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My Groupie

 I read last Saturday in the
redwoods outside of Santa Cruz
and I was about 3/4's finished
when I heard a long high scream
and a quite attractive 
young girl came running toward me
long gown & divine eyes of fire
and she leaped up on the stage
and screamed: "I WANT YOU!
I told her, "look, get the hell
away from me.
" but she kept tearing at my clothing and throwing herself at me.
"where were you," I asked her, "when I was living on one candy bar a day and sending short stories to the Atlantic Monthly?" she grabbed my balls and almost twisted them off.
her kisses tasted like shitsoup.
2 women jumped up on the stage and carried her off into the woods.
I could still hear her screams as I began the next poem.
mabye, I thought, I should have taken her on stage in front of all those eyes.
but one can never be sure whether it's good poetry or bad acid.

Poem by Charles Bukowski
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