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For the authors on poetry soup.

by robert ball
About artist (Poets) making an impact on this confused, scared, misdirected world.

Authors help others to see themselves as someone through someone else's eyes. The passion that poets bring about with their poems is the amazing legacy to the Poetry Soupers. What I find is Authors, great poets in their own right, taking their personal ego's out of the equation, and critique from their hearts. To maybe show another poet their mistakes that they might not see Poets are the most loving, caring, thoughtful blessed people on this planet. They convey emotions, memories, all things that might matter to people as they try to understand their ultimate purpose in life. Everyone on this site takes a poem, reads and make comments on it from the heart. Sometimes a correction of the authors works by fellow poets, is a blessing for his own benefit. It's not a competition, (even though contests are held), it's a place where different authors, beliefs, different points of views are worked on in a loving way.  Most things in this world, such as sports and politics are a competition. The exception? Poetry soupers. It is dedicated to the Hawthorne's, the Frost's, to all a place where poets gel and have a vision that through poetry, we can bring a little love to our hurting world. This site brings to the table a diverse group of poets. Somehow, a connecting a core of individuals putting aside all there prejudices for the common good of mankind. I commend you group of fellow authors, for your integrity, honesty and your amazing posts that constitute the poetry soupers. God bless all on this site, and together with the Lord's help, we can and will make a difference. 

Book: Shattered Sighs