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Famous Agriculture Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Agriculture poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous agriculture poems. These examples illustrate what a famous agriculture poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

See also:

by Burns, Robert
From simple Catrine, their long-lov’d abode: 11
Last, white-rob’d Peace, crown’d with a hazel wreath,
To rustic Agriculture did bequeath
The broken, iron instruments of death:
At sight of whom our Sprites forgat their kindling wrath.

 Note 1. A noted tavern at the Auld Brig end.—R. B. [back]
Note 2. The two steeples.—R. B. [back]
Note 3. The two steeples.—R. B. [back]
Note 4. The Gos-hawk, or Falcon.—R....Read more of this...

by Brackenridge, Hugh Henry
...flaming diamond, precious emerald, 
Or blushing saphire, ruby, chrysolite 
Or jasper red; more noble riches flow 
From agriculture and th' industrious swain, 
Who tills the fertile vale or mountain's brow, 
Content to lead a safe, a humble life 
'Midst his own native hills; romantic scenes, 
Such as the muse of Greece did feign so well, 
Envying their lovely bow'rs to mortal race. 

Long has the rural life been justly fam'd; 
And poets old their pleasing ...Read more of this...

by Whitman, Walt
The unsurvey’d interior, log-houses, clearings, wild animals, hunters, trappers;
Surrounding the multiform agriculture, mines, temperature, the gestation of new States, 
Congress convening every Twelfth-month, the members duly coming up from the uttermost
Surrounding the noble character of mechanics and farmers, especially the young men, 
Responding their manners, speech, dress, friendships—the gait they have of persons
 never knew how it felt to st...Read more of this...

by Whitman, Walt
...he stars to be put in constellations and named fancy names? 
Or that the growth of seeds is for agricultural tables, or agriculture itself? 

Old institutions—these arts, libraries, legends, collections, and the practice handed
 along in
 manufactures—will we rate them so high? 
Will we rate our cash and business high?—I have no objection;
I rate them as high as the highest—then a child born of a woman and man I rate beyond

We thought our Union grand, and ou...Read more of this...

by Smart, Christopher
...rth suffer together. 

For when Man was amerced of his horn, earth lost part of her fertility. 

For the art of Agriculture is improving. 

For this is evident in flowers. 

For it is more especially manifest in double flowers. 

For earth will get it up again by the blessing of God on the industry of man. 

For the horn is of plenty because of milk and honey. 

For I pray God be gracious to the Bees and the Beeves this day....Read more of this...

by Bradstreet, Anne
...Such scum as Hedges and High-ways do yield,
4.50 As neither sow, nor reap, nor plant, nor build.
4.51 If to Agriculture I was ordain'd,
4.52 Great labours, sorrows, crosses I sustain'd.
4.53 The early Cock did summon, but in vain,
4.54 My wakeful thoughts up to my painful gain.
4.55 For restless day and night, I'm robb'd of sleep
4.56 By cankered care, who sentinel doth keep.
4.57 My weary breast rest from his toil can find,
4.<...Read more of this...

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Agriculture poems.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things