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Best Famous Cut Into Poems

Here is a collection of the all-time best famous Cut Into poems. This is a select list of the best famous Cut Into poetry. Reading, writing, and enjoying famous Cut Into poetry (as well as classical and contemporary poems) is a great past time. These top poems are the best examples of cut into poems.

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Written by Adrienne Rich | Create an image from this poem

For the Record

 The clouds and the stars didn't wage this war
the brooks gave no information
if the mountain spewed stones of fire into the river
it was not taking sides
the raindrop faintly swaying under the leaf
had no political opinions

and if here or there a house
filled with backed-up raw sewage
or poisoned those who lived there
with slow fumes, over years
the houses were not at war
nor did the tinned-up buildings

intend to refuse shelter
to homeless old women and roaming children
they had no policy to keep them roaming
or dying, no, the cities were not the problem
the bridges were non-partisan
the freeways burned, but not with hatred

Even the miles of barbed-wire
stretched around crouching temporary huts
designed to keep the unwanted
at a safe distance, out of sight
even the boards that had to absorb
year upon year, so many human sounds

so many depths of vomit, tears
slow-soaking blood
had not offered themselves for this
The trees didn't volunteer to be cut into boards
nor the thorns for tearing flesh
Look around at all of it

and ask whose signature 
is stamped on the orders, traced
in the corner of the building plans
Ask where the illiterate, big-bellied
women were, the drunks and crazies,
the ones you fear most of all: ask where you were.

Written by Robert Frost | Create an image from this poem

The Mountain

 The mountain held the town as in a shadow 
I saw so much before I slept there once: 
I noticed that I missed stars in the west, 
Where its black body cut into the sky.
Near me it seemed: I felt it like a wall Behind which I was sheltered from a wind.
And yet between the town and it I found, When I walked forth at dawn to see new things, Were fields, a river, and beyond, more fields.
The river at the time was fallen away, And made a widespread brawl on cobble-stones; But the signs showed what it had done in spring; Good grass-land gullied out, and in the grass Ridges of sand, and driftwood stripped of bark.
I crossed the river and swung round the mountain.
And there I met a man who moved so slow With white-faced oxen in a heavy cart, It seemed no hand to stop him altogether.
"What town is this?" I asked.
"This? Lunenburg.
" Then I was wrong: the town of my sojourn, Beyond the bridge, was not that of the mountain, But only felt at night its shadowy presence.
"Where is your village? Very far from here?" "There is no village--only scattered farms.
We were but sixty voters last election.
We can't in nature grow to many more: That thing takes all the room!" He moved his goad.
The mountain stood there to be pointed at.
Pasture ran up the side a little way, And then there was a wall of trees with trunks: After that only tops of trees, and cliffs Imperfectly concealed among the leaves.
A dry ravine emerged from under boughs Into the pasture.
"That looks like a path.
Is that the way to reach the top from here?-- Not for this morning, but some other time: I must be getting back to breakfast now.
" "I don't advise your trying from this side.
There is no proper path, but those that have Been up, I understand, have climbed from Ladd's.
That's five miles back.
You can't mistake the place: They logged it there last winter some way up.
I'd take you, but I'm bound the other way.
" "You've never climbed it?" "I've been on the sides Deer-hunting and trout-fishing.
There's a brook That starts up on it somewhere--I've heard say Right on the top, tip-top--a curious thing.
But what would interest you about the brook, It's always cold in summer, warm in winter.
One of the great sights going is to see It steam in winter like an ox's breath, Until the bushes all along its banks Are inch-deep with the frosty spines and bristles-- You know the kind.
Then let the sun shine on it!" "There ought to be a view around the world From such a mountain--if it isn't wooded Clear to the top.
" I saw through leafy screens Great granite terraces in sun and shadow, Shelves one could rest a knee on getting up-- With depths behind him sheer a hundred feet; Or turn and sit on and look out and down, With little ferns in crevices at his elbow.
"As to that I can't say.
But there's the spring, Right on the summit, almost like a fountain.
That ought to be worth seeing.
" "If it's there.
You never saw it?" "I guess there's no doubt About its being there.
I never saw it.
It may not be right on the very top: It wouldn't have to be a long way down To have some head of water from above, And a good distance down might not be noticed By anyone who'd come a long way up.
One time I asked a fellow climbing it To look and tell me later how it was.
" "What did he say?" "He said there was a lake Somewhere in Ireland on a mountain top.
" "But a lake's different.
What about the spring?" "He never got up high enough to see.
That's why I don't advise your trying this side.
He tried this side.
I've always meant to go And look myself, but you know how it is: It doesn't seem so much to climb a mountain You've worked around the foot of all your life.
What would I do? Go in my overalls, With a big stick, the same as when the cows Haven't come down to the bars at milking time? Or with a shotgun for a stray black bear? 'Twouldn't seem real to climb for climbing it.
" "I shouldn't climb it if I didn't want to-- Not for the sake of climbing.
What's its name?" "We call it Hor: I don't know if that's right.
" "Can one walk around it? Would it be too far?" "You can drive round and keep in Lunenburg, But it's as much as ever you can do, The boundary lines keep in so close to it.
Hor is the township, and the township's Hor-- And a few houses sprinkled round the foot, Like boulders broken off the upper cliff, Rolled out a little farther than the rest.
" "Warm in December, cold in June, you say?" "I don't suppose the water's changed at all.
You and I know enough to know it's warm Compared with cold, and cold compared with warm.
But all the fun's in how you say a thing.
" "You've lived here all your life?" "Ever since Hor Was no bigger than a----" What, I did not hear.
He drew the oxen toward him with light touches Of his slim goad on nose and offside flank, Gave them their marching orders and was moving.
Written by Rg Gregory | Create an image from this poem

from crossing the line

 (1) a great man

there was a great man
so great he couldn't be criticised in the light
who died
and for a whole week people turned up their collars over their ears
and wept with great gossiping

houses wore their roofs at a mournful angle
and television announcers carried their eyes around in long drooping bags
there was a hush upon the voice of the land
as soft as the shine on velvet

the whole nation stretched up into the dusty attic for its medals and black ties
 and prayers
and seriously polished its black uncomfortable shoes
and no one dared creak in the wrong places

anybody who thought he was everybody
except those who were nearly dying themselves
wanted to come to the funeral
and in its mourning the nation rejoiced to think
that once again it had cut into the world's time
with its own sick longing for the past

the great man and the great nation
had the same bulldog vision of each other's face
and neither of them had barked convincingly for a very long time

so the nation turned out on a cold bleak day
and attended its own funeral with uncanny reverence
and the other nations put tears over their laughing eyes
v-signs and rude gestures spoke with the same fingers

(2) aden

tourists dream of bombs 
that will not kill them

into the rock
the sand-claws
the winking eye
and harsh shell
of aden

waiting for the pinch

jagged sun
lumps of heat
bumping on the stunned ship
knuckledustered rock
clenched over steamer point

waiting for the sun to stagger
loaded down the hill
before we bunch ashore

eyes within their windows
we walk
(a town must live
must have its acre of normality
let hate sport
its bright shirt in the shadows)
we shop
collect our duty-murdered goods
compare bargains
laugh grieve
at benefit or loss
aden dead-pan
leans against our words
which hand invisible
knows how to print a bomb
ejaculate a knife
does tourist greed embroil us in
or shelter us from guilt

a sailor drunk
gyrates within a wall of adenese
collapses spews
they roll about him
in a dark pool

the sun moves off
as we do

streets squashed with shops
criss-cross of customers
a rush of people nightwards
a white woman
striding like a cliff
dirt - goats in the gutter
crunched beggars
a small to breed a fungus
cafes with open mouths
men like broken teeth
or way back in the dark
like tonsils

an air of shapeless threat
fluffs in our pulse
a boundary crossed
the rules are not the same
brushed by eyes
the touch is silent
silence breeds
we feel the breath of fury
(soon to roar)
retreat within our skins
return to broader streets

bazaars glower
almost at candlelight
we clutch our goods
a dim delusion of festivity
a christ neurotic
dying to explode

how much of this is aden
how much our masterpiece
all atmospheres are inbuilt

an armoured car looms by

the ship like mother
brooding in the sea
receives us with a sigh
aden winks and ogles in the dark
the sport of hate released

slowly away at midnight
rumours of bombs and riots
in the long wake
a disappointed sleep

nothing to write home about
except the heat

(3) crossing the line (xii)

  give me not england
in its glory dead nightmared with rotting seed
palmerston's perverted gunboat up the
yangtse's **** - lloyd george and winston churchill
rubbing men like salt into surly wounds
(we won those wars and neatly fucked ourselves)
eden at suez a jacked-up piece of wool
macmillan sprinkling cliches where the black
blood boils (the ashes of his kind) - home
as wan as godot (shagged by birth) wilson
for whom the wind blew sharply once or twice
sailing eastwards in the giant's stetson hat
saving jims from the red long john
   give me
not england but the world with england in it
with people as promiscuous as planes (the colours
 don't ask for wars to end or men
to have their deaths wrapped up as christmas gifts
expect myself to die a coward - proclaim no lives
as kisses - offer no roses to the blind
no sanctions to the damned - will not shake hands 
with him who rapes my wife or chokes my daughter
only when drunk or mad will think myself
the master of my purse - will lust for ease
seek to assuage my griefs in others' tears
will make more chaos than i put to rights

but in my fracture i shall strive to stand
a ruined arch whose limbs stretch half
towards a point that drew me upwards - that
ungot intercourse in space that prickless star
is what i ache for (what i want in man
and thus i give him)
  the image of that cross
is grit within him - the arch reflects in
microscopic waves through fleshly aeons
beaming messages to nerves and typing fingers

both ends of me are broken - in frantic storms
hanging over cliffs i fight to mend them
the job cannot be done - i die though
if i stop
 how cynical i may be (how apt
with metaphor or joke to thrust my fate
grotesquely into print) the fact is that
i live until i stop - i can't sit down then
crying let me die or death is good
(the freedom from myself my bones are seeking)

i must go on - tread every road that comes
risk every plague because i must believe
the end is bright (however filled with vomit
every brook) - if not for me then for
those who clamber on my bones
   my hope
is what i owe them - they owe their life to me
Written by Quincy Troupe | Create an image from this poem


 in brussels, eye sat in the grand place cafe & heard
duke's place, played after salsa
between the old majestic architecture, jazz bouncing off
all that gilded gold history snoring complacently there
flowers all over the ground, up inside the sound
the old white band jammin the music
tight & heavy, like some food
pushin pedal to the metal
gettin all the way down
under the scaffolding surrounding
l'hotel de ville, chattanooga choochoo
choo choing all the way home, upside walls, under gold eagles
& a gold vaulting girl, naked on a rooftop holding a flag over
her head, like skip rope, surrounded by all manner
of saints & gold madmen, riding emblazoned stallions
snorting like crazed demons at their nostrils
the music swirling like a dancing bear
a beautiful girl, flowers in her hair

the air woven with lilting voices in this grand place of parepets
& crowns, jewels & golden torches streaming
like a horse's mane, antiquity riding through in a wheel carriage
here, through gargoyles & gothic towers rocketing swordfish lanced crosses
pointing up at a God threatening rain
& it is stunning at this moment when raised beer steins cheer
the music on, hot & heavy, still humming & cooking
basic african-american rhythms alive here
in this ancient grand place of europe
this confluence point of nations & cultures
jumping off place for beer & cuisines
fused with music, poetry & stone
here in this blinding, beautiful square
sunlit now as the golden eye of God shoots through
flowers all over the cobbled ground, up in the music
the air brightly cool as light after jeweled rain
still, there are these hats slicing foreheads off in the middle
of crowds that need explaining, the calligraphy of this penumbra
slanting ace-deuce, cocked, carrying the perforated legacy of bebop
these bold, peccadillo, pirouetting pellagras
razor-sharp clean, they cut into our rip-tiding dreams carrying
their whirlpooling imaginations, their rivers of schemes
assaulted by pellets of raindrops
these broken mirrors catching fragments
of sonorous words, entrapping us between parentheses
two bat wings curved, imprisoning the world
Written by Robert Creeley | Create an image from this poem


 Most explicit--
the sense of trap

as a narrowing
cone one's got

stuck into and
any movement

forward simply
wedges once more--

but where
or quite when,

even with whom,
since now there is no one

quite with you--Quite? Quiet?
English expression: Quait?

Language of singular
impedance? A dance? An

involuntary gesture to
others not there? What's

wrong here? How
reach out to the

other side all
others live on as

now you see the
two doctors, behind

you, in mind's eye,
probe into your anus,

or ass, or bottom,
behind you, the roto-

rooter-like device
sees all up, concludes

"like a worn-out inner tube,"
"old," prose prolapsed, person's

problems won't do, must
cut into, cut out .
The world is a round but diminishing ball, a spherical ice cube, a dusty joke, a fading, faint echo of its former self but remembers, sometimes, its past, sees friends, places, reflections, talks to itself in a fond, judgemental murmur, alone at last.
I stood so close to you I could have reached out and touched you just as you turned over and began to snore not unattractively, no, never less than attractively, my love, my love--but in this curiously glowing dark, this finite emptiness, you, you, you are crucial, hear the whimpering back of the talk, the approaching fears when I may cease to be me, all lost or rather lumped here in a retrograded, dislocating, imploding self, a uselessness talks, even if finally to no one, talks and talks.

Written by Robert William Service | Create an image from this poem


 Courage mes gars:
La guerre est proche.
I plant my little plot of beans, I sit beneath my cyprus tree; I do not know what trouble means, I cultivate tranquillity .
But as to-day my walk I made In all serenity and cheer, I saw cut in an agave blade: "Courage, my comrades, war is near!" Seward I went, my feet were slow, Awhile I dowsed upon the shore; And then I roused with fear for lo! I saw six grisly ships of war.
A grim, grey line of might and dread Against the skyline looming sheer: With horror to myself I said: "Courage, my comrades, war is near!" I saw my cottage on the hill With rambling roses round the door; It was so peaceful and so still I sighed .
and then it was no more.
A flash of flame, a rubble heap; I cried aloud with woe and fear .
And wok myself from troubled sleep - My home was safe, war was not near.
Oh, I am old, my step is frail, My carcase bears a score of scars, And as I climbed my homeward trail Sadly I thought of other wars.
And when that agave leaf I saw With vicious knife I made a blear Of words clean-cut into the raw: "Courage, my comrades, war is near!" Who put hem there I do not know - One of these rabid reds, no doubt; But I for freedom struck my blow, With bitter blade I scraped them out.
There now, said I, I will forget, And smoke my pipe and drink my beer - Yet in my mind these words were set: "Courage, my comrades, war is near!" "Courage, my comrades, war is near!" I hear afar its hateful drums; Its horrid din assails my ear: I hope I die before it comes.
Yet as into the town I go, And listen to the rabble cheer, I think with heart of weary woe: War is not coming - WAR IS HERE.
Written by Robert William Service | Create an image from this poem

The Hearth-Stone

 The leaves are sick and jaundiced, they
 Drift down the air;
December's sky is sodden grey,
 Dark with despair;
A bleary dawn will light anon
 A world of care.
My name is cut into a stone, No care have I; The letters drool, as I alone Forgotten lie: With weed my grave is overgrown, None cometh nigh.
A hundred hollow years will speed As I decay; And I'll be comrade to the weed, Kin to the clay; Until some hind in homing-need Will pass my way.
Until some lover seeking hearth With joy will see My nameless stone sunk in the earth And it will be The ruddy birth of childish mirth, And elder glee.
And none will dream it bore my name Decades ago; A scribbling fool of little fame, Who loved life so .
Well, flesh is grass and Time must pass,-- Heigh ho! Heigh ho!
Written by Omar Khayyam | Create an image from this poem

Upon earth, no one presses to his heart a charmer with

Upon earth, no one presses to his heart a charmer with
cheeks of the tints of a rose without the time comes
that he feels the sting of the thorn. See the comb: before
it could caress the perfumed hair of the beauty, it
had to be cut into many teeth.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things