Ten Treasures I Found in Poetry
by Micheal Ace
Note: Some deliberate patterns are employed independently by the writer for the purpose of easy comprehension. I was just this frustrated kid who wanted to echo the giggles of life made mockingly over him, I began music and raps; I wanted to make a difference but my desires could not climb the gates of success right when it was locked. Then, I began writing. In no time, poetry started; a dream come true. “The sky’s won’t be the limit when there are footprints on the moon”, so I became zealous and consistent but guess what. Over time, I have found ten treasures in poetry. -Poetry is a talking drum: Being an African-born writer has opportuned me to know more about how drums are used to relay messages with effect of sounds. But the significant similarity it shares with poetry is; Only the wise and the patient understands. Unlike prose, poetry provides us means to write in codes with use of several poetics. -Every poet is a servant: One thousand poets can scribble on the same theme with different imageries, dictions, depths and rhythms and which does not make any of them better than the others. We write according to the ‘much’ we are given as servant to words. No poet owns it all, there is chance for everybody to become a poetic elephant, we are all servants to word. - Poetry is a living organism: I have done dining with elders and they often tell me; Micheal Ace, don’t ever let poetry outgrow you. The only characteristic poetry doesn’t have as a living thing is ‘Death’, There will always be themes unwritten and poetics unused, remember even the likes of Shakespeare did not write it all, they couldn’t and we will not either. No, no one can end poetry. -Sovereignty. Otherwise called ‘Poetic license’, most poets understand this concept except for the misusers. However, poets are free to utilize any imaginable character in relaying their thoughts. -Cowards don’t write poetry: It takes courage and determination to pick a pen and write even when you are not sure someone will read them. I have seen poets battle with the question; ‘Who cares to read my poems’. But when ‘Wole Soyinka’ began poetry, I know he never knew people like me will read him. The writer being dead or alive, his poems live immortally. -Poetry is a father of three; Proverb, Parable and Idiom: Proverbs for the elders, parables for God, Idioms for the sages. Poetry encompass them all. In fact, even God is a poet. -Every poet is a prophet: As a poet, I see the predictions of the end from every beginning, not with my eyes but my instincts. Poets see silver linings on the cloud and dark spots of the sun. -No poet is ugly: I have seen thousands of pengicians, all with beautiful faces, handsome grins, gorgeous looks. Poets are flawless beings. -Writing poetry is lifetime service to humanity: Whenever I see poets quit, I feel the pest inside of me. I wish they know they don’t write for themselves, they write for an audience whom they might not even know. No poet has the right to quit. Lastly, -Poets are the treasure of poetry: What else would poetry ever wish for than the magical pen of you and I? Poets are treasures of poetry for every poetics exist in the narrow path of their veins, poets are gods and I’m proud being one. Conclusively, 'Marie beynon Ray' said and I quote that; "Begin doing what you want to do now. We are not living in eternity. We have only this moment, sparkling like a star in our hand and melting like a snowflake. Let us use it before it is too late" The tickles of time say in their everyday murmur "Do it", try something, be creative. You have your stories to tell, someone somewhere wants to hear. Remember, we are treasures of poetry! _Micheal Ace Written by Micheal Ace