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Best Famous Bleaching Poems

Here is a collection of the all-time best famous Bleaching poems. This is a select list of the best famous Bleaching poetry. Reading, writing, and enjoying famous Bleaching poetry (as well as classical and contemporary poems) is a great past time. These top poems are the best examples of bleaching poems.

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Written by Robert Lowell | Create an image from this poem

Memories of West Street and Lepke

Only teaching on Tuesdays, book-worming
in pajamas fresh from the washer each morning,
I hog a whole house on Boston's 
"hardly passionate Marlborough Street,"
where even the man
scavenging filth in the back alley trash cans,
has two children, a beach wagon, a helpmate,
and is "a young Republican.
" I have a nine months' daughter, young enough to be my granddaughter.
Like the sun she rises in her flame-flamingo infants' wear.
These are the tranquilized Fifties, and I am forty.
Ought I to regret my seedtime? I was a fire-breathing Catholic C.
, and made my manic statement, telling off the state and president, and then sat waiting sentence in the bull pen beside a ***** boy with curlicues of marijuana in his hair.
Given a year, I walked on the roof of the West Street Jail, a short enclosure like my school soccer court, and saw the Hudson River once a day through sooty clothesline entanglements and bleaching khaki tenements.
Strolling, I yammered metaphysics with Abramowitz, a jaundice-yellow ("it's really tan") and fly-weight pacifist, so vegetarian, he wore rope shoes and preferred fallen fruit.
He tried to convert Bioff and Brown, the Hollywood pimps, to his diet.
Hairy, muscular, suburban, wearing chocolate double-breasted suits, they blew their tops and beat him black and blue.
I was so out of things, I'd never heard of the Jehovah's Witnesses.
"Are you a C.
?" I asked a fellow jailbird.
"No," he answered, "I'm a J.
" He taught me the "hospital tuck," and pointed out the T-shirted back of Murder Incorporated's Czar Lepke, there piling towels on a rack, or dawdling off to his little segregated cell full of things forbidden to the common man: a portable radio, a dresser, two toy American flags tied together with a ribbon of Easter palm.
Flabby, bald, lobotomized, he drifted in a sheepish calm, where no agonizing reappraisal jarred his concentration on the electric chair hanging like an oasis in his air of lost connections.

Written by Margaret Atwood | Create an image from this poem

Backdropp Addresses Cowboy

 Starspangled cowboy 
sauntering out of the almost-
silly West, on your face 
a porcelain grin, 
tugging a papier-mache cactus 
on wheels behind you with a string, 

you are innocent as a bathtub
full of bullets.
Your righteous eyes, your laconic trigger-fingers people the streets with villains: as you move, the air in front of you blossoms with targets and you leave behind you a heroic trail of desolation: beer bottles slaughtered by the side of the road, bird- skulls bleaching in the sunset.
I ought to be watching from behind a cliff or a cardboard storefront when the shooting starts, hands clasped in admiration, but I am elsewhere.
Then what about me what about the I confronting you on that border you are always trying to cross? I am the horizon you ride towards, the thing you can never lasso I am also what surrounds you: my brain scattered with your tincans, bones, empty shells, the litter of your invasions.
I am the space you desecrate as you pass through.
Written by Diane Wakoski | Create an image from this poem

This Beautiful Black Marriage

 Photograph negative
her black arm: a diving porpoise,
sprawled across the ice-banked pillow.
Head: a sheet of falling water.
Her legs: icicle branches breaking into light.
This woman, photographed sleeping.
The man, making the photograph in the acid pan of his brain.
Sleep stain them both, as if cloudy semen rubbed shiningly over the surface will be used to develop their images.
on the desert the porpoises curl up, their skeleton teeth are bared by parched lips; her sleeping feet trod on scarabs, holding the names of the dead tight in the steady breathing.
This man and woman have married and travel reciting chanting names of missing objects.
They enter a pyramid.
A black butterfly covers the doorway like a cobweb, folds around her body, the snake of its body closing her lips.
her breasts are stone stairs.
She calls the name, "Isis," and waits for the white face to appear.
No one walks in these pyramids at night.
No one walks during the day.
You walk in that negative time, the woman's presence filling up the space as if she were incense; man walks down the crevices and hills of her body.
Sounds of the black marriage are ritual sounds.
Of the porpoises dying on the desert.
The butterfly curtaining the body, The snake filling the mouth.
The sounds of all the parts coming together in this one place, the desert pyramid, built with the clean historical ugliness of men dying at work.
If you imagine, friend, that I do not have those black serpents in the pit of my body, that I am not crushed in fragments by the tough butterfly wing broken and crumpled like a black silk stocking, if you imagine that my body is not blackened burned wood, then you imagine a false woman.
This marriage could not change me.
Could not change my life.
Not is it that different from any other marriage.
They are all filled with desert journeys, with Isis who hold us in her terror, with Horus who will not let us see the parts of his body joined but must make us witness them in dark corners, in bloody confusion; and yet this black marriage, as you call it, has its own beauty.
As the black cat with its rich fur stretched and gliding smoothly down the tree trunks.
Or the shining black obsidian pulled out of mines and polished to the cat's eye.
Black as the neat seeds of a watermelon, or a pool of oil, prisming the light.
Do not despair this "black marriage.
" You must let the darkness out of your own body; acknowledge it and let it enter your mouth, taste the historical darkness openly.
Taste your own beautiful death, see your own photo image, as x-ray, Bone bleaching inside the blackening flesh
Written by A E Housman | Create an image from this poem

In My Own Shire If I Was Sad

 In my own shire, if I was sad, 
Homely comforters I had: 
The earth, because my heart was sore, 
Sorrowed for the son she bore; 
And standing hills, long to remain, 
Shared their short-lived comrade's pain.
And bound for the same bourn as I, On every road I wandered by, Trod beside me, close and dear, The beautiful and death-struck year: Whether in the woodland brown I heard the beechnut rustle down, And saw the purple crocus pale Flower about the autumn dale; Or littering far the fields of May Lady-smocks a-bleaching lay, And like a skylit water stood The bluebells in the azured wood.
Yonder, lightening other loads, The seasons range the country roads, But here in London streets I ken No such helpmates, only men; And these are not in plight to bear, If they would, another's care.
They have enough as 'tis: I see In many an eye that measures me The mortal sickness of a mind Too unhappy to be kind.
Undone with misery, all they can Is to hate their fellow man; And till they drop they needs must still Look at you and wish you ill.
Written by Victor Hugo | Create an image from this poem


 ("Non! je n'y puis tenir.") 
 {CROMWELL, Act III. sc. iv.} 

 Stay! I no longer can contain myself, 
 But cry you: Look on John, who bares his mind 
 To Oliver—to Cromwell, Milton speaks! 
 Despite a kindling eye and marvel deep 
 A voice is lifted up without your leave; 
 For I was never placed at council board 
 To speak my promptings. When awed strangers come 
 Who've seen Fox-Mazarin wince at the stings 
 In my epistles—and bring admiring votes 
 Of learned colleges, they strain to see 
 My figure in the glare—the usher utters, 
 "Behold and hearken! that's my Lord Protector's 
 Cousin—that, his son-in-law—that next"—who cares! 
 Some perfumed puppet! "Milton?" "He in black— 
 Yon silent scribe who trims their eloquence!" 
 Still 'chronicling small-beer,'—such is my duty! 
 Yea, one whose thunder roared through martyr bones 
 Till Pope and Louis Grand quaked on their thrones, 
 And echoed "Vengeance for the Vaudois," where 
 The Sultan slumbers sick with scent of roses. 
 He is but the mute in this seraglio— 
 "Pure" Cromwell's Council! 
 But to be dumb and blind is overmuch! 
 Impatient Issachar kicks at the load! 
 Yet diadems are burdens painfuller, 
 And I would spare thee that sore imposition. 
 Dear brother Noll, I plead against thyself! 
 Thou aim'st to be a king; and, in thine heart, 
 What fool has said: "There is no king but thou?" 
 For thee the multitude waged war and won— 
 The end thou art of wrestlings and of prayer, 
 Of sleepless watch, long marches, hunger, tears 
 And blood prolifically spilled, homes lordless, 
 And homeless lords! The mass must always suffer 
 That one should reign! the collar's but newly clamp'd, 
 And nothing but the name thereon is changed— 
 Master? still masters! mark you not the red 
 Of shame unutterable in my sightless white? 
 Still hear me, Cromwell, speaking for your sake! 
 These fifteen years, we, to you whole-devoted, 
 Have sought for Liberty—to give it thee? 
 To make our interests your huckster gains? 
 The king a lion slain that you may flay, 
 And wear the robe—well, worthily—I say't, 
 For I will not abase my brother! 
 No! I would keep him in the realm serene, 
 My own ideal of heroes! loved o'er Israel, 
 And higher placed by me than all the others! 
 And such, for tinkling titles, hollow haloes 
 Like that around yon painted brow—thou! thou! 
 Apostle, hero, saint-dishonor thyself! 
 And snip and trim the flag of Naseby-field 
 As scarf on which the maid-of-honor's dog 
 Will yelp, some summer afternoon! That sword 
 Shrink into a sceptre! brilliant bauble! Thou, 
 Thrown on a lonely rock in storm of state, 
 Brain-turned by safety's miracle, thou risest 
 Upon the tott'ring stone whilst ocean ebbs, 
 And, reeking of no storms to come to-morrow, 
 Or to-morrow—deem that a certain pedestal 
 Whereon thou'lt be adored for e'er—e'en while 
 It shakes—o'ersets the rider! Tremble, thou! 
 For he who dazzles, makes men Samson-blind, 
 Will see the pillars of his palace kiss 
 E'en at the whelming ruin! Then, what word 
 Of answer from your wreck when I demand 
 Account of Cromwell! glory of the people 
 Smothered in ashes! through the dust thou'lt hear; 
 "What didst thou with thy virtue?" Will it respond: 
 "When battered helm is doffed, how soft is purple 
 On which to lay the head, lulled by the praise 
 Of thousand fluttering fans of flatterers! 
 Wearied of war-horse, gratefully one glides 
 In gilded barge, or in crowned, velvet car, 
 From gay Whitehall to gloomy Temple Bar—" 
 (Where—had you slipt, that head were bleaching now! 
 And that same rabble, splitting for a hedge, 
 Had joined their rows to cheer the active headsman; 
 Perchance, in mockery, they'd gird the skull 
 With a hop-leaf crown! Bitter the brewing, Noll!) 
 Are crowns the end-all of ambition? Remember 
 Charles Stuart! and that they who make can break! 
 This same Whitehall may black its front with crape, 
 And this broad window be the portal twice 
 To lead upon a scaffold! Frown! or laugh! 
 Laugh on as they did at Cassandra's speech! 
 But mark—the prophetess was right! Still laugh, 
 Like the credulous Ethiop in his faith in stars! 
 But give one thought to Stuart, two for yourself! 
 In his appointed hour, all was forthcoming— 
 Judge, axe, and deathsman veiled! and my poor eyes 
 Descry—as would thou saw'st!—a figure veiled, 
 Uplooming there—afar, like sunrise, coming! 
 With blade that ne'er spared Judas 'midst free brethren! 
 Stretch not the hand of Cromwell for the prize 
 Meant not for him, nor his! Thou growest old, 
 The people are ever young! Like her i' the chase 
 Who drave a dart into her lover, embowered, 
 Piercing the incense-clouds, the popular shaft 
 May slay thee in a random shot at Tyranny! 
 Man, friend, remain a Cromwell! in thy name, 
 Rule! and if thy son be worthy, he and his, 
 So rule the rest for ages! be it grander thus 
 To be a Cromwell than a Carolus. 
 No lapdog combed by wantons, but the watch 
 Upon the freedom that we won! Dismiss 
 Your flatterers—let no harpings, no gay songs 
 Prevent your calm dictation of good laws 
 To guard, to fortify, and keep enlinked 
 England and Freedom! Be thine old self alone! 
 And make, above all else accorded me, 
 My most desired claim on all posterity, 
 That thou in Milton's verse wert foremost of the free! 


Written by Bliss Carman | Create an image from this poem

White Nassau

 There is fog upon the river, there is mirk upon the town;
You can hear the groping ferries as they hoot each other down;
From the Battery to Harlem there's seven miles of slush,
Through looming granite canyons of glitter, noise, and rush.
Are you sick of phones and tickers and crazing cable gongs, Of the theatres, the hansoms, and the breathless Broadway throngs, Of Flouret's and the Waldorf and the chilly, drizzly Park, When there's hardly any morning and five o'clock is dark? I know where there's a city, whose streets are white and clean, And sea-blue morning loiters by walls where roses lean, And quiet dwells; that's Nassau, beside her creaming key, The queen of the Lucayas in the blue Bahaman sea.
She's ringed with surf and coral, she's crowned with sun and palm; She has the old-world leisure, the regal tropic calm; The trade winds fan her forehead; in everlasting June She reigns from deep verandas above her blue lagoon.
She has had many suitors,--Spaniard and Buccaneer,-- Who roistered for her beauty and spilt their blood for her; But none has dared molest her, since the Loyalist Deveaux Went down from Carolina a hundred years ago.
Unmodern, undistracted, by grassy ramp and fort, In decency and order she holds her modest court; She seems to have forgotten rapine and greed and strife, In that unaging gladness and dignity of life.
Through streets as smooth as asphalt and white as bleaching shell, Where the slip-shod heel is happy and the naked foot goes well, In their gaudy cotton kerchiefs, with swaying hips and free, Go her black folk in the morning to the market of the sea.
Into her bright sea-gardens the flushing tide-gates lead, Where fins of chrome and scarlet loll in the lifting weed; With the long sea-draft behind them, through luring coral groves The shiny water-people go by in painted droves.
Under her old pink gateways, where Time a moment turns, Where hang the orange lanterns and the red hibiscus burns, Live the harmless merry lizards, quicksilver in the sun, Or still as any image with their shadow on a stone.
Through the lemon-trees at leisure a tiny olive bird Moves all day long and utters his wise assuring word; While up in their blue chantry murmur the solemn palms.
At their litanies of joyance, their ancient ceaseless psalms.
There in the endless sunlight, within the surf's low sound, Peace tarries for a lifetime at doorways unrenowned; And a velvet air goes breathing across the sea-girt land, Till the sense begins to waken and the soul to understand.
There's a pier in the East River, where a black Ward Liner lies, With her wheezy donkey-engines taking cargo and supplies; She will clear the Hook to-morrow for the Indies of the West, For the lovely white girl city in the Islands of the Blest.
She'll front the riding winter on the gray Atlantic seas, And thunder through the surf-heads till her funnels crust and freeze; She'll grapple the Southeaster, the Thing without a Mind, Till she drops him, mad and monstrous, with the light ship far behind.
Then out into a morning all summer warmth and blue! By the breathing of her pistons, by the purring of the screw, By the springy dip and tremor as she rises, you can tell Her heart is light and easy as she meets the lazy swell.
With the flying fish before her, and the white wake running aft, Her smoke-wreath hanging idle, without breeze enough for draft, She will travel fair and steady, and in the afternoon Run down the floating palm-tops where lift the Isles of June.
With the low boom of breakers for her only signal gun, She will anchor off the harbor when her thousand miles are done, And there's my love, white Nassau, girt with her foaming key, The queen of the Lucayas in the blue Bahaman sea!
Written by Henry Lawson | Create an image from this poem

Out Back

 The old year went, and the new returned, in the withering weeks of drought, 
The cheque was spent that the shearer earned, 
and the sheds were all cut out; 
The publican's words were short and few, 
and the publican's looks were black -- 
And the time had come, as the shearer knew, to carry his swag Out Back.
For time means tucker, and tramp you must, where the scrubs and plains are wide, With seldom a track that a man can trust, or a mountain peak to guide; All day long in the dust and heat -- when summer is on the track -- With stinted stomachs and blistered feet, they carry their swags Out Back.
He tramped away from the shanty there, when the days were long and hot, With never a soul to know or care if he died on the track or not.
The poor of the city have friends in woe, no matter how much they lack, But only God and the swagmen know how a poor man fares Out Back.
He begged his way on the parched Paroo and the Warrego tracks once more, And lived like a dog, as the swagmen do, till the Western stations shore; But men were many, and sheds were full, for work in the town was slack -- The traveller never got hands in wool, though he tramped for a year Out Back.
In stifling noons when his back was wrung by its load, and the air seemed dead, And the water warmed in the bag that hung to his aching arm like lead, Or in times of flood, when plains were seas, and the scrubs were cold and black, He ploughed in mud to his trembling knees, and paid for his sins Out Back.
He blamed himself in the year `Too Late' -- in the heaviest hours of life -- 'Twas little he dreamed that a shearing-mate had care of his home and wife; There are times when wrongs from your kindred come, and treacherous tongues attack -- When a man is better away from home, and dead to the world, Out Back.
And dirty and careless and old he wore, as his lamp of hope grew dim; He tramped for years till the swag he bore seemed part of himself to him.
As a bullock drags in the sandy ruts, he followed the dreary track, With never a thought but to reach the huts when the sun went down Out Back.
It chanced one day, when the north wind blew in his face like a furnace-breath, He left the track for a tank he knew -- 'twas a short-cut to his death; For the bed of the tank was hard and dry, and crossed with many a crack, And, oh! it's a terrible thing to die of thirst in the scrub Out Back.
A drover came, but the fringe of law was eastward many a mile; He never reported the thing he saw, for it was not worth his while.
The tanks are full and the grass is high in the mulga off the track, Where the bleaching bones of a white man lie by his mouldering swag Out Back.
For time means tucker, and tramp they must, where the plains and scrubs are wide, With seldom a track that a man can trust, or a mountain peak to guide; All day long in the flies and heat the men of the outside track With stinted stomachs and blistered feet must carry their swags Out Back.
Written by Eugene Field | Create an image from this poem

Hugos pool in the forest

 How calm, how beauteous and how cool--
How like a sister to the skies,
Appears the broad, transparent pool
That in this quiet forest lies.
The sunshine ripples on its face, And from the world around, above, It hath caught down the nameless grace Of such reflections as we love.
But deep below its surface crawl The reptile horrors of the night-- The dragons, lizards, serpents--all The hideous brood that hate the light; Through poison fern and slimy weed And under ragged, jagged stones They scuttle, or, in ghoulish greed, They lap a dead man's bleaching bones.
And as, O pool, thou dost cajole With seemings that beguile us well, So doeth many a human soul That teemeth with the lusts of hell.

Book: Shattered Sighs