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A Brief Mikhail Yur'evich Lermontov Bio

by PoetrySoup
Lermontov (Mikhail Yur’evich), Russian poet and novelist, b. Moscow, 3 Oct. 1814. Said to have come of a Scotch family, he studied at Moscow University, from which he was expelled. In ’32 he entered the Military Academy at St. Petersburg, and afterwards joined the Hussars. In ’37 some verses on the death of Pushkin occasioned his being sent to the Caucasus, which he describes in a work translated into English, ’53. His poems are much admired. The Demon, exhibiting Satan in love, has been translated into English, and so has his romance entitled A Hero of Our Times. He fell in a duel in the Caucasus, 15 July, 1840. [207]

Book: Shattered Sighs