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Famous Ant Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Ant poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous ant poems. These examples illustrate what a famous ant poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

See also:

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry
seas, the gales of yet another winter
may have done. Still there,

the gust-beleaguered single spruce tree, 
the ant-thronged, root-snelled moss, grass 
and clover tuffet underneath it, 
edges frazzled raw

but, like our own prolonged attachment, holding. 
Whatever moral lesson might commend itself, 
there's no use drawing one, 
there's nothing here

to seize on as exemplifying any so-called virtue 
(holding on despite adversity, perhaps) or 
any no-more-than-human...Read more of this...
by Clampitt, Amy

...palpable besides the soul
To penetrate the air in which we roll.

He did not see how like a flying thing
It brooded ant eggs, and bad one large wing,
One not so large for flying in a ring,

And a long Bird of Paradise's tail
(Though these when not in use to fly and trail
It drew back in its body like a snail);

Nor know that be might move it from the spot—
The harm was done: from having been star-shot
The very nature of the soil was hot

And burning to yield flowers inste...Read more of this...
by Frost, Robert
...yank off

Her blindfold, stand revealed--a monster-god
With spidery arms and a mouth like a black hole--
While I leap, ant-sized, at her feet, blinded
By tears, raging blindly as, sense by sense, 
My mother is sucked away?...Read more of this...
by Webb, Charles
...Voici venir les temps o? vibrant sur sa tige
Chaque fleur s'?vapore ainsi qu'un encensoir;
Les sons et les parfums tournent dans l'air du soir;
Valse m?lancolique et langoureux vertige! 
Chaque fleur s'?vapore ainsi qu'un encensoir;
Le violon fr?mit comme un coeur qu'on afflige;
Valse m?lancolique et langoureux vertige!
Le ciel est triste et beau comme un grand reposoir.
Le violon f...Read more of this...
by Baudelaire, Charles
...or Brown 
Had a world-wide reputation 
As a writer of renown. 
He had striven finer feelings 
In our natures to implant 
By his Treatise on the Morals 
Of the Red-eyed Bulldog Ant. 
He had hoisted an opponent 
Who had trodden unawares 
On his "Reasons for Bare Patches 
On the Female Native Bears". 
So they gave him an appointment 
As instructor to a band 
Of the most attractive females 
To be gathered in the land. 
'Twas a "Ladies' Science Circle" -- 
Just the...Read more of this...
by Paterson, Andrew Barton

...them out. Therefore I watched the ground; 
And I was wondering what made the Lord 
Create a thing so nervous as an ant, 
When Isaac, with commendable unrest,
Ordained that we should take the road again— 
For it was yet three miles to Archibald’s, 
And one to the first pump. I felt relieved 
All over when the old man told me that; 
I felt that he had stilled a fear of mine
That those extremities of heat and cold 
Which he had long gone through with Archibald 
Had made...Read more of this...
by Robinson, Edwin Arlington
...ry the adversary. 

Let Ahitub humble himself with an Ape before Almighty God, who is the maker of variety and pleasantry. 

Let Abiathar with a Fox praise the name of the Lord, who ballances craft against strength and skill against number. 

Let Moses, the Man of God, bless with a Lizard, in the sweet majesty of good-nature, and the magnanimity of meekness. 

Let Joshua praise God with an Unicorn -- the swiftness of the Lord, and the strength of the Lord, and...Read more of this...
by Smart, Christopher
...If you were only one inch tall, you'd ride a worm to school.
The teardrop of a crying ant would be your swimming pool.
A crumb of cake would be a feast
And last you seven days at least,
A flea would be a frightening beast
If you were one inch tall.

If you were only one inch tall, you'd walk beneath the door,
And it would take about a month to get down to the store.
A bit of fluff would be your bed,
You'd swing upon a spider's thr...Read more of this...
by Silverstein, Shel
I took some tears from my jaw and neck
and started to wash a corner of his stone.
Then a black and amber ant
ran out onto the granite, and off it,
and another ant hauled a dead
ant onto the stone, leaving it, and not coming back.
Ants ran down into the grooves of his name
and dates, down into the oval track of the 
first name's O, middle name's O,
the short O of his last name,
and down into the hyphen between
his birth and death--little trough of his life.<...Read more of this...
by Olds, Sharon
There she that seemed the chief among them said, 
`In happy time behold our pilot-star! 
Youth, we are damsels-errant, and we ride, 
Armed as ye see, to tilt against the knights 
There at Caerleon, but have lost our way: 
To right? to left? straight forward? back again? 
Which? tell us quickly.' 

Pelleas gazing thought, 
`Is Guinevere herself so beautiful?' 
For large her violet eyes looked, and her bloom 
A rosy dawn kindled in stainless heavens, 
And round her li...Read more of this...
by Tennyson, Alfred Lord
...t traps which consist only
Of two sticky and tricky threads. Yet this ambush is enough
To bind and chain a crawling ant for long
The famished spider feels the vibration
Which transforms patience into sensation and satiation.
The handsome wolf spider moves suddenly freely and relies
Upon lightning suddenness, stealth and surprise,
Possessing accurate eyes, pouncing upon his victim with the
 speed of surmise.

Courtship is dangerous: there are just as many ...Read more of this...
by Schwartz, Delmore>.."

It's enough to be sitting here on my porch,
thinking about Kermit Roosevelt,
following the course of an ant,
or walking out into the yard with a cordless phone
 to find out she is going to be there tonight

On a day like today, what looks like bad news in the distance
turns out to be something on my contact, carports and white
courtesy phones are spontaneously reappreciated
 and random "okay"s ring through the backyards.

This morning I discovered the red ...Read more of this...
by Berman, David
...rom your throat.
I am none the wiser.

Scaling little ladders with glue pots and pails of Lysol
I crawl like an ant in mourning
Over the weedy acres of your brow
To mend the immense skull-plates and clear
The bald, white tumuli of your eyes.

A blue sky out of the Oresteia
Arches above us. O father, all by yourself
You are pithy and historical as the Roman Forum.
I open my lunch on a hill of black cypress.
Your fluted bones and acanthine hair are litte...Read more of this...
by Plath, Sylvia
...ried: What do you know of love? 

Do you think all nature worth 
The littlest life upon earth?

I made the germ and the ant, 
The tiger and elephant. 

In the least of these there is more 
Than your elemental war. 

And the lovers whom ye slight 
Are precious in my sight. 

Peace to your mischief-brewing! 
I love to watch their wooing. 

Of all this Laylah heard 
Never a word. 

She lay beneath the trees 
With her lover at her knees. 

He sang of God a...Read more of this...
by Crowley, Aleister
The ducks began to quack; 
Prim Guinea fowls relenting called, 
"Come back, come back, come back." 

Great chanticleer was pleased to give 
A patronizing crow, 
And the contemptuous biddies clucked, 
"I wish my chicks did so." 

The peacocks spread their shining tails, 
And cried in accents soft, 
"We want to know you, gifted one, 
Come up and sit aloft." 

Wise owls awoke and gravely said, 
With proudly swelling breasts, 
"Rare birds have always been evoke...Read more of this...
by Alcott, Louisa May
...ven this small
 eminence and similarly safe

contracting nose and eye apertures
 impenetrably closable, are not; a true ant-eater,
not cockroach eater, who endures
 exhausting solitary trips through unfamiliar ground at night,
 returning before sunrise, stepping in the moonlight,
 on the moonlight peculiarly, that the outside
 edges of his hands may bear the weight and save the claws
 for digging. Serpentined about
 the tree, he draws
 away from danger unpugnaciously,
 wi...Read more of this...
by Moore, Marianne
...ansas, harvester's Kansas,
A million men have found you before us. 


I want live things in their pride to remain.
I will not kill one grasshopper vain 
Though he eats a hole in my shirt like a door.
I let him out, give him one chance more.
Perhaps, while he gnaws my hat in his whim,
Grasshopper lyrics occur to him.

I am a tramp by the long trail's border,
Given to squalor, rags and disorder.
I nap and amble ...Read more of this...
by Lindsay, Vachel 
The smooth-plumed bird 
In its emerald shade, 
The seed of the grass, 
The speck of the stone 
Which the wayfaring ant 
Stirs -- and hastes on! 

Though I should sit 
By some tarn in thy hills, 
Using its ink 
As the spirit wills 
To write of Earth's wonders, 
Its live, willed things, 
Flit would the ages 
On soundless wings 
Ere unto Z 
My pen drew nigh 
Leviathan told, 
And the honey-fly: 
And still would remain 
My wit to try -- 
My worn reeds broken, 
The dark tarn d...Read more of this...
by de la Mare, Walter
...e's halfpenny,  or a mass penny;
Or give us of your brawn, if ye have any;
A dagon* of your blanket, leve dame, *remnant
Our sister dear, -- lo, here I write your name,--
Bacon or beef, or such thing as ye find."
A sturdy harlot* went them aye behind, *manservant 
That was their hoste's man, and bare a sack,
And what men gave them, laid it on his back
And when that he was out at door, anon
He *planed away* the names every one, *rubbed out*
That he before had written...Read more of this...
by Chaucer, Geoffrey
...ackened wreck
A fairer temple rose and Progress stood --
Sing, muse, that lit the Chian's face with smiles,
Who saw the ant-like Greeks and Trojans crawl
About Scamander, over walls, pursued
Or else pursuing, and the funeral pyres
And sacred hecatombs, and first because
Of Helen who with Paris fled to Troy
As soul-mate; and the wrath of Peleus' son,
Decreed to lose Chryseis, lovely spoil
Of war, and dearest concubine.
Say first,
Thou son of night, called Momus, from whose...Read more of this...
by Masters, Edgar Lee

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Ant poems.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things