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Best Famous 2Nd Poems

Here is a collection of the all-time best famous 2Nd poems. This is a select list of the best famous 2Nd poetry. Reading, writing, and enjoying famous 2Nd poetry (as well as classical and contemporary poems) is a great past time. These top poems are the best examples of 2nd poems.

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Written by Maggie Estep | Create an image from this poem

Bad Day At The Beauty Salon

 I was a 20 year old unemployed receptionist with
dyed orange dreadlocks sprouting out of my skull.
I needed a job, but first, I needed a haircut.
So I head for this beauty salon on Avenue B.
I'm gonna get a hairdo.
I'm gonna look just like those hot Spanish haircut models, become brown and bodacious, grow some 7 inch fingernails painted ***** red and rake them down the chalkboard of the job market's soul.
So I go in the beauty salon.
This beautiful Puerto Rican girl in tight white spandex and a push-up bra sits me down and starts chopping my hair: "Girlfriend," she says, "what the hell you got growing outta your head there, what is that, hair implants? Yuck, you want me to touch that ****, whadya got in there, sandwiches?" I just go: "I'm sorry.
" She starts snipping my carefully cultivated Johnny Lydon post-Pistols hairdo.
My foul little dreadlocks are flying around all over the place but I'm not looking in the mirror cause I just don't want to know.
"So what's your name anyway?" My stylist demands then.
"Uh, Maggie.
" "Maggie? Well, that's an okay name, but my name is Suzy.
" "Yeah, so?" "Yeah so it ain't just Suzy S.
Y, I spell it S.
E, the extra "e" is for extra Suzee.
" I nod emphatically.
Suzee tells me when she's not busy chopping hair, she works as an exotic dancer at night to support her boyfriend named Rocco.
Suzee loves Rocco, she loves him so much she's got her eyes closed as she describes him: "6 foot 2, 193 pounds and, girlfriend, his arms so big and long they wrap around me twice like I'm a little Suzee sandwich.
" Little Suzee Sandwich is rapt, she blindly snips and clips at my poor punk head.
She snips and clips and snips and clips, she pauses, I look in the mirror: "Holy ****, I'm bald.
" "Holy ****, baby, you're bald.
" Suzee says, finally opening her eyes and then gasping.
All I've got left is little post-nuke clumps of orange fuzz.
And I'll never get a receptionist job now.
But Suzy waves her manicured finger in my face: "Don't you worry, baby, I'm gonna get you a job at the dancing club.
" "What?" "Baby, let me tell you, the boys are gonna like a bald go go dancer.
" That said, she whips out some clippers, shaves my head smooth and insists I'm gonna love getting naked for a living.
None of this sounds like my idea of a good time, but I'm broke and I'm bald so I go home and get my best panties.
Suzee lends me some 6 inch pumps, paints my lips bright red, and gives me 7 shots of Jack Daniels to relax me.
8pm that night I take the stage.
I'm bald, I'm drunk, and by god, I'm naked.
A few guys feel sorry for me and risk getting their hands bitten off by sticking dollars in my garter belt.
My disheveled pubic hairs stand at full attention, ready to poke the guys' eyes out if they get too close.
Then I notice this bald guy in the audience, I've got a new empathy for bald people, I figure maybe it works both ways, maybe this guy will stick 10 bucks in my garter.
I saunter over.
I'm teetering around unrhythmically, I'm the surliest, unsexiest dancer that ever go-go across this hemisphere.
The bald guy looks down into his beer, he'd much rather look at that than at my pubic mound which has now formed into one vicious spike so it looks like I've got a unicorn in my crotch.
I stand there weaving through the air.
The strobe light is illuminating my pubic unicorn.
Madonna's song Borderline is pumping through the club's speaker system for the 5th time tonight: "BORDERLINE BORDERLINE BORDERLINE/LOVE ME TIL I JUST CAN'T SEE.
" And suddenly, I start to wonder: What does that mean anyway? "LOVE ME TIL I JUST CAN'T SEE" What? Screw me so much my eyes pop out, I go blind, end up walking down 2nd Avenue crazy, horny, naked and blind? What? There's a glitch in the tape and it starts to skip.
ooop" I stumble and twist my ankle.
My g-string rides between my buttcheeks making me twitch with pain.
My head starts spinning, my knees wobble, I go down on all fours and puke all over the bald guy's lap.
So there I am.
Butt naked on all fours.
But before I have time to regain my composure, the strip club manager comes over, points his smarmy strip club manager finger at me and goes: "You're bald, you're drunk, you can't dance and you're fired.
" I stand up.
"Oh yeah, well you stink like a sneaker, pal.
" I peel off one of my pumps and throw it in the direction of his fat head then I get the hell out of there.
A few days later I run into Suzee on Avenue A.
Turns out she got fired for getting me a job there in the first place.
But she was completely undaunted, she dragged me up to this wig store on 14th Street, bought me a mouse brown shag wig, then got us both telemarketing jobs on Wall Street.
And I never went to a beauty salon again.

Written by Etheridge Knight | Create an image from this poem

The Idea of Ancestry

 Taped to the wall of my cell are 47 pictures: 47 black
faces: my father, mother, grandmothers (1 dead), grand-
fathers (both dead), brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts,
cousins (1st and 2nd), nieces, and nephews.
They stare across the space at me sprawling on my bunk.
I know their dark eyes, they know mine.
I know their style, they know mine.
I am all of them, they are all of me; they are farmers, I am a thief, I am me, they are thee.
I have at one time or another been in love with my mother, 1 grandmother, 2 sisters, 2 aunts (1 went to the asylum), and 5 cousins.
I am now in love with a 7-yr-old niece (she sends me letters in large block print, and her picture is the only one that smiles at me).
I have the same name as 1 grandfather, 3 cousins, 3 nephews, and 1 uncle.
The uncle disappeared when he was 15, just took off and caught a freight (they say).
He's discussed each year when the family has a reunion, he causes uneasiness in the clan, he is an empty space.
My father's mother, who is 93 and who keeps the Family Bible with everbody's birth dates (and death dates) in it, always mentions him.
There is no place in her Bible for "whereabouts unknown.
Written by Andrew Barton Paterson | Create an image from this poem

The Incantation

 Scene: Federal Political Arena 
A darkened cave.
In the middle, a cauldron, boiling.
Enter the three witches.
1ST WITCH: Thrice hath the Federal Jackass brayed.
2ND WITCH: Once the Bruce-Smith War-horse neighed.
3RD WITCH: So Georgie comes, 'tis time, 'tis time, Around the cauldron to chant our rhyme.
1ST WITCH: In the cauldron boil and bake Fillet of a tariff snake, Home-made flannels -- mostly cotton, Apples full of moths, and rotten, Lamb that perished in the drought, Starving stock from "furthest out", Drops of sweat from cultivators, Sweating to feed legislators.
Grime from a white stoker's nob, Toiling at a ******'s job.
Thus the great Australian Nation, Seeks political salvation.
ALL: Double, double, toil and trouble, Fire burn, and cauldron bubble.
2ND WITCH: Heel-taps from the threepenny bars, Ash from Socialist cigars.
Leathern tongue of boozer curst With the great Australian thirst, Two-up gambler keeping dark, Loafer sleeping in the park -- Drop them in to prove the sequel, All men are born free and equal.
ALL: Double, double, toil and trouble, Fire burn, and cauldron bubble.
3RD WITCH:Lung of Labour agitator, Gall of Isaacs turning traitor; Spleen that Kingston has revealed, Sawdust stuffing out of Neild; Mix them up, and then combine With duplicity of Lyne, Alfred Deakin's gift of gab, Mix the gruel thick and slab.
ALL: Double, double, toil and trouble, Heav'n help Australia in her trouble.
HECATE: Oh, well done, I commend your pains, And everyone shall share i' the gains, And now about the cauldron sing, Enchanting all that you put in.
Round about the cauldron go, In the People's rights we'll throw, Cool it with an Employer's blood, Then the charm stands firm and good, And thus with chaos in possession, Ring in the coming Fed'ral Session.
Written by Charles Bukowski | Create an image from this poem

Here I Am ..

 drunk again at 3 a.
at the end of my 2nd bottle of wine, I have typed from a dozen to 15 pages of poesy an old man maddened for the flesh of young girls in this dwindling twilight liver gone kidneys going pancrea pooped top-floor blood pressure while all the fear of the wasted years laughs between my toes no woman will live with me no Florence Nightingale to watch the Johnny Carson show with if I have a stroke I will lay here for six days, my three cats hungrily ripping the flesh from my elbows, wrists, head the radio playing classical music .
I promised myself never to write old man poems but this one's funny, you see, excusable, be- cause I've long gone past using myself and there's still more left here at 3 a.
I am going to take this sheet from the typer pour another glass and insert make love to the fresh new whiteness maybe get lucky again first for me later for you.
from "All's Normal Here" - 1985
Written by Charles Bukowski | Create an image from this poem

A Radio With Guts

 it was on the 2nd floor on Coronado Street
I used to get drunk
and throw the radio through the window
while it was playing, and, of course,
it would break the glass in the window
and the radio would sit there on the roof
still playing
and I'd tell my woman,
"Ah, what a marvelous radio!"
the next morning I'd take the window
off the hinges
and carry it down the street
to the glass man
who would put in another pane.
I kept throwing that radio through the window each time I got drunk and it would sit there on the roof still playing- a magic radio a radio with guts, and each morning I'd take the window back to the glass man.
I don't remember how it ended exactly though I do remember we finally moved out.
there was a woman downstairs who worked in the garden in her bathing suit, she really dug with that trowel and she put her behind up in the air and I used to sit in the window and watch the sun shine all over that thing while the music played.

Written by William Topaz McGonagall | Create an image from this poem

The Battle of Waterloo

 'Twas in the year 1815, and on the 18th day of June,
That British cannon, against the French army, loudly did boom,
Upon the ever memorable bloody field of Waterloo;
Which Napoleon remembered while in St.
Helena, and bitterly did rue.
The morning of the 18th was gloomy and cheerless to behold, But the British soon recovered from the severe cold That they had endured the previous rainy night; And each man prepared to burnish his arms for the coming fight.
Then the morning passed in mutual arrangements for battle, And the French guns, at half-past eleven, loudly did rattle; And immediately the order for attack was given, Then the bullets flew like lightning till the Heaven's seemed riven.
The place from which Bonaparte viewed the bloody field Was the farmhouse of La Belle Alliance, which some protection did yield; And there he remained for the most part of the day, Pacing to and fro with his hands behind him in doubtful dismay.
The Duke of Wellington stood upon a bridge behind La Haye, And viewed the British army in all their grand array, And where danger threatened most the noble Duke was found In the midst of shot and shell on every side around.
Hougemont was the key of the Duke of Wellington's position, A spot that was naturally very strong, and a great acqusition To the Duke and his staff during the day, Which the Coldstream Guards held to the last, without dismay.
The French 2nd Corps were principally directed during the day To carry Hougemont farmhouse without delay; So the farmhouse in quick succession they did attack, But the British guns on the heights above soon drove them back.
But still the heavy shot and shells ploughed through the walls; Yet the brave Guards resolved to hold the place no matter what befalls; And they fought manfully to the last, with courage unshaken, Until the tower of Hougemont was in a blaze but still it remained untaken.
By these desperate attacks Napoleon lost ten thousand men, And left them weltering in their gore like sheep in a pen; And the British lost one thousand men-- which wasn't very great, Because the great Napoleon met with a crushing defeat.
The advance of Napoleon on the right was really very fine, Which was followed by a general onset upon the British line, In which three hundred pieces of artillery opened their cannonade; But the British artillery played upon them, and great courage displayed.
For ten long hours it was a continued succession of attacks; Whilst the British cavalry charged them in all their drawbacks; And the courage of the British Army was great in square at Waterloo, Because hour after hour they were mowed down in numbers not a few.
At times the temper of the troops had very nearly failed, Especially amongst the Irish regiments who angry railed; And they cried: " When will we get at them? Show us the way That we may avenge the death of our comrades without delay" "But be steady and cool, my brave lads," was their officers' command, While each man was ready to charge with gun in hand; Oh, Heaven! if was pitiful to see their comrades lying around, Dead and weltering in their gore, and cumbering the ground.
It was a most dreadful sight to behold, Heaps upon heaps of dead men lying stiff and cold; While the cries of the dying was lamentable to hear; And for the loss Of their comrades many a soldier shed a tear.
Men and horses fell on every aide around, Whilst heavy cannon shot tore up the ground; And musket balls in thousands flew, And innocent blood bedewed the field of Waterloo.
Methinks I see the solid British square, Whilst the shout of the French did rend the air, As they rush against the square of steel.
Which forced them back and made them reel.
And when a gap was made in that square, The cry of "Close up! Close up!" did rend the air, "And charge them with your bayonets, and make them fly! And Scotland for ever! be the cry.
" The French and British closed in solid square, While the smoke of the heavy cannonade darkened the air; Then the noble Picton deployed his division into line, And drove back the enemy in a very short time.
Then Lord Anglesey seized on the moment, and charging with the Greys, Whilst the Inniskillings burst through everything, which they did always; Then the French infantry fell in hundreds by the swords of the Dragoons; Whilst the thundering of the cannonade loudly booms.
And the Eagles of the 45th and 105th were all captured that day, And upwards of 2000 prisoners, all in grand array; But, alas! at the head of his division, the noble Picton fell, While the Highlanders played a lament for him they loved so well.
Then the French cavalry receded from the square they couldn't penetrate, Still Napoleon thought to weary the British into defeat; But when he saw his columns driven back in dismay, He cried, "How beautifully these English fight, but they must give way.
" And well did British bravery deserve the proud encomium, Which their enduring courage drew from the brave Napoleon; And when the close column of infantry came on the British square, Then the British gave one loud cheer which did rend the air.
Then the French army pressed forward at Napoleon's command, Determined, no doubt, to make a bold stand; Then Wellington cried, " Up Guards and break their ranks through, And chase the French invaders from off the field of Waterloo!" Then, in a moment, they were all on their feet, And they met the French, sword in hand, and made them retreat; Then Wellington in person directed the attack, And at every point and turning the French were beaten back.
And the road was choked and encumbered with the dead; And, unable to stand the charge, the French instantly fled, And Napoleon's army of yesterday was now a total wreck, Which the British manfully for ten long hours held in check.
Then, panic-struck, the French were forced to yield, And Napoleon turned his charger's head, and fled from the field, With his heart full of woe, no doubt Exclaiming, "Oh, Heaven! my noble army has met with a total rout!"
Written by Dylan Thomas | Create an image from this poem


 I sit here on the 2nd floor
hunched over in yellow
still pretending to be
a writer.
some damned gall, at 71, my brain cells eaten away by life.
rows of books behind me, I scratch my thinning hair and search for the word.
for decades now I have infuriated the ladies, the critics, the university suck-toads.
they all will soon have their time to celebrate.
"terribly overrated.
" "gross.
" "an aberration.
" my hands sink into the keyboard of my Macintosh, it's the same old con that scraped me off the streets and park benches, the same simple line I learned in those cheap rooms, I can't let go, sitting here on this 2nd floor hunched over in yellow pajamas still pretending to be a writer.
the gods smile down, the gods smile down, the gods smile down.
Black Sparrow "New Year's Greeting" 1992
Written by Ellis Parker Butler | Create an image from this poem

The Charge of the Second Iowa Cavalry

 Comrades, many a year and day
 Have fled since that glorious 9th of May
 When we made the charge at Farmington.
But until our days on earth are done Our blood will burn and our hearts beat fast As we tell of the glorious moments we passed, When we rode on the guns with a mighty shout And saved Paine’s army from utter rout; And our children in years to come will tell How the 2nd rose through the shot and shell Rode with a cheer on that 9th of May And held the whole rebel army at bay.
Behind lay the swamp, a dank morass.
A marsh - no horse nor man could pass Save by one road, one narrow way.
But beyond that road our safety lay, In front rose the hills which the rebels held With his howling cannon that raked and shelled Our troops.
We lay in the centre.
Paine, Our general saw he must cross again The narrow road, or his men were lost The road was narrow.
It must be crossed, And crossed in haste, and the deadly rain of the rebel guns "Must be stopped!" said Paine.
Twenty-four cannon thundered and roared! Twenty-four cannon into us poured.
Twenty-four cannon! A devil’s den Backed by full fifteen thousand men.
Must be held at bay till our troops could pass In order over the dank morass.
Up to where the cavalry stand, Waiting in order the word of command, Gallops Paine.
And his mighty shout Rings the daring order out - "Take and hold that battery! Take it! Whatever the hazards be!" "Draw sabres!" They flash in the startled air.
"Forward! Gallop! March!" Away We ride.
We must show our steel today! "Gallop! Charge!" On the rebels ears Ring the thundering Yankee cheers! And on, like a wave of maddened sea, On - Dash the Iowa cavalry! Into the torrents of shot and shell That shrieks and screams like the fiends of hell! Into the torrent of shot that kills! Into the torrent of shell that stills The cheer on many a lip, we ride Like the onward rush of a whirling tide Up to the cannon’s mouth, Our cheers Curdle the blood of the cannoneers To right and left from his silenced guns In wild retreat the rebel runs.
And the charge of the Iowa cavalry Rushes on! Can you stop the sea When the storm waves break on the sandy shore Driving the driftwood awrack? No more Can the rebel resist the terrible charge As we ride right up to their army’s marge - They waver - the fifteen thousand men, Waver and rally, and waver, and then Our work is done.
Paine’s men had crossed The swamp while our little band was lost In the smoke and dust of the eager ride, And are safe at last on the other side.
Then we ride back! We had saved the day By holding the whole rebel army at bay, While Paine made a hasty and safe retreat Over the swamp.
We had conquered defeat! Comrades, many a year and day Have fled since that glorious 9th of May When we made the charge at Farmington.
And our time on earth is almost run, But when we are gone our children will tell How we rode through rebel shots and shell.
How we rode on the guns with a mighty shout, And saved Paine’s army from utter route.
And carved in the temple of glory will be The roll of the 2nd Iowa Cavalry.
The brave old 2nd, that never knew A deed too hard or rash to do.
The dear old 2nd, that would have spurred Into Hell itself, if Hatch said the word.
Written by William Topaz McGonagall | Create an image from this poem

The Battle of Omdurman

 Ye Sons of Great Britain! come join with me
And King in praise of the gallant British Armie,
That behaved right manfully in the Soudan,
At the great battle of Omdurman.
'Twas in the year of 1898, and on the 2nd of September, Which the Khalifa and his surviving followers will long remember, Because Sir Herbert Kitchener has annihilated them outright, By the British troops and Soudanese in the Omdurman fight.
The Sirdar and his Army left the camp in grand array, And marched on to Omdurman without delay, Just as the brigades had reached the crest adjoining the Nile, And became engaged with the enemy in military style.
The Dervishes had re-formed under cover of a rocky eminence, Which to them, no doubt, was a strong defence, And they were massed together in battle array Around the black standard of the Khalifa, which made a grand display.
But General Maxwell's Soudanese brigade seized the eminence in a short time, And General Macdonald's brigade then joined the firing line; And in ten minutes, long before the attack could be driven home, The flower of the Khalifa's army was almost overthrown.
Still manfully the dusky warriors strove to make headway, But the Soudanese troops and British swept them back without dismay, And their main body were mown down by their deadly fire- But still the heroic Dervishes refused to retire.
And defiantly they planted their standards and died by them, To their honour be it said, just like brave men; But at last they retired, with their hearts full of woe, Leaving the field white with corpses, like a meadow dotted with snow.
The chief heroes in the fight were the 21st Lancers; They made a brilliant charge on the enemy with ringing cheers, And through the dusky warriors bodies their lances they did thrust, Whereby many of them were made to lick the dust.
Then at a quarter past eleven the Sirdar sounded the advance, And the remnant of the Dervishes fled, which was their only chance, While the cavalry cut off their retreat while they ran; Then the Sirdar, with the black standard of the Khalifa, headed for Omdurman.
And when the Khalifa saw his noble army cut down, With rage and grief he did fret and frown; Then he spurred his noble steed, and swiftly it ran, While inwardly to himself he cried, "Catch me if you can!" And Mahdism now has received a crushing blow, For the Khalifa and his followers have met with a complete overthrow; And General Gordon has been avenged, the good Christian, By the defeat of the Khalifa at the battle of Omdurman.
Now since the Khalifa has been defeated and his rule at an end, Let us thank God that fortunately did send The brave Sir Herbert Kitchener to conquer that bad man, The inhuman Khalifa, and his followers at the battle of Omdurman.
Success to Sir Herbert Kitchener! he is a great commander, And as skilful in military tactics as the great Alexander, Because he devised a very wise plan, And by it has captured the town of Omdurman.
I wish success to the British and Soudanese Army, May God protect them by land and by sea, May he enable them always to conquer the foe, And to establish what's right wherever they go.
Written by William Topaz McGonagall | Create an image from this poem

Lines in Praise of Professor Blackie

 Alas! the people's hearts are now full of sorrow
For the deceased Professor Blackie, of Edinboro';
Because he was a Christian man, affable and kind,
And his equal in charitable actions would be hard to find 

'Twas in the year of 1895, March the 2nd, he died at 10 o'clock.
Which to his dear wife, and his adopted son, was a great shock; And before he died he bade farewell to his adopted son and wife.
Which, no doubt, they will remember during life.
Professor Blackie celebrated his golden wedding three years ago, When he was made the recipient of respect from high and low.
He leaves a widow, but, fortunately, no family, Which will cause Mrs.
Blackie to feel less unhappy.
Professor Blackie will be greatly missed in Edinboro; Especially those that met him daily will feel great sorrow, When they think of his never-failing plaid and hazel rung, For, although he was an old man, he considered he was young.
He had a very striking face, and silvery locks like a seer, And in the hearts of the Scottish people he was loved most dear; And many a heart will mourn for him, but all in vain, Because he never can return to them again.
He was a very kind-hearted man, and in no way vain, And I'm afraid we ne'er shall look upon his like again; And to hear him tell Scotch stories, the time did quickly pass, And for singing Scotch songs few could him surpass.
But I hope e is in heaven, singing with saints above, Around God's throne, where all is peace and love; There, where God's children daily doth meet To sing praises to God, enchanting and sweet.
He had visited almost every part of Europe in his time, And, like Lord Byron, he loved the Grecian clime; Nor did he neglect his own dear country, And few men knew it more thoroughly than he.
On foot he tramped o'er most of bonnie Scotland, And in his seventies he climbed the highest hills most grand.
Few men in his day could be compared to him, Because he wasn't hard on fallen creatures when they did sin.
Oh, dearly beloved Professor Blackie, I must conclude my muse, And to write in praise of thee my pen does not refuse; Because you were a very Christian man, be it told, Worthy of a monument, and your name written thereon in letters of gold.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things