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Famous Aces Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Aces poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous aces poems. These examples illustrate what a famous aces poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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...leasure calls us up,
 Or Duty drivese us down,
 If you love me as I love you
 What pair so happy as we two?

So long as Aces take the King,
 Or backers take the bet,
So long as debt leads men to wed,
 Or marriage leads to debt,
So long as little luncheons, Love,
 And scandal hold their vogue,
While there is sport at Annandale
 Or whisky at Jutogh,
 If you love me as I love you
 What knife can cut our love in two?

So long as down the rocking floor
 The raving polka spins,
So ...Read more of this...
by Kipling, Rudyard> 

brogans were chuck full of feet, 
His girdle was horrent with pistols and things, 
And he flourished a handful of aces on kings. 
The fair Mariana sate watching a star, 
When who should turn up but the young Lochinvar! 
Her pulchritude gave him a pectoral glow, 
And he reined up his hoss with stentorian "Whoa!" 
Then turned on the maiden a rapturous grin, 
And modestly asked if he might n't step in. 
With presence of mind that was marvellous quite, 
The fair Mar...Read more of this...
by Field, Eugene
...aved, for want of wild beasts, steel cages,
carved my term and nickname on bunks and rafters,
lived by the sea, flashed aces in an oasis,
dined with the-devil-knows-whom, in tails, on truffles.
From the height of a glacier I beheld half a world, the earthly width. Twice have drowned, thrice let knives rake my nitty-gritty.
Quit the country the bore and nursed me.
Those who forgot me would make a city.
I have waded the steppes that saw yelling Huns in saddl...Read more of this...
by Brodsky, Joseph
...raved for want of wild beasts steel cages 
carved my term and nickname on bunks and rafters 
lived by the sea flashed aces in an oasis 
dined with the-devil-knows-whom in tails on truffles.
From the height of a glacier I beheld half a world the earthly
width. Twice have drowned thrice let knives rake my nitty-gritty.
Quit the country the bore and nursed me.
Those who forgot me would make a city.
I have waded the steppes that saw yelling Huns in sad...Read more of this...
by Brodsky, Joseph
...rchants, full of wealth be ye,
O noble, prudent folk, as in this case,
Your bagges be not fill'd with *ambes ace,* *two aces*
But with *six-cinque*, that runneth for your chance; *six-five*
At Christenmass well merry may ye dance.

Ye seeke land and sea for your winnings,
As wise folk ye knowen all th' estate
Of regnes*; ye be fathers of tidings, *kingdoms
And tales, both of peace and of debate*: *contention, war
I were right now of tales desolate*, *barren, empty....Read more of this...
by Chaucer, Geoffrey

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Book: Reflection on the Important Things