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Best Famous Driveways Poems

Here is a collection of the all-time best famous Driveways poems. This is a select list of the best famous Driveways poetry. Reading, writing, and enjoying famous Driveways poetry (as well as classical and contemporary poems) is a great past time. These top poems are the best examples of driveways poems.

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Written by Allen Ginsberg | Create an image from this poem

A Supermarket in California

What thoughts I have of you tonight, Walt Whit- 
man, for I walked down the sidestreets under the trees 
with a headache self-conscious looking at the full moon.
In my hungry fatigue, and shopping for images, I went into the neon fruit supermarket, dreaming of your enumerations! What peaches and what penumbras! Whole fam- ilies shopping at night! Aisles full of husbands! Wives in the avocados, babies in the tomatoes!--and you, Garcia Lorca, what were you doing down by the watermelons? I saw you, Walt Whitman, childless, lonely old grubber, poking among the meats in the refrigerator and eyeing the grocery boys.
I heard you asking questions of each: Who killed the pork chops? What price bananas? Are you my Angel? I wandered in and out of the brilliant stacks of cans following you, and followed in my imagination by the store detective.
We strode down the open corridors together in our solitary fancy tasting artichokes, possessing every frozen delicacy, and never passing the cashier.
Where are we going, Walt Whitman? The doors close in an hour.
Which way does your beard point tonight? (I touch your book and dream of our odyssey in the supermarket and feel absurd.
) Will we walk all night through solitary streets? The trees add shade to shade, lights out in the houses, we'll both be lonely.
Will we stroll dreaming ofthe lost America of love past blue automobiles in driveways, home to our silent cottage? Ah, dear father, graybeard, lonely old courage- teacher, what America did you have when Charon quit poling his ferry and you got out on a smoking bank and stood watching the boat disappear on the black waters of Lethe?

Written by Margaret Atwood | Create an image from this poem

The City Planners

 Cruising these residential Sunday
streets in dry August sunlight:
what offends us is
the sanities:
the houses in pedantic rows, the planted
sanitary trees, assert
levelness of surface like a rebuke
to the dent in our car door.
No shouting here, or shatter of glass; nothing more abrupt than the rational whine of a power mower cutting a straight swath in the discouraged grass.
But though the driveways neatly sidestep hysteria by being even, the roofs all display the same slant of avoidance to the hot sky, certain things: the smell of spilled oil a faint sickness lingering in the garages, a splash of paint on brick surprising as a bruise, a plastic hose poised in a vicious coil; even the too-fixed stare of the wide windows give momentary access to the landscape behind or under the future cracks in the plaster when the houses, capsized, will slide obliquely into the clay seas, gradual as glaciers that right now nobody notices.
That is where the City Planners with the insane faces of political conspirators are scattered over unsurveyed territories, concealed from each other, each in his own private blizzard; guessing directions, they sketch transitory lines rigid as wooden borders on a wall in the white vanishing air tracing the panic of suburb order in a bland madness of snows
Written by Stephen Dunn | Create an image from this poem


 A woman's taking her late-afternoon walk
on Chestnut where no sidewalk exists
and houses with gravel driveways
sit back among the pines.
Only the house with the vicious dog is close to the road.
An electric fence keeps him in check.
When she comes to that house, the woman always crosses to the other side.
I'm the woman's husband.
It's a problem loving your protagonist too much.
Soon the dog is going to break through that fence, teeth bared, and go for my wife.
She will be helpless.
I'm out of town, helpless too.
Here comes the dog.
What kind of dog? A mad dog, a dog like one of those teenagers who just loses it on the playground, kills a teacher.
Something's going to happen that can't happen in a good story: out of nowhere a car comes and kills the dog.
The dog flies in the air, lands in a patch of delphiniums.
My wife is crying now.
The woman who hit the dog has gotten out of her car.
She holds both hands to her face.
The woman who owns the dog has run out of her house.
Three women crying in the street, each for different reasons.
All of this is so unlikely; it's as if I've found myself in a country of pure fact, miles from truth's more demanding realm.
When I listened to my wife's story on the phone I knew I'd take it from her, tell it every which way until it had an order and a deceptive period at the end.
That's what I always do in the face of helplessness, make some arrangements if I can.
Praise the odd, serendipitous world.
Nothing I'd be inclined to think of would have stopped that dog.
Only the facts saved her.
Written by John Betjeman | Create an image from this poem

An Edwardian Sunday Broomhill Sheffield

 High dormers are rising
So sharp and surprising,
And ponticum edges
The driveways of gravel;
Stone houses from ledges
Look down on ravines.
The vision can travel From gable to gable, Italianate mansion And turretted stable, A sylvan expansion So varied and jolly Where laurel and holly Commingle their greens.
Serene on a Sunday The sun glitters hotly O'er mills that on Monday With engines will hum.
By tramway excursion To Dore and to Totley In search of diversion The millworkers come; But in our arboreta The sounds are discreeter Of shoes upon stone - The worshippers wending To welcoming chapel, Companioned or lone; And over a pew there See loveliness lean, As Eve shows her apple Through rich bombazine; What love is born new there In blushing eighteen! Your prospects will please her, The iron-king's daughter, Up here on Broomhill; Strange Hallamshire, County Of dearth and of bounty, Of brown tumbling water And furnace and mill.
Your own Ebenezer Looks down from his height On back street and alley And chemical valley Laid out in the light; On ugly and pretty Where industry thrives In this hill-shadowed city Of razors and knives.
Written by Paul Laurence Dunbar | Create an image from this poem


 FOLKS ain't got no right to censuah othah folks about dey habits;
Him dat giv' de squir'ls de bushtails made de bobtails fu' de rabbits.
Him dat built de gread big mountains hollered out de little valleys, Him dat made de streets an' driveways wasn't shamed to make de alleys.
We is all constructed diff'ent, d'ain't no two of us de same; We cain't he'p ouah likes an' dislikes, ef we'se bad we ain't to blame.
Ef we'se good, we need n't show off, case you bet it ain't ouah doin' We gits into su'ttain channels dat we jes' cain't he'p pu'suin'.
But we all fits into places dat no othah ones could fill, An' we does the things we has to, big er little, good er ill.
John cain't tek de place o' Henry, Su an' Sally ain't alike; Bass ain't nuthin' like a suckah, chub ain't nuthin' like a pike.
When you come to think about it, how it's all planned out it's splendid.
Nuthin's done er evah happens, 'dout hit's somefin' dat's intended; Don't keer whut you does, you has to, an' hit sholy beats de dickens,-- Viney, go put on de kittle, I got one o' mastah's chickens.

Written by Philip Levine | Create an image from this poem

Where We Live Now


We live here because the houses 
are clean, the lawns run 
right to the street 

and the streets run away.
No one walks here.
No one wakens at night or dies.
The cars sit open-eyed in the driveways.
The lights are on all day.
2 At home forever, she has removed her long foreign names that stained her face like hair.
She smiles at you, and you think tears will start from the corners of her mouth.
Such a look of tenderness, you look away.
She's your sister.
Quietly she says, You're a ****, I'll get you for it.
3 Money's the same, he says.
He brings it home in white slabs that smell like soap.
Throws them down on the table as though he didn't care.
The children hear and come in from play glowing like honey and so hungry.
4 With it all we have such a talent for laughing.
We can laugh at anything.
And we forget no one.
She listens to mother on the phone, and he remembers the exact phrasing of a child's sorrows, the oaths taken by bear and tiger never to forgive.
5 On Sunday we're having a party.
The children are taken away in a black Dodge, their faces erased from the mirrors.
Outside a scum is forming on the afternoon.
A car parks but no one gets out.
Brother is loading the fridge.
Sister is polishing and spraying herself.
Today we're having a party.
6 For fun we talk about you.
Everything's better for being said.
That's a rule.
This is going to be some long night, she says.
How could you? How could you? For the love of mother, he says.
There will be no dawn until the laughing stops.
Even the pines are burning in the dark.
7 Why do you love me? he says.
You're best to me, she purrs.
In the kitchen, in the closets, behind the doors, above the toilets, the calendars are eating it up.
One blackened one watches you like another window.
Why are you listening? it says.
8 No one says, There's a war.
No one says, Children are burning.
No one says, Bizniz as usual.
But you have to take it all back.
You have to hunt through your socks and dirty underwear and crush each word.
If you're serious you have to sit in the corner and eat ten new dollars.
9 Whose rifles are brooding in the closet? What are the bolts whispering back and forth? And the pyramids of ammunition, so many hungry mouths to feed.
When you hide in bed the revolver under the pillow smiles and shows its teeth.
10 On the last night the children waken from the same dream of leaves burning.
Two girls in the dark knowing there are no wolves or bad men in the room.
Only electricity on the loose, the television screaming at itself, the dishwasher tearing its heart out.
11 We're going away.
The house is too warm.
We disconnect the telephone.
Bones, cans, broken dolls, bronzed shoes, ground down to face powder.
Burn the toilet paper collected in the basement.
Take back the bottles.
The back stairs are raining glass.
Cancel the milk.
12 You may go now, says Cupboard.
I won't talk, says Clock.
Your bag is black and waiting.
How can you leave your house? The stove hunches its shoulders, the kitchen table stares at the sky.
You're heaving yourself out in the snow groping toward the front door.
Written by Paul Laurence Dunbar | Create an image from this poem


Folks ain't got no right to censuah othah folks about dey habits;
Him dat giv' de squir'ls de bushtails made de bobtails fu' de rabbits.
Him dat built de gread big mountains hollered out de little valleys,
Him dat made de streets an' driveways wasn't shamed to make de alleys.
We is all constructed diff'ent, d'ain't no two of us de same;
We cain't he'p ouah likes an' dislikes, ef we'se bad we ain't to blame.
Ef we 'se good, we need n't show off, case you bet it ain't ouah doin'
We gits into su'ttain channels dat we jes' cain't he'p pu'suin'.
But we all fits into places dat no othah ones could fill,
An' we does the things we has to, big er little, good er ill.
John cain't tek de place o' Henry, Su an' Sally ain't alike;
Bass ain't nuthin' like a suckah, chub ain't nuthin' like a pike.[Pg 6]
When you come to think about it, how it 's all planned out it 's splendid.
Nuthin 's done er evah happens, 'dout hit 's somefin' dat 's intended;
Don't keer whut you does, you has to, an' hit sholy beats de dickens,—
Viney, go put on de kittle, I got one o' mastah's chickens.

Book: Shattered Sighs