The Lover
He waits and it is not without
a great deal of trouble that he tickles
a nightingale with his guitar.
He would like to cry Andiamo!
but alas! no one has arrived
yet although the dew is perfect
for adieux.
How bitterly he beats
his hairy chest! because he is
a man sitting out an indignity.
The mean moon is like a nasty
little lemon above the ubiquitous
snivelling fir trees and if there's
a swan within a radius of
twelve square miles let's
throttle it.
We too are worried.
He is a man like us erect
in the cold dark night.
handles his guitar as clumsily
as a wet pair of dungarees.
The grass if full of snakespit.
He alone is hot admist the stars.
If no one is racing towards him
down intriguingly hung stairways
towards the firm lamp of his thighs
we are indeed in trouble sprawling
feet upwards to the sun our faces
growing smaller in the colossal dark.
Poem by
Frank O'hara
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