Written by
Yevgeny Yevtushenko |
Like a seasoned lion,
Neruda buys bread in the shop.
He asks for it to be wrapped in paper
And solemly puts it under his arm:
"Let someone at least think
that at some time
I bought a book…"
Waving his hand in farewell,
like a Roman
rather dreamily royal,
in the air scented with mollusks,
he walks with the bread through Valparaiso.
He says:
" Eugenio, look!
You see--
over there, among the puddles and garbage,
standing up under the red lamps
stands Bilbao-with the soul
of a poet -- in bronze.
Bilbao was a tramp and a rebel.
they set up the monument, fenced off
by a chain, with due pomp, right in the center,
although the poet had lived in the slums.
Then there was some minor overthrow or other,
and the poet was thrown out, beyond the gates.
they removed
the pedestal
to a filthy little red-light district.
And the poet stood,
as the sailor's adopted brother,
against a background
you might call native to him.
Our Bilbao loved cracking jokes.
He would say:
'On this best of possible planets
there are prostitutes and politutes --
as I'm a poet,
I prefer the former. '"
And Neruda comments, with a hint of slyness:
"A poet is
beyond the rise and fall of values.
It's not hard to remove us from the center,
but the spot where they set us down
becomes the center!"
I remember that noon,
as I tune my transistor at night, ny the window,
when a wicked war with the people of Chile
brings back the smell of Spain.
Playing about at a new overthrow,
politutes in generals' uniforms
wanted, whichever way they could,
to hustle your poetry out of sight.
But today I see Neruda--
he's always right in the center
and, not faltering,
he carries his poetry to the people
as simply and calmly
as a loaf of bread.
Many poets follow false paths,
but if the poet is with the people to the bitter end,
like a conscience-
then nothing
can possibly overthrow poetry.
Translated by Arthur Boyars amd Simon Franklin
Written by
Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz |
Disillusionment (Español)
Ya, desengaño mío,
llegasteis al extremo
que pudo en vuestro ser
verificar el serlo.
Todo los habéis perdido;
mas no todo, pues creo
que aun a costa es de todo
barato el escarmiento.
No envidiaréis de amor
los gustos lisonjeros:
que está un escarmentado
muy remoto del riesgro.
El no esperar alguno
me sirve de consuelo;
que también es alivio
el no buscar remedio.
En la pérdida misma
los alivios encuentro:
pues si perdi el tesoro,
también se perdió el miedo.
No tener qué perder
me sirve de sosiego;
que no teme ladrones,
desnudo, el pasajero.
Ni aun la libertad misma
tenerla por bien quiero:
que luego será daño
si por tal la poseo.
No quiero más cuidados
de bienes tan inciertos,
sino tener el alma
como que no la tengo.
Top of page
Disillusionment (English)
this is the bitter end,
this proves you're rightly called
the end of illusion.
You've made me lose all,
yet no, losing all
is not paying too dear
for being undeceived.
No more will you envy
the allurements of love,
for one undeceived
has no risk left to run.
It's some consolation
to be expecting none:
there's relief to be found
in seeking no cure.
In loss itself
I find assuagement:
having lost the treasure,
I've nothing to fear.
Having nothing to lose
brings peace of mind:
one traveling without funds
need not fear thieves.
Liberty itself
for me is no boon:
if I hold it such,
it will soon be my bane.
No more worries for me
over boons so uncertain:
I will own my very soul
as if it were not mine.