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What Are You Going To Write About This Fall?
What Are You Going To Write About This Fall?
by Julia A. Keirns
Did you know the month of August is National Catfish Month? September is National Honey Month and National Literacy Month. Those three bits of information right there seem to spark a few neat ideas in my head. How about you?
Coming up with new ideas is hard for a lot of writers. Seems we are always stuck in a place where we think we have already written about everything we could ever possibly dream of writing about.
So, to help any of you writers out there who might be stuck in that boat, I'd like to post a few ideas I have found to help motivate your juices. I don't worry about any of you beating me to the finished product because we could all take the same idea and come up with very different articles or poems each with their own unique spin.
Here are some of the more interesting and fun ideas I found...
-International Clown Week is the first week of August.
-National Homeless Animals Day is August 20. How many homeless animals do you suppose are in your neighborhood?
-September 5 is National "Be Late For Something Day." How fun is that? This day is sponsored by the Procrastinators' Club of America.
-October is National Popcorn Poppin' Month, and National Pizza Month.
-October 31 is not only Halloween, but it is also National Magic Day. October 31, 1926 is the day Harry Houdini died. Now that is spooky, eerie, and creepy.
-November is Peanut Butter Lover's Month and the Great American Smokeout Month.
and last but not least...
-Mickey Mouse's Birthday is November 18. He was "born" in 1928.
There are some great articles, poems, and stories in that list. I hope it sparks some wonderful ideas for you.
Keep writing.