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Composition of a Poem: A Brainstorming Through a Healthy a Distance

by Tamanna Ferdous

Sometimes as I observe,  as a depression recovery process unfolds with me, the memory synapse are repetitive in rumination, but not painful to the same degree when the mood is quarantined with an assonance (in poetry, the repetition of the sound of a vowel or diphthong in non rhyming stressed syllables near enough to each other for the echo to be discernible (e.g., penitence, reticence), solely and soulfully to compose a poem, as there is a probability to zoom out or zoom in, in individualism or totalitarian.

For zooming in, “DEARMAN” concept is helpful from a dialectical behavioral therapy standpoint.

DEARMAN  stands for
-Appear Confident

“Dialectical behavior therapy is an evidence-based psychotherapy that began with efforts to treat personality disorders and interpersonal conflicts. Evidence suggests that DBT can be useful in treating mood disorders and suicidal ideation as well as for changing behavioral patterns such as self-harm and substance use.” (Wikipedia)

I think, as you heal, you may define the healing altogether, a poem, as neither the psychiatrist nor the patient is a speaker there, only the method key is discerning a problem pattern, often observational frequency but sometimes, unique too. 

Often poetry is chosen to define the best chosen words in the best possible manner in a guided spontaneity, more or less so. Within a state when you are skeptic about vernacular pattern , if this is a boon or curse, a slang or a heritage, the annotated bibliography will be helpful in a prose, and in a gifted poem, a mood or state can be uplifted through practicing within a filter of “Dearman”  concept, as this will not be an invasive hallucination in faithspace.

I tried with a poem of Jibonananda das. The original poem goes like this

As a translator, I was looking from a distance , nature , the diva and yet the inevitable gaps in erotica, as eloquence is not always about hands-on reception, these are subtleties of letting go too, as a windowpane will be uplifted to feel more healthy air, breathing through out with fresh air. Rejuvenation in obvious transitoriness.

As the poem will be translated, I will write in a bit more detailed way.  

Ler her know, about spell, Gospell!
A Poem of Jibonananda Das

Intertwined light, through the lighted and the half lit dimmed
Not about a dream perhaps, perhaps among a tedious may
Not about dream - not about peace - not about love
A blossoming may for an unspoken, perhaps, also an unsung, just born
I am an undeniable denial to deny any more
And my hand receives the warmth, as the hand surmises
All day long, for so long, all long gone, of one little value or none
The way and the may and all about the say
seemingly so
seemingly so.


Who is the weave and the chant, as they weave along
Who will be the churn of this half lit, dimmed among
Of about all these and those, their say and may, as they say so
Who else will be there, anymore? Solar, a Vitamin D?
Who else will leave anymore for a miss understood? Semolina, say molina
All about and all, once more, again
All about and all, seedless or even a seed, sprouts
Those days and all long gone! Waiting for the harvesting season!
The soil and the sunlight, the scent
The water and the sunlight, the scent
An yearn to see the neon or the sun
A peasant and the full swing of rejuvenation
Who else will be there roaming on this earth, awakened?
Not dreams- nor tranquility-only a remnance of one among
Sensual, faculty, intellectual.


(first draft- incomplete)
Copyright © Tamanna Ferdous | Year Posted 2024

(To be continued)

Book: Reflection on the Important Things