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Best Famous Destroying Poems

Here is a collection of the all-time best famous Destroying poems. This is a select list of the best famous Destroying poetry. Reading, writing, and enjoying famous Destroying poetry (as well as classical and contemporary poems) is a great past time. These top poems are the best examples of destroying poems.

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Written by Charles Bukowski | Create an image from this poem

His Wife The Painter

 There are sketches on the walls of men and women and ducks,
and outside a large green bus swerves through traffic like
insanity sprung from a waving line; Turgenev, Turgenev,
says the radio, and Jane Austin, Jane Austin, too.
"I am going to do her portrait on the 28th, while you are at work.
" He is just this edge of fat and he walks constantly, he fritters; they have him; they are eating him hollow like a webbed fly, and his eyes are red-suckled with anger-fear.
He feels hatred and discard of the world, sharper than his razor, and his gut-feel hangs like a wet polyp; and he self-decisions himself defeated trying to shake his hung beard from razor in water (like life), not warm enough.
Rue Transonian, le 15 Avril, 1843.
) Paris, Bibliotheque Nationale.
"She has a face unlike that of any woman I have ever known.
" "What is it? A love affair?" "Silly.
I can't love a woman.
Besides, she's pregnant.
" I can paint- a flower eaten by a snake; that sunlight is a lie; and that markets smell of shoes and naked boys clothed, and that under everything some river, some beat, some twist that clambers along the edge of my temple and bites nip-dizzy.
men drive cars and paint their houses, but they are mad; men sit in barber chairs; buy hats.
Recollection of Mortefontaine.
Paris, Louvre.
"I must write Kaiser, though I think he's a homosexual.
" "Are you still reading Freud?" "Page 299.
" She made a little hat and he fastened two snaps under one arm, reaching up from the bed like a long feeler from the snail, and she went to church, and he thought now I h've time and the dog.
About church: the trouble with a mask is it never changes.
So rude the flowers that grow and do not grow beautiful.
So magic the chair on the patio that does not hold legs and belly and arm and neck and mouth that bites into the wind like the ned of a tunnel.
He turned in bed and thought: I am searching for some segment in the air.
It floats about the peoples heads.
When it rains on the trees it sits between the branches warmer and more blood-real than the dove.
Christ Destroying the Cross.
Hanover, Dartmouth College, Baker Library.
He burned away in his sleep.

Written by Edward Field | Create an image from this poem

The Bride of Frankenstein

 The Baron has decided to mate the monster,
to breed him perhaps,
in the interests of pure science, his only god.
So he goes up into his laboratory which he has built in the tower of the castle to be as near the interplanetary forces as possible, and puts together the prettiest monster-woman you ever saw with a body like a pin-up girl and hardly any stitching at all where he sewed on the head of a raped and murdered beauty queen.
He sets his liquids burping, and coils blinking and buzzing, and waits for an electric storm to send through the equipment the spark vital for life.
The storm breaks over the castle and the equipment really goes crazy like a kitchen full of modern appliances as the lightning juice starts oozing right into that pretty corpse.
He goes to get the monster so he will be right there when she opens her eyes, for she might fall in love with the first thing she sees as ducklings do.
That monster is already straining at his chains and slurping, ready to go right to it: He has been well prepared for coupling by his pinching leering keeper who's been saying for weeks, "Ya gonna get a little nookie, kid," or "How do you go for some poontang, baby?" All the evil in him is focused on this one thing now as he is led into her very presence.
She awakens slowly, she bats her eyes, she gets up out of the equipment, and finally she stands in all her seamed glory, a monster princess with a hairdo like a fright wig, lightning flashing in the background like a halo and a wedding veil, like a photographer snapping pictures of great moments.
She stands and stares with her electric eyes, beginning to understand that in this life too she was just another body to be raped.
The monster is ready to go: He roars with joy at the sight of her, so they let him loose and he goes right for those knockers.
And she starts screaming to break your heart and you realize that she was just born: In spite of her big **** she was just a baby.
But her instincts are right -- rather death than that green slobber: She jumps off the parapet.
And then the monster's sex drive goes wild.
Thwarted, it turns to violence, demonstrating sublimation crudely; and he wrecks the lab, those burping acids and buzzing coils, overturning the control panel so the equipment goes off like a bomb, and the stone castle crumbles and crashes in the storm destroying them all .
Perhaps somehow the Baron got out of that wreckage of his dreams with his evil intact, if not his good looks, and more wicked than ever went on with his thrilling career.
And perhaps even the monster lived to roam the earth, his desire still ungratified; and lovers out walking in shadowy and deserted places will see his shape loom up over them, their doom -- and children sleeping in their beds will wake up in the dark night screaming as his hideous body grabs them.
Written by Kahlil Gibran | Create an image from this poem

Song of Love XXIV

 I am the lover's eyes, and the spirit's 
Wine, and the heart's nourishment.
I am a rose.
My heart opens at dawn and The virgin kisses me and places me Upon her breast.
I am the house of true fortune, and the Origin of pleasure, and the beginning Of peace and tranquility.
I am the gentle Smile upon his lips of beauty.
When youth Overtakes me he forgets his toil, and his Whole life becomes reality of sweet dreams.
I am the poet's elation, And the artist's revelation, And the musician's inspiration.
I am a sacred shrine in the heart of a Child, adored by a merciful mother.
I appear to a heart's cry; I shun a demand; My fullness pursues the heart's desire; It shuns the empty claim of the voice.
I appeared to Adam through Eve And exile was his lot; Yet I revealed myself to Solomon, and He drew wisdom from my presence.
I smiled at Helena and she destroyed Tarwada; Yet I crowned Cleopatra and peace dominated The Valley of the Nile.
I am like the ages -- building today And destroying tomorrow; I am like a god, who creates and ruins; I am sweeter than a violet's sigh; I am more violent than a raging tempest.
Gifts alone do not entice me; Parting does not discourage me; Poverty does not chase me; Jealousy does not prove my awareness; Madness does not evidence my presence.
Oh seekers, I am Truth, beseeching Truth; And your Truth in seeking and receiving And protecting me shall determine my Behavior.
Written by Amy Levy | Create an image from this poem


 The lion remembers the forest,
The lion in chains;
To the bird that is captive a vision
Of woodland remains.
One strains with his strength at the fetter, In impotent rage; One flutters in flights of a moment, And beats at the cage.
If the lion were loosed from the fetter, To wander again; He would seek the wide silence and shadow Of his jungle in vain.
He would rage in his fury, destroying; Let him rage, let him roam! Shall he traverse the pitiless mountain, Or swim through the foam? If they opened the cage and the casement, And the bird flew away; He would come back at evening, heartbroken, A captive for aye.
Would come if his kindred had spared him, Free birds from afar-- There was wrought what is stronger than iron In fetter and bar.
I cannot remember my country, The land whence I came; Whence they brought me and chained me and made me Nor wild thing nor tame.
This only I know of my country, This only repeat :-- It was free as the forest, and sweeter Than woodland retreat.
When the chain shall at last be broken, The window set wide; And I step in the largeness and freedom Of sunlight outside ; Shall I wander in vain for my country? Shall I seek and not find? Shall I cry for the bars that encage me The fetters that bind?
Written by John Dryden | Create an image from this poem

Alexanders Feast; Or The Power Of Music

 'Twas at the royal feast for Persia won
By Philip's warlike son— 
Aloft in awful state
The godlike hero sate
On his imperial throne;
His valiant peers were placed around,
Their brows with roses and with myrtles bound
(So should desert in arms be crowned);
The lovely Thais by his side
Sate like a blooming eastern bride
In flower of youth and beauty's pride:— 
Happy, happy, happy pair!
None but the brave
None but the brave
None but the brave deserves the fair!

Timotheus placed on high
Amid the tuneful quire
With flying fingers touched the lyre;
The trembling notes ascend the sky
And heavenly joys inspire.
The song began from Jove Who left his blissful seats above— Such is the power of mighty love! A dragon's fiery form belied the god Sublime on radiant spires he rode When he to fair Olympia prest, And while he sought her snowy breast, Then round her slender waist he curled, And stamped an image of himself, a sovereign of the world.
- The listening crowd admire the lofty sound! A present deity! they shout around: A present deity! the vaulted roofs rebound! With ravished ears The monarch hears, Assumes the god, Affects to nod, And seems to shake the spheres.
The praise of Bacchus then the sweet musician sung, Of Bacchus ever fair and ever young: The jolly god in triumph comes! Sound the trumpets, beat the drums! Flushed with a purple grace He shows his honest face: Now give the hautboys breath; he comes, he comes! Bacchus, ever fair and young, Drinking joys did first ordain; Bacchus' blessings are a treasure, Drinking is the soldier's pleasure: Rich the treasure, Sweet the pleasure, Sweet is pleasure after pain.
Soothed with the sound, the king grew vain; Fought all his battles o'er again, And thrice he routed all his foes, and thrice he slew the slain.
The master saw the madness rise, His glowing cheeks, his ardent eyes; And while he Heaven and Earth defied Changed his hand and checked his pride.
He chose a mournful Muse Soft pity to infuse: He sung Darius great and good, By too severe a fate Fallen, fallen, fallen, fallen, Fallen from his high estate, And weltering in his blood; Deserted, at his utmost need, By those his former bounty fed; On the bare earth exposed he lies With not a friend to close his eyes.
- With downcast looks the joyless victor sate, Revolving in his altered soul The various turns of Chance below; And now and then a sigh he stole, And tears began to flow.
The mighty master smiled to see That love was in the next degree; 'Twas but a kindred-sound to move, For pity melts the mind to love.
Softly sweet, in Lydian measures Soon he soothed his soul to pleasures.
War, he sung, is toil and trouble, Honour but an empty bubble; Never ending, still beginning, Fighting still, and still destroying; If the world be worth thy winning, Think, O think, it worth enjoying: Lovely Thais sits beside thee, Take the good the gods provide thee! - The many rend the skies with loud applause; So Love was crowned, but Music won the cause.
The prince, unable to conceal his pain, Gazed on the fair Who caused his care, And sighed and looked, sighed and looked, Sighed and looked, and sighed again: At length with love and wine at once opprest The vanquished victor sunk upon her breast.
Now strike the golden lyre again: A louder yet, and yet a louder strain! Break his bands of sleep asunder And rouse him like a rattling peal of thunder.
Hark, hark! the horrid sound Has raised up his head: As awaked from the dead And amazed he stares around.
Revenge, revenge, Timotheus cries, See the Furies arisel See the snakes that they rear How they hiss in their hair, And the sparkles that flash from their eyes! Behold a ghastly band, Each a torch in his hand! Those are Grecian ghosts, that in battle were slain And unburied remain Inglorious on the plain: Give the vengeance due To the valiant crew! Behold how they toss their torches on high, How they point to the Persian abodes And glittering temples of their hostile gods.
- The princes applaud with a furious joy: And the King seized a flambeau with zeal to destroy; Thais led the way To light him to his prey, And like another Helen, fired another Troy! - Thus, long ago, Ere heaving bellows learned to blow, While organs yet were mute, Timotheus, to his breathing flute And sounding lyre, Could swell the soul to rage, or kindle soft desire.
At last divine Cecilia came, Inventress of the vocal frame; The sweet enthusiast from her sacred store Enlarged the former narrow bounds, And added length to solemn sounds, With Nature's mother-wit, and arts unknown before.
- Let old Timotheus yield the prize Or both divide the crown; He raised a mortal to the skies; She drew an angel down!

Written by Phillis Wheatley | Create an image from this poem

On The Death Of J. C. An Infant

 NO more the flow'ry scenes of pleasure rife,
Nor charming prospects greet the mental eyes,
No more with joy we view that lovely face
Smiling, disportive, flush'd with ev'ry grace.
The tear of sorrow flows from ev'ry eye, Groans answer groans, and sighs to sighs reply; What sudden pangs shot thro' each aching heart, When, Death, thy messenger dispatch'd his dart? Thy dread attendants, all-destroying Pow'r, Hurried the infant to his mortal hour.
Could'st thou unpitying close those radiant eyes? Or fail'd his artless beauties to surprise? Could not his innocence thy stroke controul, Thy purpose shake, and soften all thy soul? The blooming babe, with shades of Death o'er- spread, No more shall smile, no more shall raise its head, But, like a branch that from the tree is torn, Falls prostrate, wither'd, languid, and forlorn.
"Where flies my James?" 'tis thus I seem to hear The parent ask, "Some angel tell me where "He wings his passage thro' the yielding air?" Methinks a cherub bending from the skies Observes the question, and serene replies, "In heav'ns high palaces your babe appears: "Prepare to meet him, and dismiss your tears.
" Shall not th' intelligence your grief restrain, And turn the mournful to the cheerful strain? Cease your complaints, suspend each rising sigh, Cease to accuse the Ruler of the sky.
Parents, no more indulge the falling tear: Let Faith to heav'n's refulgent domes repair, There see your infant, like a seraph glow: What charms celestial in his numbers flow Melodious, while the foul-enchanting strain Dwells on his tongue, and fills th' ethereal plain? Enough--for ever cease your murm'ring breath; Not as a foe, but friend converse with Death, Since to the port of happiness unknown He brought that treasure which you call your own.
The gift of heav'n intrusted to your hand Cheerful resign at the divine command: Not at your bar must sov'reign Wisdom stand.
Written by Louis Untermeyer | Create an image from this poem


What nudity is beautiful as this
Obedient monster purring at its toil;
These naked iron muscles dripping oil
And the sure-fingered rods that never miss.
This long and shining flank of metal is
Magic that greasy labor cannot spoil;
While this vast engine that could rend the soil
Conceals its fury with a gentle hiss.

It does not vent its loathing, does not turn
Upon its makers with destroying hate.
It bears a deeper malice; lives to earn
Its master's bread and laughs to see this great
Lord of the earth, who rules but cannot learn,
Become the slave of what his slaves create.
Written by William Topaz McGonagall | Create an image from this poem

The Destroying Angel

 I dreamt a dream the other night
That an Angel appeared to me, clothed in white.
Oh! it was a beautiful sight, Such as filled my heart with delight.
And in her hand she held a flaming brand, Which she waved above her head most grand; And on me she glared with love-beaming eyes, Then she commanded me from my bed to arise.
And in a sweet voice she said, "You must follow me, And in a short time you shall see The destruction of all the public-houses in the city, Which is, my friend, the God of Heaven's decree.
" Then from my bed in fear I arose, And quickly donned on my clothes; And when that was done she said, " Follow me Direct to the High Street, fearlessly.
" So with the beautiful Angel away I did go, And when we arrived at the High Street, Oh! what a show, I suppose there were about five thousand men there, All vowing vengeance against the publicans, I do declare.
Then the Angel cried with a solemn voice aloud To that vast end Godly assembled crowd, "Gentlemen belonging the fair City of Dundee, Remember I have been sent here by God to warn ye.
"That by God's decree ye must take up arms and follow me And wreck all the public-houses in this fair City, Because God cannot countenance such dens of iniquity.
Therefore, friends of God, come, follow me.
"Because God has said there's no use preaching against strong drink, Therefore, by taking up arms against it, God does think, That is the only and the effectual cure To banish it from the land, He is quite sure.
"Besides, it has been denounced in Dundee for fifty years By the friends of Temperance, while oft they have shed tears.
Therefore, God thinks there's no use denouncing it any longer, Because the more that's said against it seemingly it grows stronger.
" And while the Angel was thus addressing the people, The Devil seemed to be standing on the Townhouse Steeple, Foaming at the mouth with rage, and seemingly much annoyed, And kicking the Steeple because the public-houses wore going to be destroyed.
Then the Angel cried, " Satan, avaunt! begone!" Then he vanished in the flame, to the amazement of everyone; And waving aloft the flaming brand, That she carried in her right hand She cried, "Now, friends of the Temperance cause, follow me: For remember if's God's high decree To destroy all the public-houses in this fair City; Therefore, friends of God, let's commence this war immediately.
" Then from the High Street we all did retire, As the Angel, sent by God, did desire; And along the Perth Road we all did go, While the Angel set fire to the public-houses along that row.
And when the Perth Road public-houses were fired, she cried, " Follow me, And next I'll fire the Hawkhill public-houses instantly.
" Then away we went with the Angel, without dread or woe, And she fired the IEawkhill public-houses as onward we did go.
Then she cried, "Let's on to the Scouringburn, in God's name.
" And away to the Scouringburn we went, with our hearts aflame, As the destroying Angel did command.
And when there she fired the public-houses, which looked very grand.
And when the public-houses there were blazing like a kiln, She cried, " Now, my friends, we'll march to the Bonnet Hill, And we'll fire the dens of iniquity without dismay, Therefore let's march on, my friends, without delay.
" And when we arrived at the Bonnet Hill, The Angel fired the public-houses, as she did well.
Then she cried, "We'll leave them now to their fate, And march on to the Murraygate.
" Then we marched on to the Murraygate, And the Angel fired the public-houses there, a most deserving fate.
Then to the High Street we marched and fired them there, Which was a most beautiful blaze, I do declare.
And on the High Street, old men and women were gathered there, And as the flames ascended upwards, in amazement they did stare When they saw the public-houses in a blaze, But they clapped their hands with joy and to God gave praise.
Then the Angel cried, "Thank God, Christ's Kingdom's near at hand, And there will soon be peace and plenty throughout the land, And the ravages of the demon Drink no more will be seen.
" But, alas, I started up in bed, and behold it was a dream!
Written by Delmore Schwartz | Create an image from this poem

Far Rockaway

 "the cure of souls.
" Henry James The radiant soda of the seashore fashions Fun, foam and freedom.
The sea laves The Shaven sand.
And the light sways forward On self-destroying waves.
The rigor of the weekday is cast aside with shoes, With business suits and traffic's motion; The lolling man lies with the passionate sun, Or is drunken in the ocean.
A socialist health take should of the adult, He is stripped of his class in the bathing-suit, He returns to the children digging at summer, A melon-like fruit.
O glittering and rocking and bursting and blue -Eternities of sea and sky shadow no pleasure: Time unheard moves and the heart of man is eaten Consummately at leisure.
The novelist tangential on the boardwalk overhead Seeks his cure of souls in his own anxious gaze.
"Here," he says, "With whom?" he asks, "This?" he questions, "What tedium, what blaze?" "What satisfaction, fruit? What transit, heaven? Criminal? justified? arrived at what June?" That nervous conscience amid the concessions Is haunting, haunted moon.
Written by Isaac Watts | Create an image from this poem

Hymn 155

 Christ our passover.
Lo, the destroying angel flies To Pharaoh's stubborn land; The pride and flower of Egypt dies By his vindictive hand.
He passed the tents of Jacob o'er, Nor poured the wrath divine; He saw the blood on every door, And blessed the peaceful sign.
Thus the appointed Lamb must bleed, To break the Egyptian yoke; Thus Isr'el is from bondage freed, And 'scapes the angel's stroke.
Lord, if my heart were sprinkled too With blood so rich as thine, Justice no longer would pursue This guilty soul of mine.
Jesus our passover was slain, And has at once procured Freedom from Satan's heavy chain, And God's avenging sword.

Book: Shattered Sighs