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Famous Bespeaks Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Bespeaks poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous bespeaks poems. These examples illustrate what a famous bespeaks poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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by Brackenridge, Hugh Henry
...uxurious nor the pride of kings; 
But truth meek-ey'd and warm benevolence 
Wisdom's high breeding in her sons rever'd 
Bespeaks them each the children[2] of a king. 
The christian truth of origin divine, 
Grows not beneath the shade of civil pow'r, 
Riches or wealth accompanied with pride; 
Nor shall it bloom transplanted to that soil, 
Where persecution, in malignant streams, 
Flows out to water it; black streams and foul 
Which from the lake of Tartarus break forth, 
T...Read more of this...

by Marvell, Andrew
...sity and spite, till then, 
Let them come up so to go down again. 

Up ambles country justice on his pad, 
And vest bespeaks to be more seemly clad. 
Plain gentlemen in stagecoach are o'erthrown 
And deputy-lieutenants in their own. 
The portly burgess through the weather hot 
Does for his corporation sweat and trot; 
And all with sun and choler come adust 
And threaten Hyde to raise a greater dust. 
But fresh as from the Mint, the courtiers fine 
Salute them,...Read more of this...

by Freneau, Philip
...t, upon Him lean;
He lives in all, and never strayed
A moment from the works He made:

His system fixed on general laws
Bespeaks a wise creating cause;
Impartially He rules mankind
And all that on this globe we find.

Unchanged in all that seems to change,
Unbounded space is His great range;
To one vast purpose always true,
No time, with Him, is old or new.

In all the attributes divine
Unlimited perfectings shine;
In these enwrapt, in these complete,
All virtues in t...Read more of this...

by Scott, Sir Walter
     That such dear pledge may rest secure?'—

     ''T is well advised,—the Chieftain's plan
     Bespeaks the father of his clan.
     But wherefore sleeps Sir Roderick Dhu
     Apart from all his followers true?'
     'It is because last evening-tide
     Brian an augury hath tried,
     Of that dread kind which must not be
     Unless in dread extremity,
     The Taghairm called; by which, afar,
     Our sires foresaw the events of war.
     ...Read more of this...

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Book: Reflection on the Important Things