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Famous Attendance Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Attendance poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous attendance poems. These examples illustrate what a famous attendance poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

See also:

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry
...ade a Trust . . .
Lo, many men in many lands
Know when their cause is just.
There will be quite a large attendance
When we Declare our Independence....Read more of this...
by Chesterton, G K

...l and so flexile then, 
You moved her at your pleasure. 
Twang out, my fiddle! shake the twigs' 
And make her dance attendance; 
Blow, flute, and stir the stiff-set sprigs, 
And scirrhous roots and tendons. 

'Tis vain ! in such a brassy age 
I could not move a thistle; 
The very sparrows in the hedge 
Scarce answer to my whistle; 
'Or at the most, when three-parts-sick 
With strumming and with scraping, 
A jackass heehaws from the rick, 
The passive oxen gaping. ...Read more of this...
by Tennyson, Alfred Lord
...ght makes all of the one mind,
The riders upon the galloping horses,
The crowd that closes in behind:
We, too, had good attendance once,
Hearers and hearteners of the work;
Aye, horsemen for companions,
Before the merchant and the clerk
Breathed on the world with timid breath.
Sing on: somewhere at some new moon,
We'll learn that sleeping is not death,
Hearing the whole earth change its tune,
Its flesh being wild, and it again
Crying aloud as the racecourse is,
And we fin...Read more of this...
by Yeats, William Butler
...bodies were carried into London Hotel yard,
And to alleviate their sufferings the doctors tried hard;
But, alas! their attendance on many was thrown away,
But those that survived were conveyed to Exeter Hospital without delay. 

And all those that had their wounds dressed proceeded home,
Accompanied by their friends, and making a loud moan;
While the faces and necks of others were sickening to behold,
Enough to chill one's blood, and make the heart turn cold. 

Alas!...Read more of this...
by McGonagall, William Topaz
...f this wild wood,
And every bosky bourn from side to side,
My daily walks and ancient neighbourhood;
And, if your stray attendance be yet lodged,
Or shroud within these limits, I shall know
Ere morrow wake, or the low-roosted lark
From her thatched pallet rouse. If otherwise,
I can conduct you, Lady, to a low
But loyal cottage, where you may be safe
Till further quest.
 LADY. Shepherd, I take thy word,
And trust thy honest-offered courtesy,
Which oft is sooner fou...Read more of this...
by Milton, John

...t of all you are. 
And, Enid, you and he, I see with joy, 
Ye sit apart, you do not speak to him, 
You come with no attendance, page or maid, 
To serve you--doth he love you as of old? 
For, call it lovers' quarrels, yet I know 
Though men may bicker with the things they love, 
They would not make them laughable in all eyes, 
Not while they loved them; and your wretched dress, 
A wretched insult on you, dumbly speaks 
Your story, that this man loves you no more. 
Your...Read more of this...
by Tennyson, Alfred Lord
...ala galaxy robed and uniformed 
 commissary O the happy stands
 Ethereal root and cheer and boo
 The billioned all-time attendance
 The Zeusian pandemonium
 Hermes racing Owens
 The Spitball of Buddha
 Christ striking out
 Luther stealing third
 Planeterium Death Hosannah Bomb
 Gush the final rose O Spring Bomb
 Come with thy gown of dynamite green
 unmenace Nature's inviolate eye
 Before you the wimpled Past
 behind you the hallooing Future O Bomb
 Bound in the grassy clario...Read more of this...
by Corso, Gregory law by candle light
Until you became an attorney at law?
And then suppose through your diligence,
And regular church attendance,
You became attorney for Thomas Rhodes,
Collecting notes and mortgages,
And representing all the widows
In the Probate Court? And through it all
They jeered at your size, and laughed at your clothes
And your polished boots? And then suppose
You became the County Judge?
And Jefferson Howard and Kinsey Keene,
And Harmon Whitney, and all the giants
W...Read more of this...
by Masters, Edgar Lee
...No Crowd that has occurred
Exhibit -- I suppose
That General Attendance
That Resurrection -- does --

Circumference be full --
The long restricted Grave
Assert her Vital Privilege --
The Dust -- connect -- and live --

On Atoms -- features place --
All Multitudes that were
Efface in the Comparison --
As Suns -- dissolve a star --

Solemnity -- prevail --
Its Individual Doom
Possess each separate Consciousness --
Augus...Read more of this...
by Dickinson, Emily
...erived; yet I shall temper so 
Justice with mercy, as may illustrate most 
Them fully satisfied, and thee appease. 
Attendance none shall need, nor train, where none 
Are to behold the judgement, but the judged, 
Those two; the third best absent is condemned, 
Convict by flight, and rebel to all law: 
Conviction to the serpent none belongs. 
Thus saying, from his radiant seat he rose 
Of high collateral glory: Him Thrones, and Powers, 
Princedoms, and Dominations mini...Read more of this...
by Milton, John
...The trumpet's voice, loud and authoritative,
Draws me a moment to the lighted glass
To watch the dancers - all under twenty-five -
Solemnly on the beat of happiness.

- Or so I fancy, sensing the smoke and sweat,
The wonderful feel of girls. Why be out there ?
But then, why be in there? Sex, yes, but what
Is sex ? Surely to think the lion's share 
...Read more of this...
by Larkin, Philip
...know what suitor waits.
     Please you meanwhile in fitting bower
     Repose you till his waking hour.
     Female attendance shall obey
     Your hest, for service or array.
     Permit I marshal you the way.'
     But, ere she followed, with the grace
     And open bounty of her race,
     She bade her slender purse be shared
     Among the soldiers of the guard.
     The rest with thanks their guerdon took,
     But Brent, with shy and awkward look,
     On t...Read more of this...
by Scott, Sir Walter
...out the Shark, phlegmatical one,
Pale sot of the Maldive sea,
The sleek little pilot-fish, azure and slim,
How alert in attendance be.
From his saw-pit of mouth, from his charnel of maw,
They have nothing of harm to dread,
But liquidly glide on his ghastly flank
Or before his Gorgonian head;
Or lurk in the port of serrated teeth
In white triple tiers of glittering gates,
And there find a haven when peril's abroad,
An asylum in jaws of the Fates!
They are friends; and frie...Read more of this...
by Melville, Herman assumed of easy trials, 
A sick negation born of weak denials,
A crazed abhorrence of an old condition, 
A blind attendance on a brief ambition,— 
Whatever stayed him or derided him, 
His way was even as ours; 
And we, with all our wounds and all our powers,
Must each await alone at his own height 
Another darkness or another light; 
And there, of our poor self dominion reft, 
If inference and reason shun 
Hell, Heaven, and Oblivion,
May thwarted will (perforce precari...Read more of this...
by Robinson, Edwin Arlington
...*went full nigh the sooth,* I will not lie; *came very near
A man shall win us best with flattery; the truth*
And with attendance, and with business
Be we y-limed,* bothe more and less. *caught with bird-lime
And some men said that we do love the best
For to be free, and do *right as us lest,* *whatever we please*
And that no man reprove us of our vice,
But say that we are wise, and nothing nice,* *foolish 7
For truly there is none among us all,
If any wight will *claw u...Read more of this...
by Chaucer, Geoffrey
Just to partake -- the infamy --

The Tenant of the Narrow Cottage, wert Thou --
Permit to be
The Housewife in thy low attendance
Contenteth Me --

No Service hast Thou, I would not achieve it --
To die -- or live --
The first -- Sweet, proved I, ere I saw thee --
For Life -- be Love --...Read more of this...
by Dickinson, Emily

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Attendance poems.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things