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Famous Adversaries Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Adversaries poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous adversaries poems. These examples illustrate what a famous adversaries poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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Yell'd as when the winds of winter tear an oak on a promontory.
So the silent colony hearing her tumultuous adversaries
Clash the darts and on the buckler beat with rapid unanimous hand,
Thought on all her evil tyrannies, all her pitiless avarice,
Till she felt the heart within her fall and flutter tremulously,
Then her pulses at the clamoring of her enemy fainted away.
Out of evil evil flourishes, out of tyranny tyranny buds.
Ran the land with Roman slaug...Read more of this...
by Tennyson, Alfred Lord

...hteousness and judgment are the established place of his throne.
Before him a very fire goes,
And it consumes his adversaries all around.
His lightnings lighted up the productive land;
The earth saw and came to be in severe pains.
The mountains themselves proceeded to melt just like wax on account of Jehovah,
On account of the Lord of the whole earth.”—Ps. 97:2-5....Read more of this...
by Bible, The
...little knots in it. 

Let Cope, house of Cope rejoice with Centipedes. God give me strength to cope with all my adversaries. 

Let Sutton, house of Sutton rejoice with Cholos a gem of the Emerald kind. 

Let Pelham, house of Pelham rejoice with Callimus in Taphiusio one stone in the body of another. God bless the Duke of Newcastle. 

Let Holies, house of Holies rejoice with Pyriasis a black stone that burns by friction. The Lord kindle amongst Engl...Read more of this...
by Smart, Christopher
Wolden as now don this honour to me,
To preyen hir to-morwe, lo, that she
Come un-to yow hir pleyntes to devyse,
Hir adversaries wolde of it agryse. 

'And if I more dorste preye as now,
And chargen yow to have so greet travayle,
To han som of your bretheren here with yow,
That mighten to hir cause bet avayle,
Than, woot I wel, she mighte never fayle 
For to be holpen, what at your instaunce,
What with hir othere freendes governaunce.'

Deiphebus, which that comen ...Read more of this...
by Chaucer, Geoffrey

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Book: Reflection on the Important Things