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Best Famous Coronet Poems

Here is a collection of the all-time best famous Coronet poems. This is a select list of the best famous Coronet poetry. Reading, writing, and enjoying famous Coronet poetry (as well as classical and contemporary poems) is a great past time. These top poems are the best examples of coronet poems.

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Written by Sarojini Naidu | Create an image from this poem

To My Children

 Jaya Surya

GOLDEN sun of victory, born 
In my life's unclouded morn, 
In my lambent sky of love, 
May your growing glory prove 
Sacred to your consecration, 
To my heart and to my nation.
Sun of victory, may you be Sun of song and liberty.
Padmaja Lotus-maiden, you who claim All the sweetness of your name, Lakshmi, fortune's queen, defend you, Lotus-born like you, and send you Balmy moons of love to bless you, Gentle joy-winds to caress you.
Lotus-maiden, may you be Fragrant of all ecstasy.
Ranadheera Little lord of battle, hail In your newly-tempered mail! Learn to conquer, learn to fight In the foremost flanks of right, Like Valmiki's heroes bold, Rubies girt in epic gold.
Lord of battle, may you be, Lord of love and chivalry.
Lilamani Limpid jewel of delight Severed from the tender night Of your sheltering mother-mine, Leap and sparkle, dance and shine, Blithely and securely set In love's magic coronet.
Living jewel, may you be Laughter-bound and sorrow-free.

Written by Thomas Hood | Create an image from this poem


 I Saw old Autumn in the misty morn 
Stand shadowless like Silence, listening 
To silence, for no lonely bird would sing 
Into his hollow ear from woods forlorn, 
Nor lowly hedge nor solitary thorn;— 
Shaking his languid locks all dewy bright 
With tangled gossamer that fell by night, 
Pearling his coronet of golden corn.
Where are the songs of Summer?—With the sun, Oping the dusky eyelids of the south, Till shade and silence waken up as one, And Morning sings with a warm odorous mouth.
Where are the merry birds?—Away, away, On panting wings through the inclement skies, Lest owls should prey Undazzled at noonday, And tear with horny beak their lustrous eyes.
Where are the blooms of Summer?—In the west, Blushing their last to the last sunny hours, When the mild Eve by sudden Night is prest Like tearful Proserpine, snatch'd from her flow'rs To a most gloomy breast.
Where is the pride of Summer,—the green prime,— The many, many leaves all twinkling?—Three On the moss'd elm; three on the naked lime Trembling,—and one upon the old oak-tree! Where is the Dryad's immortality?— Gone into mournful cypress and dark yew, Or wearing the long gloomy Winter through In the smooth holly's green eternity.
The squirrel gloats on his accomplish'd hoard, The ants have brimm'd their garners with ripe grain, And honey bees have stored The sweets of Summer in their luscious cells; The swallows all have wing'd across the main; But here the Autumn melancholy dwells, And sighs her tearful spells Amongst the sunless shadows of the plain.
Alone, alone, Upon a mossy stone, She sits and reckons up the dead and gone With the last leaves for a love-rosary, Whilst all the wither'd world looks drearily, Like a dim picture of the drownèd past In the hush'd mind's mysterious far away, Doubtful what ghostly thing will steal the last Into that distance, gray upon the gray.
O go and sit with her, and be o'ershaded Under the languid downfall of her hair: She wears a coronal of flowers faded Upon her forehead, and a face of care;— There is enough of wither'd everywhere To make her bower,—and enough of gloom; There is enough of sadness to invite, If only for the rose that died, whose doom Is Beauty's,—she that with the living bloom Of conscious cheeks most beautifies the light: There is enough of sorrowing, and quite Enough of bitter fruits the earth doth bear,— Enough of chilly droppings for her bowl; Enough of fear and shadowy despair, To frame her cloudy prison for the soul!
Written by Christina Rossetti | Create an image from this poem

Cousin Kate

 I was a cottage maiden 
Hardened by sun and air 
Contented with my cottage mates, 
Not mindful I was fair.
Why did a great lord find me out, And praise my flaxen hair? Why did a great lord find me out, To fill my heart with care? He lured me to his palace home - Woe's me for joy thereof- To lead a shameless shameful life, His plaything and his love.
He wore me like a silken knot, He changed me like a glove; So now I moan, an unclean thing, Who might have been a dove.
O Lady kate, my cousin Kate, You grew more fair than I: He saw you at your father's gate, Chose you, and cast me by.
He watched your steps along the lane, Your work among the rye; He lifted you from mean estate To sit with him on high.
Because you were so good and pure He bound you with his ring: The neighbors call you good and pure, Call me an outcast thing.
Even so I sit and howl in dust, You sit in gold and sing: Now which of us has tenderer heart? You had the stronger wing.
O cousin Kate, my love was true, Your love was writ in sand: If he had fooled not me but you, If you stood where I stand, He'd not have won me with his love Nor bought me with his land; I would have spit into his face And not have taken his hand.
Yet I've a gift you have not got, And seem not like to get: For all your clothes and wedding-ring I've little doubt you fret.
My fair-haired son, my shame, my pride, Cling closer, closer yet: Your father would give his lands for one To wear his coronet.
Written by Michael Drayton | Create an image from this poem

Endimion and Phoebe (excerpts)

 In Ionia whence sprang old poets' fame,
From whom that sea did first derive her name,
The blessed bed whereon the Muses lay,
Beauty of Greece, the pride of Asia,
Whence Archelaus, whom times historify,
First unto Athens brought philosophy:
In this fair region on a goodly plain,
Stretching her bounds unto the bord'ring main,
The mountain Latmus overlooks the sea,
Smiling to see the ocean billows play:
Latmus, where young Endymion used to keep
His fairest flock of silver-fleeced sheep,
To whom Silvanus often would resort,
At barley-brake to see the Satyrs sport;
And when rude Pan his tabret list to sound,
To see the fair Nymphs foot it in a round,
Under the trees which on this mountain grew,
As yet the like Arabia never knew;
For all the pleasures Nature could devise
Within this plot she did imparadise;
And great Diana of her special grace
With vestal rites had hallowed all the place.
Upon this mount there stood a stately grove, Whose reaching arms to clip the welkin strove, Of tufted cedars, and the branching pine, Whose bushy tops themselves do so entwine, As seem'd, when Nature first this work begun, She then conspir'd against the piercing sun; Under whose covert (thus divinely made) Ph{oe}bus' green laurel flourish'd in the shade, Fair Venus' myrtle, Mars his warlike fir, Minerva's olive, and the weeping myrrh, The patient palm, which thrives in spite of hate, The poplar, to Alcides consecrate; Which Nature in such order had disposed, And therewithal these goodly walks inclosed, As serv'd for hangings and rich tapestry, To beautify this stately gallery.
Embroidering these in curious trails along, The cluster'd grapes, the golden citrons hung, More glorious than the precious fruit were these, Kept by the dragon in Hesperides, Or gorgeous arras in rich colours wrought, With silk from Afric, or from Indy brought.
Out of this soil sweet bubbling fountains crept, As though for joy the senseless stones had wept, With straying channels dancing sundry ways, With often turns, like to a curious maze; Which breaking forth the tender grass bedewed, Whose silver sand with orient pearl was strewed, Shadowed with roses and sweet eglantine, Dipping their sprays into this crystalline; From which the birds the purple berries pruned, And to their loves their small recorders tuned, The nightingale, wood's herald of the spring, The whistling woosel, mavis carolling, Tuning their trebles to the waters' fall, Which made the music more angelical; Whilst gentle Zephyr murmuring among Kept time, and bare the burthen to the song: About whose brims, refresh'd with dainty showers, Grew amaranthus, and sweet gilliflowers, The marigold, Ph{oe}bus' beloved friend, The moly, which from sorcery doth defend, Violet, carnation, balm, and cassia, Idea's primrose, coronet of may.
Above this grove a gentle fair ascent, Which by degrees of milk-white marble went: Upon the top, a paradise was found, With which Nature this miracle had crown'd, Empal'd with rocks of rarest precious stone, Which like the flames of ?tna brightly shone, And served as lanthorns furnished with light, To guide the wand'ring passengers by night: For which fair Ph{oe}be, sliding from her sphere, Used oft times to come and sport her there, And from the azure starry-painted sky Embalm'd the banks with precious lunary: That now her Maenalus she quite forsook, And unto Latmus wholly her betook, And in this place her pleasure us'd to take, And all was for her sweet Endymion's sake; Endymion, the lovely shepherds' boy, Endymion, great Ph{oe}be's only joy, Endymion, in whose pure-shining eyes The naked fairies danced the heydegies.
The shag-hair'd Satyrs' mountain-climbing race Have been made tame by gazing in his face.
For this boy's love, the water-nymphs have wept, Stealing oft times to kiss him whilst he slept, And tasting once the nectar of his breath, Surfeit with sweet, and languish unto death; And Jove oft-times bent to lascivious sport, And coming where Endymion did resort, Hath courted him, inflamed with desire, Thinking some nymph was cloth'd in boy's attire.
And often-times the simple rural swains, Beholding him in crossing o'er the plains, Imagined, Apollo from above Put on this shape, to win some maiden's love.
Written by Edmund Spenser | Create an image from this poem

A Ditty

In praise of Eliza Queen of the Shepherds

SEE where she sits upon the grassie greene, 
(O seemely sight!) 
Yclad in Scarlot, like a mayden Queene, 
And ermines white: 
Upon her head a Cremosin coronet 5 
With Damaske roses and Daffadillies set: 
Bay leaves betweene, 
And primroses greene, 
Embellish the sweete Violet.
Tell me, have ye seene her angelick face 10 Like Phoebe fayre? Her heavenly haveour, her princely grace, Can you well compare? The Redde rose medled with the White yfere, In either cheeke depeincten lively chere: 15 Her modest eye, Her Majestie, Where have you seene the like but there? I see Calliope speede her to the place, Where my Goddesse shines; 20 And after her the other Muses trace With their Violines.
Bene they not Bay braunches which they do beare, All for Elisa in her hand to weare? So sweetely they play, 25 And sing all the way, That it a heaven is to heare.
Lo, how finely the Graces can it foote To the Instrument: They dauncen deffly, and singen soote, 30 In their meriment.
Wants not a fourth Grace to make the daunce even? Let that rowme to my Lady be yeven.
She shal be a Grace, To fyll the fourth place, 35 And reigne with the rest in heaven.
Bring hether the Pincke and purple Cullambine, With Gelliflowres; Bring Coronations, and Sops-in-wine Worne of Paramoures: 40 Strowe me the ground with Daffadowndillies, And Cowslips, and Kingcups, and lov¨¨d Lillies: The pretie Pawnce, And the Chevisaunce, Shall match with the fayre flowre Delice.
45 Now ryse up, Elisa, deck¨¨d as thou art In royall aray; And now ye daintie Damsells may depart Eche one her way.
I feare I have troubled your troupes to longe: 50 Let dame Elisa thanke you for her song: And if you come hether When Damsines I gether, I will part them all you among.
GLOSS: medled] mixed.
yfere] together.
soote] sweet.
coronations] carnations.
sops-in-wine] striped pinks.
pawnce] pansy.
chevisaunce] wallflower.
flowre delice] iris.

Written by Robert Herrick | Create an image from this poem


 You are a Tulip seen to-day,
But, Dearest, of so short a stay,
That where you grew, scarce man can say.
You are a lovely July-flower; Yet one rude wind, or ruffling shower, Will force you hence, and in an hour.
You are a sparkling Rose i'th' bud, Yet lost, ere that chaste flesh and blood Can show where you or grew or stood.
You are a full-spread fair-set Vine, And can with tendrils love entwine; Yet dried, ere you distil your wine.
You are like Balm, enclosed well In amber, or some crystal shell; Yet lost ere you transfuse your smell.
You are a dainty Violet; Yet wither'd, ere you can be set Within the virgins coronet.
You are the Queen all flowers among; But die you must, fair maid, ere long, As he, the maker of this song.
Written by Emily Dickinson | Create an image from this poem

Who never lost are unprepared

 Who never lost, are unprepared
A Coronet to find!
Who never thirsted
Flagons, and Cooling Tamarind!

Who never climbed the weary league --
Can such a foot explore
The purple territories
On Pizarro's shore?

How many Legions overcome --
The Emperor will say?
How many Colors taken
On Revolution Day?

How many Bullets bearest?
Hast Thou the Royal scar?
Angels! Write "Promoted"
On this Soldier's brow!
Written by Robert Burns | Create an image from this poem

127. Stanzas on Naething

 TO you, sir, this summons I’ve sent,
 Pray, whip till the pownie is freathing;
But if you demand what I want,
 I honestly answer you—naething.
Ne’er scorn a poor Poet like me, For idly just living and breathing, While people of every degree Are busy employed about—naething.
Poor Centum-per-centum may fast, And grumble his hurdies their claithing, He’ll find, when the balance is cast, He’s gane to the devil for—naething.
The courtier cringes and bows, Ambition has likewise its plaything; A coronet beams on his brows; And what is a coronet—naething.
Some quarrel the Presbyter gown, Some quarrel Episcopal graithing; But every good fellow will own Their quarrel is a’ about—naething.
The lover may sparkle and glow, Approaching his bonie bit gay thing: But marriage will soon let him know He’s gotten—a buskit up naething.
The Poet may jingle and rhyme, In hopes of a laureate wreathing, And when he has wasted his time, He’s kindly rewarded wi’—naething.
The thundering bully may rage, And swagger and swear like a heathen; But collar him fast, I’ll engage, You’ll find that his courage is—naething.
Last night wi’ a feminine whig— A Poet she couldna put faith in; But soon we grew lovingly big, I taught her, her terrors were naething.
Her whigship was wonderful pleased, But charmingly tickled wi’ ae thing, Her fingers I lovingly squeezed, And kissed her, and promised her—naething.
The priest anathèmas may threat— Predicament, sir, that we’re baith in; But when honour’s reveillé is beat, The holy artillery’s naething.
And now I must mount on the wave— My voyage perhaps there is death in; But what is a watery grave? The drowning a Poet is naething.
And now, as grim death’s in my thought, To you, sir, I make this bequeathing; My service as long as ye’ve ought, And my friendship, by God, when ye’ve naething.
Written by Amy Lowell | Create an image from this poem

In a Castle

Over the yawning chimney hangs the fog.
Drip -- hiss -- drip -- hiss -- fall the raindrops on the oaken log which burns, and steams, and smokes the ceiling beams.
Drip -- hiss -- the rain never stops.
The wide, state bed shivers beneath its velvet coverlet.
Above, dim, in the smoke, a tarnished coronet gleams dully.
Overhead hammers and chinks the rain.
Fearfully wails the wind down distant corridors, and there comes the swish and sigh of rushes lifted off the floors.
The arras blows sidewise out from the wall, and then falls back again.
It is my lady's key, confided with much nice cunning, whisperingly.
He enters on a sob of wind, which gutters the candles almost to swaling.
The fire flutters and drops.
Drip -- hiss -- the rain never stops.
He shuts the door.
The rushes fall again to stillness along the floor.
Outside, the wind goes wailing.
The velvet coverlet of the wide bed is smooth and cold.
Above, in the firelight, winks the coronet of tarnished gold.
The knight shivers in his coat of fur, and holds out his hands to the withering flame.
She is always the same, a sweet coquette.
He will wait for her.
How the log hisses and drips! How warm and satisfying will be her lips! It is wide and cold, the state bed; but when her head lies under the coronet, and her eyes are full and wet with love, and when she holds out her arms, and the velvet counterpane half slips from her, and alarms her trembling modesty, how eagerly he will leap to cover her, and blot himself beneath the quilt, making her laugh and tremble.
Is it guilt to free a lady from her palsied lord, absent and fighting, terribly abhorred? He stirs a booted heel and kicks a rolling coal.
His spur clinks on the hearth.
Overhead, the rain hammers and chinks.
She is so pure and whole.
Only because he has her soul will she resign herself to him, for where the soul has gone, the body must be given as a sign.
He takes her by the divine right of the only lover.
He has sworn to fight her lord, and wed her after.
Should he be overborne, she will die adoring him, forlorn, shriven by her great love.
Above, the coronet winks in the darkness.
Drip -- hiss -- fall the raindrops.
The arras blows out from the wall, and a door bangs in a far-off hall.
The candles swale.
In the gale the moat below plunges and spatters.
Will the lady lose courage and not come? The rain claps on a loosened rafter.
Is that laughter? The room is filled with lisps and whispers.
Something mutters.
One candle drowns and the other gutters.
Is that the rain which pads and patters, is it the wind through the winding entries which chatters? The state bed is very cold and he is alone.
How far from the wall the arras is blown! Christ's Death! It is no storm which makes these little chuckling sounds.
By the Great Wounds of Holy Jesus, it is his dear lady, kissing and clasping someone! Through the sobbing storm he hears her love take form and flutter out in words.
They prick into his ears and stun his desire, which lies within him, hard and dead, like frozen fire.
And the little noise never stops.
Drip -- hiss -- the rain drops.
He tears down the arras from before an inner chamber's bolted door.
II The state bed shivers in the watery dawn.
Drip -- hiss -- fall the raindrops.
For the storm never stops.
On the velvet coverlet lie two bodies, stripped and fair in the cold, grey air.
Drip -- hiss -- fall the blood-drops, for the bleeding never stops.
The bodies lie quietly.
At each side of the bed, on the floor, is a head.
A man's on this side, a woman's on that, and the red blood oozes along the rush mat.
A wisp of paper is twisted carefully into the strands of the dead man's hair.
It says, "My Lord: Your wife's paramour has paid with his life for the high favour.
" Through the lady's silver fillet is wound another paper.
It reads, "Most noble Lord: Your wife's misdeeds are as a double-stranded necklace of beads.
But I have engaged that, on your return, she shall welcome you here.
She will not spurn your love as before, you have still the best part of her.
Her blood was red, her body white, they will both be here for your delight.
The soul inside was a lump of dirt, I have rid you of that with a spurt of my sword point.
Good luck to your pleasure.
She will be quite complaisant, my friend, I wager.
" The end was a splashed flourish of ink.
Hark! In the passage is heard the clink of armour, the tread of a heavy man.
The door bursts open and standing there, his thin hair wavering in the glare of steely daylight, is my Lord of Clair.
Over the yawning chimney hangs the fog.
Drip -- hiss -- drip -- hiss -- fall the raindrops.
Overhead hammers and chinks the rain which never stops.
The velvet coverlet is sodden and wet, yet the roof beams are tight.
Overhead, the coronet gleams with its blackened gold, winking and blinking.
Among the rushes three corpses are growing cold.
III In the castle church you may see them stand, Two sumptuous tombs on either hand Of the choir, my Lord's and my Lady's, grand In sculptured filigrees.
And where the transepts of the church expand, A crusader, come from the Holy Land, Lies with crossed legs and embroidered band.
The page's name became a brand For shame.
He was buried in crawling sand, After having been burnt by royal command.
Written by James Whitcomb Riley | Create an image from this poem

Ike Waltons Prayer

 I crave, dear Lord, 
No boundless hoard 
Of gold and gear, 
Nor jewels fine, 
Nor lands, nor kine, 
Nor treasure-heaps of anything.
- Let but a little hut be mine Where at the hearthstore I may hear The cricket sing, And have the shine Of one glad woman's eyes to make, For my poor sake, Our simple home a place divine;- Just the wee cot-the cricket's chirr- Love, and the smiling face of her.
I pray not for Great riches, nor For vast estates, and castle-halls,- Give me to hear the bare footfalls Of children o’er An oaken floor, New-risen with sunshine, or bespread With but the tiny coverlet And pillow for the baby’s head; And pray Thou, may The door stand open and the day Send ever in a gentle breeze, With fragrance from the locust-trees, And drowsy moan of doves, and blur Of robin-chirps, and drove of bees, With afterhushes of the stir Of intermingling sounds, and then The good-wife and the smile of her Filling the silences again- The cricket’s call, And the wee cot, Dear Lord of all, Deny me not! I pray not that Men tremble at My power of place And lordly sway, - I only pray for simple grace To look my neighbor in the face Full honestly from day to day- Yield me this horny palm to hold, And I’ll not pray For gold;- The tanned face, garlanded with mirth, It hath the kingliest smile on earth- The swart brow, diamonded with sweat, Hath never need of coronet.
And so I reach, Dear Lord, to Thee, And do beseech Thou givest me The wee cot, and the cricket’s chirr, Love, and the glad sweet face of her.

Book: Shattered Sighs