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The Impact of Poetry as a Bridge between Poets and Readers


Poets must have a calm mind and a relaxed heart before writing any poem in order to draw the attention and impact in the lives of the readers. Poetry has the superior power to bridge the exact feelings between a poet and a reader. This enables a poet to gain control over the minds and lives of the readers and help them to lead a better life socially and this also fosters their mental well-being to lead a better life.

Poems must be reader-oriented to reap the actual benefits of poetry. For example, a philosophical poem must be curated carefully with its goal of impacting every reader's mind and heart in order to have long-lasting effect of the specific philosophical quality chosen to draft the poem. A poem can be written either in a simple or a complex language. But, the actual beauty of poetry-writing is to grasp the hearts of readers and help them to improve their lives. So, it is very important to have a goal of impacting a reader before beginning to write a poem. It is also important to have a vulnerability check in each of the sentences of a poem. There are high chances of misappropriation of thoughts or inappropriate meanings which might not be actually thought by the poet.These errors lead to negative impacts in readers and can cause a bad image to a poet. It is also important to be as creative as possible because high levels of creativity have the potential to win lives and thoughts.

Poets must also be cautious of their grammar usage. The efficiency of a poem can be determined by its quality to change the mindset of a reader and reach their thoughts from the poetic bridge constructed from the targeted feelings and words of the poets. Poetry can also cure mental illness in the readers by providing the right kind of motivation to energize their minds and improve their cognitive well-being. So, it is very important for each poet to understand the concept of impacting readers and formulating their methods of poetry according to their targeted outcomes to benefit readers and create a better world to live and read.

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