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Modern Love V: A Message from Her

 A message from her set his brain aflame.
A world of household matters filled her mind, Wherein he saw hypocrisy designed: She treated him as something that is tame, And but at other provocation bites.
Familiar was her shoulder in the glass, Through that dark rain: yet it may come to pass That a changed eye finds such familiar sights More keenly tempting than new loveliness.
The 'What has been' a moment seemed his own: The splendours, mysteries, dearer because known, Nor less divine: Love's inmost sacredness Called to him, 'Come!'--In his restraining start, Eyes nurtured to be looked at, scarce could see A wave of the great waves of Destiny Convulsed at a checked impulse of the heart.

Poem by George Meredith
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