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Jo Jo Lou Quotes

Jo Jo Lou Quotes. Find, read, and share quotations by Jo Jo Lou. These are the most popular quotations and best examples of quotes by Jo Jo Lou.

Quote Left The truth was buried in the family garden, back in 1984.In 2005, I returned to exhume what was hidden. Only to find myself being enclosed by dark, cloaked figures. Aware of snarling voices describing the shame I had inflicted. Hands Grabbing me by my throat. Hurled into a shallow grave. Wailing desperately like a banshee for my release. Inhaling soil, losing each breath. Rasping for air, suffocating in hollow ground. Buried alive alongside my childhood trauma, Laid deceased in a premature grave. Quote Right
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Quote Left " Come on now, people have had it far worse than you" Her words cut right through me. Penetrating sharply through my skin, ripping through my veins. Puncturing my heart and tearing my soul. She detected my wounds, lacerating her way through my pain. Exposing deeper, bloody grazes. Bleeding, delayed healing. Quote Right
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Book: Shattered Sighs