One wake at morn --
If One wake at Midnight -- better --
Dreaming -- of the Dawn --

Sweeter -- the Surmising Robins --
Never gladdened Tree --
Than a Solid Dawn -- confronting --
Leading to no Day --
Written by John Berryman | Create an image from this poem

Dream Song 62: That dark brown rabbit lightness in his ears

 That dark brown rabbit, lightness in his ears
& underneath, gladdened our afternoon
munching a crab-'.
That rabbit was a fraud, like a black bull prudent I admired in Zaragoza, who certainly was brave as a demon but would not charge, being willing not to die.
The rabbit's case, a little different, consisted in alert & wily looks down the lawn, where nobody was, with prickt ears, while rapt but chatting on the porch we sat in view nearby.
Then went he mildly by, and around behind my cabin, and when I followed, there he just sat.
Only at last he turned down around, passing my wife at four feet and hopped the whole lawn and made thro' the hedge for the big house.
—Mr Bones, we all brutes & fools.
Written by Emile Verhaeren | Create an image from this poem

The wistaria is faded

The wistaria is faded and the hawthorn dead; but this is the season of the heather in flower, and on this calm and gentle evening the caressing wind brings you the perfumes of poor Campine.
Love them and breathe them in while brooding over its fate; its soil is bare and harsh and the wind wars on it; pools make their holes in it; the sand preys on it, and the little left to it, it yet gives.
Once in autumn, we lived with it, with its plain and its woods, with its rain and its sky, even to December when the Christmas angels crossed its legend with mighty strokes of their wings.
Your heart became more steadfast there, simpler and more human; we loved the people of its old villages, and the women who spoke to us of their great age and of spinning-wheels fallen from use, worn out by their hands.
Our calm house on the misty heath was bright to look upon and ready in its welcome; and dear to us were its roof and its door and its threshold and its hearth blackened by the smoky peat.
When night spread out its total splendour over the vast and pale and innumerable somnolence, the silence taught us lessons, the glow of which our soul has never forgotten.
Because we felt more lonely in the vast plain, the dawns and the evenings sank more deeply into us; our eyes were franker, our hearts were gentler and filled to the brim with the fervour of the world.
We found happiness by not asking for it; even the sadness of the days was good for us, and the few sun-rays of that end of autumn gladdened us all the more because they seemed weak and tired.
The wistaria is faded and the hawthorn dead; but this is the season of the heather in flower. This evening, remember, and let the caressing wind bring you the perfumes of poor Campine.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things