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Yes You Can PoetrySoup

by curtis johnson
Yes You Can                                                                                                                                 Curtis Johnson                                                         
I was thinking very seriously this morning about Poetry Soup.  I remember how I got started in looking for a site to do my writes. There were three other sites before I discovered Poetry Soup.   I was pleased that it was Christian, and that it had fee-free contests.
I will never forget the first day I started posting.  I already had written lots of stories, but not so many poems.  So I was pleased that my prose works were acceptable.  At first I had difficulty keeping my characters within the 2500 limits, but discovered that the required discipline made me feel I could be a better writer.  Indeed, I am the better for it.
There are always plenty of contests to enter of various kinds.  As a result, I am learning much more about poetry in general.  I have never,  nor do I now, consider myself a poet.  At best I am an amateur or hobby writer with very limited publication experience.
One of the most impressive experiences upon my first posting was the response I received from a Premium Member.  Her gracious spirit in welcoming me immediately gave me courage and reassurance.  At once I was able to say to myself, "Yes, I can do this!"
I'm sure that all would agree that the contests also give birth to creativity, and can lite a spark that sets one's entire being aflame.  The so called 'poet within' comes alive and artistic juices are released. From deep within, keys to the memory bank are discovered and before you know it, one finds himself walking deep into the vaults where there exist a vast store house of limitless treasures.
In a word my dear friends, I am 'grateful' to have discovered Poetry Soup.

Book: Shattered Sighs