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Best Famous Berlin Poems

Here is a collection of the all-time best famous Berlin poems. This is a select list of the best famous Berlin poetry. Reading, writing, and enjoying famous Berlin poetry (as well as classical and contemporary poems) is a great past time. These top poems are the best examples of berlin poems.

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Written by Nazim Hikmet | Create an image from this poem

Things I Didnt Know I Loved

 it's 1962 March 28th
I'm sitting by the window on the Prague-Berlin train 
night is falling
I never knew I liked
night descending like a tired bird on a smoky wet plain 
I don't like
comparing nightfall to a tired bird

I didn't know I loved the earth
can someone who hasn't worked the earth love it 
I've never worked the earth
it must be my only Platonic love

and here I've loved rivers all this time
whether motionless like this they curl skirting the hills
European hills crowned with chateaus
or whether stretched out flat as far as the eye can see
I know you can't wash in the same river even once
I know the river will bring new lights you'll never see
I know we live slightly longer than a horse but not nearly as long as a crow
I know this has troubled people before
 and will trouble those after me
I know all this has been said a thousand times before 
 and will be said after me

I didn't know I loved the sky 
cloudy or clear
the blue vault Andrei studied on his back at Borodino
in prison I translated both volumes of War and Peace into Turkish 
I hear voices
not from the blue vault but from the yard 
the guards are beating someone again
I didn't know I loved trees
bare beeches near Moscow in Peredelkino
they come upon me in winter noble and modest 
beeches are Russian the way poplars are Turkish 
"the poplars of Izmir
losing their leaves.
they call me The Knife.
lover like a young tree.
I blow stately mansions sky-high" in the Ilgaz woods in 1920 I tied an embroidered linen handkerchief to a pine bough for luck I never knew I loved roads even the asphalt kind Vera's behind the wheel we're driving from Moscow to the Crimea Koktebele formerly "Goktepé ili" in Turkish the two of us inside a closed box the world flows past on both sides distant and mute I was never so close to anyone in my life bandits stopped me on the red road between Bolu and Geredé when I was eighteen apart from my life I didn't have anything in the wagon they could take and at eighteen our lives are what we value least I've written this somewhere before wading through a dark muddy street I'm going to the shadow play Ramazan night a paper lantern leading the way maybe nothing like this ever happened maybe I read it somewhere an eight-year-old boy going to the shadow play Ramazan night in Istanbul holding his grandfather's hand his grandfather has on a fez and is wearing the fur coat with a sable collar over his robe and there's a lantern in the servant's hand and I can't contain myself for joy flowers come to mind for some reason poppies cactuses jonquils in the jonquil garden in Kadikoy Istanbul I kissed Marika fresh almonds on her breath I was seventeen my heart on a swing touched the sky I didn't know I loved flowers friends sent me three red carnations in prison I just remembered the stars I love them too whether I'm floored watching them from below or whether I'm flying at their side I have some questions for the cosmonauts were the stars much bigger did they look like huge jewels on black velvet or apricots on orange did you feel proud to get closer to the stars I saw color photos of the cosmos in Ogonek magazine now don't be upset comrades but nonfigurative shall we say or abstract well some of them looked just like such paintings which is to say they were terribly figurative and concrete my heart was in my mouth looking at them they are our endless desire to grasp things seeing them I could even think of death and not feel at all sad I never knew I loved the cosmos snow flashes in front of my eyes both heavy wet steady snow and the dry whirling kind I didn't know I liked snow I never knew I loved the sun even when setting cherry-red as now in Istanbul too it sometimes sets in postcard colors but you aren't about to paint it that way I didn't know I loved the sea except the Sea of Azov or how much I didn't know I loved clouds whether I'm under or up above them whether they look like giants or shaggy white beasts moonlight the falsest the most languid the most petit-bourgeois strikes me I like it I didn't know I liked rain whether it falls like a fine net or splatters against the glass my heart leaves me tangled up in a net or trapped inside a drop and takes off for uncharted countries I didn't know I loved rain but why did I suddenly discover all these passions sitting by the window on the Prague-Berlin train is it because I lit my sixth cigarette one alone could kill me is it because I'm half dead from thinking about someone back in Moscow her hair straw-blond eyelashes blue the train plunges on through the pitch-black night I never knew I liked the night pitch-black sparks fly from the engine I didn't know I loved sparks I didn't know I loved so many things and I had to wait until sixty to find it out sitting by the window on the Prague-Berlin train watching the world disappear as if on a journey of no return 19 April 1962 Moscow

Written by Nazim Hikmet | Create an image from this poem


 I was born in 1902
I never once went back to my birthplace
I don't like to turn back
at three I served as a pasha's grandson in Aleppo
at nineteen as a student at Moscow Communist University
at forty-nine I was back in Moscow as the Tcheka Party's guest
and I've been a poet since I was fourteen
some people know all about plants some about fish
 I know separation
some people know the names of the stars by heart
 I recite absences
I've slept in prisons and in grand hotels
I've known hunger even a hunger strike and there's almost no food
 I haven't tasted
at thirty they wanted to hang me
at forty-eight to give me the Peace Prize
 which they did
at thirty-six I covered four square meters of concrete in half a year
at fifty-nine I flew from Prague to Havana in eighteen hours
I never saw Lenin I stood watch at his coffin in '24
in '61 the tomb I visit is his books
they tried to tear me away from my party
 it didn't work
nor was I crushed under the falling idols
in '51 I sailed with a young friend into the teeth of death
in '52 I spent four months flat on my back with a broken heart
 waiting to die
I was jealous of the women I loved
I didn't envy Charlie Chaplin one bit
I deceived my women
I never talked my friends' backs
I drank but not every day
I earned my bread money honestly what happiness
out of embarrassment for others I lied
I lied so as not to hurt someone else
 but I also lied for no reason at all
I've ridden in trains planes and cars
most people don't get the chance
I went to opera
 most people haven't even heard of the opera
and since '21 I haven't gone to the places most people visit
 mosques churches temples synagogues sorcerers
 but I've had my coffee grounds read
my writings are published in thirty or forty languages
 in my Turkey in my Turkish they're banned
cancer hasn't caught up with me yet
and nothing says it will
I'll never be a prime minister or anything like that
and I wouldn't want such a life
nor did I go to war
or burrow in bomb shelters in the bottom of the night
and I never had to take to the road under diving planes
but I fell in love at almost sixty
in short comrades
even if today in Berlin I'm croaking of grief
 I can say I've lived like a human being
and who knows
 how much longer I'll live
 what else will happen to me

 This autobiography was written 
 in east Berlin on 11 September 1961
Written by Weldon Kees | Create an image from this poem

The Bell From Europe

 The tower bell in the Tenth Street Church
Rang out nostalgia for the refugee
Who knew the source of bells by sound.
We liked it, but in ignorance.
One meets authorities on bells infrequently.
Europe alone made bells with such a tone, Herr Mannheim said.
The bell Struck midnight, and it shook the room.
He had heard bells in Leipzig, Chartres, Berlin, Paris, Vienna, Brussels, Rome.
He was a white-faced man with sad enormous eyes.
Reader, for me that bell marked nights Of restless tossing in this narrow bed, The quarrels, the slamming of a door, The kind words, friends for drinks, the books we read, Breakfasts with streets in rain.
It rang from europe all the time.
That was what Mannheim said.
It is good to know, now that the bell strikes noon.
In this day's sun, the hedges are Episcopalian As noon is marked by the twelve iron beats.
The rector moves ruminantly among the gravestones, And the sound of a dead Europe hangs in the streets.
Written by Anne Sexton | Create an image from this poem

Some Foreign Letters

 I knew you forever and you were always old,
soft white lady of my heart.
Surely you would scold me for sitting up late, reading your letters, as if these foreign postmarks were meant for me.
You posted them first in London, wearing furs and a new dress in the winter of eighteen-ninety.
I read how London is dull on Lord Mayor's Day, where you guided past groups of robbers, the sad holes of Whitechapel, clutching your pocketbook, on the way to Jack the Ripper dissecting his famous bones.
This Wednesday in Berlin, you say, you will go to a bazaar at Bismarck's house.
And I see you as a young girl in a good world still, writing three generations before mine.
I try to reach into your page and breathe it back.
but life is a trick, life is a kitten in a sack.
This is the sack of time your death vacates.
How distant your are on your nickel-plated skates in the skating park in Berlin, gliding past me with your Count, while a military band plays a Strauss waltz.
I loved you last, a pleated old lady with a crooked hand.
Once you read Lohengrin and every goose hung high while you practiced castle life in Hanover.
Tonight your letters reduce history to a guess.
The count had a wife.
You were the old maid aunt who lived with us.
Tonight I read how the winter howled around the towers of Schloss Schwobber, how the tedious language grew in your jaw, how you loved the sound of the music of the rats tapping on the stone floors.
When you were mine you wore an earphone.
This is Wednesday, May 9th, near Lucerne, Switzerland, sixty-nine years ago.
I learn your first climb up Mount San Salvatore; this is the rocky path, the hole in your shoes, the yankee girl, the iron interior of her sweet body.
You let the Count choose your next climb.
You went together, armed with alpine stocks, with ham sandwiches and seltzer wasser.
You were not alarmed by the thick woods of briars and bushes, nor the rugged cliff, nor the first vertigo up over Lake Lucerne.
The Count sweated with his coat off as you waded through top snow.
He held your hand and kissed you.
You rattled down on the train to catch a steam boat for home; or other postmarks: Paris, verona, Rome.
This is Italy.
You learn its mother tongue.
I read how you walked on the Palatine among the ruins of the palace of the Caesars; alone in the Roman autumn, alone since July.
When you were mine they wrapped you out of here with your best hat over your face.
I cried because I was seventeen.
I am older now.
I read how your student ticket admitted you into the private chapel of the Vatican and how you cheered with the others, as we used to do on the fourth of July.
One Wednesday in November you watched a balloon, painted like a silver abll, float up over the Forum, up over the lost emperors, to shiver its little modern cage in an occasional breeze.
You worked your New England conscience out beside artisans, chestnut vendors and the devout.
Tonight I will learn to love you twice; learn your first days, your mid-Victorian face.
Tonight I will speak up and interrupt your letters, warning you that wars are coming, that the Count will die, that you will accept your America back to live like a prim thing on the farm in Maine.
I tell you, you will come here, to the suburbs of Boston, to see the blue-nose world go drunk each night, to see the handsome children jitterbug, to feel your left ear close one Friday at Symphony.
And I tell you, you will tip your boot feet out of that hall, rocking from its sour sound, out onto the crowded street, letting your spectacles fall and your hair net tangle as you stop passers-by to mumble your guilty love while your ears die.
Written by Leonard Cohen | Create an image from this poem

First We Take Manhattan

 They sentenced me to twenty years of boredom 
For trying to change the system from within 
I'm coming now, I'm coming to reward them 
First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin.
I'm guided by a signal in the heavens I'm guided by this birthmark on my skin I'm guided by the beauty of our weapons First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin.
I'd really like to live beside you, baby I love your body and your spirit and your clothes But you see that line there moving through the station? I told you, I told you, told you, I was one of those Ah you loved me as a loser, but now you're worried that I just might win You know the way to stop me, but you don't have the discipline How many nights I prayed for this, to let my work begin First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin I don't like your fashion business mister And I don't like these drugs that keep you thin I don't like what happened to my sister First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin I'd really like to live beside you, baby I love your body and your spirit and your clothes But you see that line there moving through the station? I told you, I told you, told you, I was one of those And I thank you for those items that you sent me The monkey and the plywood violin I practiced every night, now I'm ready First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin Remember me? I used to live for music Remember me? I brought your groceries in Well it's Father's Day and everybody's wounded First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin

Written by Carl Sandburg | Create an image from this poem

A Tall Man

 THE MOUTH of this man is a gaunt strong mouth.
The head of this man is a gaunt strong head.
The jaws of this man are bone of the Rocky Mountains, the Appalachians.
The eyes of this man are chlorine of two sobbing oceans, Foam, salt, green, wind, the changing unknown.
The neck of this man is pith of buffalo prairie, old longing and new beckoning of corn belt or cotton belt, Either a proud Sequoia trunk of the wilderness Or huddling lumber of a sawmill waiting to be a roof.
Brother mystery to man and mob mystery, Brother cryptic to lifted cryptic hands, He is night and abyss, he is white sky of sun, he is the head of the people.
The heart of him the red drops of the people, The wish of him the steady gray-eagle crag-hunting flights of the people.
Humble dust of a wheel-worn road, Slashed sod under the iron-shining plow, These of service in him, these and many cities, many borders, many wrangles between Alaska and the Isthmus, between the Isthmus and the Horn, and east and west of Omaha, and east and west of Paris, Berlin, Petrograd.
The blood in his right wrist and the blood in his left wrist run with the right wrist wisdom of the many and the left wrist wisdom of the many.
It is the many he knows, the gaunt strong hunger of the many.
Written by Robert William Service | Create an image from this poem

A Song Of The Sandbags

 No, Bill, I'm not a-spooning out no patriotic tosh
 (The cove be'ind the sandbags ain't a death-or-glory cuss).
And though I strafes 'em good and 'ard I doesn't 'ate the Boche, I guess they're mostly decent, just the same as most of us.
I guess they loves their 'omes and kids as much as you or me; And just the same as you or me they'd rather shake than fight; And if we'd 'appened to be born at Berlin-on-the-Spree, We'd be out there with 'Ans and Fritz, dead sure that we was right.
A-standin' up to the sandbags It's funny the thoughts wot come; Starin' into the darkness, 'Earin' the bullets 'um; (Zing! Zip! Ping! Rip! 'ark 'ow the bullets 'um!) A-leanin' against the sandbags Wiv me rifle under me ear, Oh, I've 'ad more thoughts on a sentry-go Than I used to 'ave in a year.
I wonder, Bill, if 'Ans and Fritz is wonderin' like me Wot's at the bottom of it all? Wot all the slaughter's for? 'E thinks 'e's right (of course 'e ain't) but this we both agree, If them as made it 'ad to fight, there wouldn't be no war.
If them as lies in feather beds while we kips in the mud; If them as makes their fortoons while we fights for 'em like 'ell; If them as slings their pot of ink just 'ad to sling their blood: By Crust! I'm thinkin' there 'ud be another tale to tell.
Shiverin' up to the sandbags, With a hicicle 'stead of a spine, Don't it seem funny the things you think 'Ere in the firin' line: (Whee! Whut! Ziz! Zut! Lord! 'ow the bullets whine!) Hunkerin' down when a star-shell Cracks in a sputter of light, You can jaw to yer soul by the sandbags Most any old time o' night.
They talks o' England's glory and a-'oldin' of our trade, Of Empire and 'igh destiny until we're fair flim-flammed; But if it's for the likes o' that that bloody war is made, Then wot I say is: Empire and 'igh destiny be damned! There's only one good cause, Bill, for poor blokes like us to fight: That's self-defence, for 'earth and 'ome, and them that bears our name; And that's wot I'm a-doin' by the sandbags 'ere to-night.
But Fritz out there will tell you 'e's a-doin' of the same.
Starin' over the sandbags, Sick of the 'ole damn thing; Firin' to keep meself awake, 'Earin' the bullets sing.
(Hiss! Twang! Tsing! Pang! Saucy the bullets sing.
) Dreamin' 'ere by the sandbags Of a day when war will cease, When 'Ans and Fritz and Bill and me Will clink our mugs in fraternity, And the Brotherhood of Labour will be The Brotherhood of Peace.
Written by Carl Sandburg | Create an image from this poem

Accomplished Facts

 EVERY year Emily Dickinson sent one friend
the first arbutus bud in her garden.
In a last will and testament Andrew Jackson remembered a friend with the gift of George Washington’s pocket spy-glass.
Napoleon too, in a last testament, mentioned a silver watch taken from the bedroom of Frederick the Great, and passed along this trophy to a particular friend.
Henry took a blood carnation from his coat lapel and handed it to a country girl starting work in a bean bazaar, and scribbled: “Peach blossoms may or may not stay pink in city dust.
” So it goes.
Some things we buy, some not.
Tom Jefferson was proud of his radishes, and Abe Lincoln blacked his own boots, and Bismarck called Berlin a wilderness of brick and newspapers.
So it goes.
There are accomplished facts.
Ride, ride, ride on in the great new blimps— Cross unheard-of oceans, circle the planet.
When you come back we may sit by five hollyhocks.
We might listen to boys fighting for marbles.
The grasshopper will look good to us.
So it goes …
Written by William Topaz McGonagall | Create an image from this poem

A Tale of Christmas Eve

 'Twas Christmastide in Germany,
And in the year of 1850,
And in the city of Berlin, which is most beautiful to the eye;
A poor boy was heard calling out to passers-by.
"Who'll buy my pretty figures," loudly he did cry, Plaster of Paris figures, but no one inclined to buy; His clothes were thin and he was nearly frozen with cold, And wholly starving with hunger, a pitiful sight to behold.
And the twilight was giving place to the shadows of approaching night, And those who possessed a home were seeking its warmth and light; And the market square was dark and he began to moan, When he thought of his hungry brother and sisters at home.
Alas! The poor boy was afraid to go home, Oh, Heaven! hard was his lot, for money he'd none; And the tears coursed down his cheeks while loudly he did cry, "Buy my plaster of Paris figures, oh! please come buy.
" It was now quite dark while he stood there, And the passers-by did at the poor boy stare, As he stood shivering with cold in the market square; And with the falling snow he was almost frozen to the bone.
And what would it avail him standing there alone, Therefore he must make up his mind to return home.
Then he tried to hoist the board and figures on to his head, And for fear of letting the board fall he was in great dread; Then he struggled manfully forward without delay, But alas! He fell on the pavement, oh! horror and dismay.
And his beautiful figures were broken and scattered around him, And at the sight thereof his eyes grew dim; And when he regained his feet he stood speechless like one bowed down, Then the poor boy did fret and frown.
Then the almost despairing boy cried aloud, And related his distress to the increasing crowd; Oh! What a pitiful sight on a Christmas eve, But the dense crowd didn't the poor boy relieve, Until a poor wood-cutter chanced to come along, And he asked of the crowd what was wrong; And twenty ready tongues tells him the sad tale, And when he heard it the poor boy's fate he did bewail.
And he cried, "Here! Something must be done and quickly too, Do you hear! Every blessed soul of you; Come, each one give a few pence to the poor boy, And it will help to fill his heart with joy.
" Then the wood-cutter gave a golden coin away, So the crowd subscribed largely without delay; Which made the poor boy's heart feel gay, Then the wood-cutter thanked the crowd and went away.
So the poor boy did a large subscription receive, And his brother, mother, and sisters had a happy Christmas eve; And he thanked the crowd and God that to him the money sent, And bade the crowd good-night, then went home content.
Written by William Topaz McGonagall | Create an image from this poem

The Funeral of the German Emperor

 Ye sons of Germany, your noble Emperor William now is dead.
Who oft great armies to battle hath led; He was a man beloved by his subjects all, Because he never tried them to enthral.
The people of Germany have cause now to mourn, The loss of their hero, who to them will ne'er return; But his soul I hope to Heaven has fled away, To the realms of endless bliss for ever and aye.
He was much respected throughout Europe by the high and the low, And all over Germany people's hearts are full of woe; For in the battlefield he was a hero bold, Nevertheless, a lover of peace, to his credit be it told.
'Twas in the year of 1888, and on March the 16th day, That the peaceful William's remains were conveyed away To the royal mausoleum of Charlottenburg, their last resting-place, The God-fearing man that never did his country disgrace.
The funeral service was conducted in the cathedral by the court chaplain, Dr.
Kogel, Which touched the hearts of his hearers, as from his lips it fell, And in conclusion he recited the Lord's Prayer In the presence of kings, princes, dukes, and counts assembled there.
And at the end of the service the infantry outside fired volley after volley, While the people inside the cathedral felt melancholy, As the sound of the musketry smote upon the ear, In honour of the illustrous William, whom they loved most dear.
Then there was a solemn pause as the kings and princes took their places, Whilst the hot tears are trickling down their faces, And the mourners from shedding tears couldn't refrain; And in respect of the good man, above the gateway glared a bituminous flame.
Then the coffin was placed on the funeral car, By the kings and princes that came from afar; And the Crown Prince William heads the procession alone, While behind him are the four heirs-apparent to the throne.
Then followed the three Kings of Saxony, and the King of the Belgians also, Together with the Prince of Wales, with their hearts full of woe, Besides the Prince of Naples and Prince Rudolph of Austria were there, Also the Czarevitch, and other princes in their order I do declare.
And as the procession passes the palace the blinds are drawn completely, And every house is half hidden with the sable drapery; And along the line of march expansive arches were erected, While the spectators standing by seemed very dejected.
And through the Central Avenue, to make the decorations complete, There were pedestals erected, rising fourteen to fifteen feet, And at the foot and top of each pedestal were hung decorations of green bay, Also beautiful wreaths and evergreen festoons all in grand array.
And there were torches fastened on pieces of wood stuck in the ground; And as the people gazed on the weird-like scene, their silence was profound; And the shopkeepers closed their shops, and hotel-keepers closed in the doorways, And with torchlight and gaslight, Berlin for once was all ablaze.
The authorities of Berlin in honour of the Emperor considered it no sin, To decorate with crape the beautiful city of Berlin; Therefore Berlin I declare was a city of crape, Because few buildings crape decoration did escape.
First in the procession was the Emperor's bodyguard, And his great love for them nothing could it retard; Then followed a squadron of the hussars with their band, Playing "Jesus, Thou my Comfort," most solemn and grand.
And to see the procession passing the sightseers tried their best, Especially when the cavalry hove in sight, riding four abreast; Men and officers with their swords drawn, a magnificent sight to see In the dim sun's rays, their burnished swords glinting dimly.
Then followed the footguards with slow and solemn tread, Playing the "Dead March in Saul," most appropriate for the dead; And behind them followed the artillery, with four guns abreast, Also the ministers and court officials dressed in their best.
The whole distance to the grave was covered over with laurel and bay, So that the body should be borne along smoothly all the way; And the thousands of banners in the procession were beautiful to view, Because they were composed of cream-coloured silk and light blue.
There were thousands of thousands of men and women gathered there, And standing ankle deep in snow, and seemingly didn't care So as they got a glimpse of the funeral car, Especially the poor souls that came from afar.
And when the funeral car appeared there was a general hush, And the spectators in their anxiety to see began to crush; And when they saw the funeral car by the Emperor's charger led, Every hat and cap was lifted reverently from off each head.
And as the procession moved on to the royal mausoleum, The spectators remained bareheaded and seemingly quite dumb; And as the coffin was borne into its last resting-place, Sorrow seemed depicted in each one's face.
And after the burial service the mourners took a last farewell Of the noble-hearted William they loved so well; Then rich and poor dispersed quietly that were assembled there, While two batteries of field-guns fired a salute which did rend the air In honour of the immortal hero they loved so dear, The founder of the Fatherland Germany, that he did revere.

Book: Shattered Sighs