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The Art Style of Poetry

by Ms. Catherine J.

    The Art of Poetry, to me, explains some sense of the Poet itself. Sometimes it may relate to a situation or a time where the poet has been: the expression of one's sense of humor, or an expression of their own art in such a way that only the Poet knows — giving fewer details of all. But, only enough to get the point across.

     Some people, I believe, may write poetry from their heart and experience. I've been writing for a very long time. Some poems that people write, I read them that comes of interest to me. Or, just read some of the great talents. Or, just read other poems of expressions.

     Poems can be confusing at times, not understanding all that is being said, but only a few what is said. Poets express themselves in many ways in art. It may be related to a dance expression, a hand expression, or simply just writing. I enjoy writing. At times I can write up to fifty plus poems per-day or a week from just a thought. Or the meaning of expressions.

     Some of my poems are written out of love, sincere, inspiring others as well. And sometimes about just life itself in general. Also, I write because that is my passion. We all go through (of age) or have been through times where it may have been complicated. Life is life. We live, we learn, we see. I have many passions. A gift is a gift. Talent is talent.

     My goal in life is to help others, whether it is through writing or singing an inspirational song. After all, you never know what a person is going through because of a smile. A smile on the outside, pain, hurt on the inside. Reading an encouraging poem can make a person day.

~~The art and style of it all give meaning sometimes. Unexplainable, complicated, serious. But, only the Poet knows.

Laugh, Love, Enjoy life. Keep **GOD first.

Thank you for your time.

*Thank you PoetrySoup, for giving me this opportunity to share my thoughts. Much appreciated.

~~Ms. Catherine.

Book: Shattered Sighs