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Healing Grandmother's Earth

Could you more faithfully believe?

Your enemies 
probably do not sacrifice their first born children
right before they eat them

And they do not worship
predative Jewish
and terrorizing Muslim
ruthlessly bought and sold
international pagan colonizing corporations.

Could we believe
in cooperative co-investment?

Do we only share bad-humored despair?

That healthy collaborative democracy
and polyculturally green robust
new spring communion ages
win/win empowering 
enlightening health wealthy climates
are less strong and safe
than unhealthy plutocracy
and red monoculturing violent
old autumnal ages disdaining sages
Win/lose BusinessAsUsual stealing
from Earth's future resilient
resonant residents
of highest and best ecosystemic 

Could we restore belief?

In health-optimal wealthy EarthJustice outcomes
for at least seven indigenously wise
win/win ecopolitical cooperative regenerations
in global sacred-integral solidarity
AND secular empowerment
actively governing EarthGreenPeace
quietly restorying 
win/win health-paradise sacred justice
recreation stories.

Do we actively believe?

In Christ's patrilinear kingdom 
in this energy democratizing SecondComing moment
within revolving
inspiring spiraling
redemptive embodied hands

bicamerally interdependent wings

Do we believe?

Hellfire and brimstone eternal punishment
of StraightWhite VengefulGod's privileged preaching

Our fundamental win/lose capitalist
left-brain dominant economic experience
and politically disempowering
devolutionary SundaySchool
and academic schooled teachers
predict a hellish
demonic Earthly natured 
secularized future climate 
for appropriately punished
pathologically sinful 
inhumane generations 

Of AnthroMan's original
mono-supremacist idolatry

Remorsefully turning away
from Creation's Green/Blue Revelations
to follow sickly fallow former-democratic win/win recreations

Now mortally felt win/lose remains 
of paradise Eden organic 
peace gardens

Where, today, natural
reductively means not spiritual
any more

When human
means not also potentially divine

While secular
means not one sacred
transgenerational moment

Where dualistic
monoculturing unhealthy patrilinear dominating 
either/or divisive minds
create unsafe impure animated bodies,

Could we multiculturally believe?

We feel healthier
and safer
and even cooperatively win/win
polycultural golden rule wealthier

CoInvesting in ecosystemic engaging
cooperatively communing
speaking and listening
for deep matriarchal green cultural learning

How to optimize healthy theological experience
with synergetic truest win/win sufficient wealthy energy
ecologically co-relational for all
great and small
grand babies of regenerative Earth's Creation
and ReCreation process,

Progressing interreligious speciated volution
through sensory intersectional gospel 
interdenominational revolution

Power and light
democratic empowerment
non-supreme AnthroPublican 

Win/win enlightenment
equity and interdependence
universally co-redemptive economics
and unitarian co-empathic powertics

Bicamerally nonpartisan polyways
interreligious reconnections
multiculturing hope
metaEarth polyvagal
win/win long-term health
becomes reweaving
re-ligioning ecosafety.

Could we believe, yet again?

Restoring EarthChild Messianic Justice
could SecondCome
GreenEarth polyculturally progressive

And not so direly
paranoid for certain
only our enemies 
are known by their dark hanging fruits

Sacrificing their first born grandchildren
on the altars of nationalistic redwinged wars
right before EarthMatriotix vengefully eats them,
burns them,
drowns them,
starves them,
enslaves them,
whips them,
lynches them,
pre-criminalizes Them;

Mercifully suffocates Us
dying from Stranger Rabidity,
UnHealthy RedClimate 
making nationalism nauseous again
chronic anxiety.

Copyright © Gerald Dillenbeck


Book: Shattered Sighs