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Famous Assailant Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Assailant poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous assailant poems. These examples illustrate what a famous assailant poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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by Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
...ragments backward from him, 
With the breathing of his nostrils, 
With the tempest of his anger, 
Blew them back at his assailant; 
Seized the bulrush, the Apukwa, 
Dragged it with its roots and fibres 
From the margin of the meadow, 
From its ooze the giant bulrush; 
Long and loud laughed Hiawatha!
Then began the deadly conflict, 
Hand to hand among the mountains; 
From his eyry screamed the eagle, 
The Keneu, the great war-eagle, 
Sat upon the crags around them, 
Wheeling f...Read more of this...

by Smart, Christopher
...bless with the Baboon, whose motions are regular in the wilderness, and who defendeth himself with a staff against the assailant. 

Let Ucal bless with the Cameleon, which feedeth on the Flowers and washeth himself in the dew. 

Let Lemuel bless with the Wolf, which is a dog without a master, but the Lord hears his cries and feeds him in the desert. 

Let Hananiah bless with the Civet, which is pure from benevolence. 

Let Azarias bless with the Reindeer, who...Read more of this...

by McGonagall, William Topaz
...he blow didn't kill him dead;
He only staggered, and was about to be bayoneted by a mutineer,
But Gumpunt Kerr laid his assailant dead without fear. 

Kerr's little party were now reduced to seven,
Yet fearless and undaunted, and with the help of Heaven,
He gathered his small band possessed of courage bold,
Determined to make a last effort to capture the stronghold. 

Then he cried, "My men, we will burn them out,
And suffocate them with smoke, without any doubt!"
So ...Read more of this...

by Byron, George (Lord)
Still the church is tenable, 
Whence issued the fated ball 
That half avenged the city's fall, 
When Alp, her fierce assailant, fell: 
Thither bending sternly back, 
They leave before a bloody track; 
And, with their faces to the foe, 
Dealing wounds with every blow, 
The chief, and his retreating train, 
Join to those within the fane; 
There they yet may breathe awhile, 
Shelter'd by the massy pile. 


Brief breathing-time! the turban'd host, 
With added ra...Read more of this...

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