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Famous Armfuls Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Armfuls poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous armfuls poems. These examples illustrate what a famous armfuls poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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by Milosz, Czeslaw
...nd lemons,
Cobbles spattered with wine
And the wreckage of flowers.
Vendors cover the trestles
With rose-pink fish;
Armfuls of dark grapes
Heaped on peach-down.

On this same square
They burned Giordano Bruno.
Henchmen kindled the pyre
Close-pressed by the mob.
Before the flames had died
The taverns were full again,
Baskets of olives and lemons
Again on the vendors' shoulders.

I thought of the Campo dei Fiori
In Warsaw by the sky-carousel
One clear spring...Read more of this...

by Keats, John
...ried carefully on the cooler side of sheaves
When last the sun his autumn tresses shook,
And the tann'd harvesters rich armfuls took.
Soon was he quieted to slumbrous rest:
But, ere it crept upon him, he had prest
Peona's busy hand against his lips,
And still, a sleeping, held her finger-tips
In tender pressure. And as a willow keeps
A patient watch over the stream that creeps
Windingly by it, so the quiet maid
Held her in peace: so that a whispering blade
Of grass, a...Read more of this...

by Sandburg, Carl
 Dust in my hair,
Crushes of hoofs.

Your name
Fills the mouth
Of rich man and poor.
 Women bring
Armfuls of flowers
And throw on you.

 I go hungry
 Down in dreams
 And loneliness,
 Across the rain
 To slashed hills
Where men wait and hope for me....Read more of this...

by Whitman, Walt
...s of the harvest-time loads the slow-drawn wagon;
The clear light plays on the brown gray and green intertinged; 
The armfuls are pack’d to the sagging mow. 

I am there—I help—I came stretch’d atop of the load; 
I felt its soft jolts—one leg reclined on the other; 
I jump from the cross-beams, and seize the clover and timothy,
And roll head over heels, and tangle my hair full of wisps. 

Alone, far in the wilds and mountains, I hunt, 
Wandering, amazed ...Read more of this...

by Tebb, Barry
...All this is but the dust

We must shake from our feet

Purple heather still with blossom

In Haworth and I shall gather armfuls

To toss them skywards and you,

Madonna mia, I shall bed you there

In blazing summer by High Wythens,

Artist unbroken from the highest peak

I raise my hands to heaven.

( II )

Sweet Anna, I do not know you from Eve

But your zany zine in the post

Is the best I’ve ever seen, inspiring this rant

Against the cant of stuck-up cunts currying fa...Read more of this...

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Armfuls poems.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things