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The Charcoal Man; Part Two

The Charcoal Man; Part Two

She went as silent as a night with petrified crickets. It blinked. Then before any of us could comprehend what was going on it swiftly grabbed her by the arm and pulled. She dropped the chalk from the other hand, her tense body hitting the board.

The sound was as harsh as getting a dozen rocks stuck inbetween a lawnmower blade. The pressure from the pulling seemed to have stopped. ''Is the worst over?'' I thought to myself. I must've thought too soon, because as she turned towards us blood poured accross the room like a Jackson Pollick. She mustered up what seemed like a faint squeak saying; ''Help me.'' 

Right as she finished her sentence we all saw two hands this time emerge from the doorway and grabbed her by both sides of the waist and propelled the woman out of this realm. Ripping her in half from the velocity. We all saw an ominous new world before us through this doorway.

The thing didn't stop there though, it slowly brought back it's bloody hands and opened them up to reveal the entire class. The thing had no face, no nose, no muscles. Yet, just decapitated a grown woman like a pretzel. It's teeth were enormous, it's smile becoming greater with each child it saw before itself with its red glowing eyes.

Cohen and i tried to nope it out of there, but it snapped its fingers and the door locked. ''Bro we're screwed, I don't wanna die in front of you after a scream like that!'' Said Cohen.

We're not gunna die alongside that deadbeat teacher i'll tell you that much, I said. So without saying a word I bolted for the windows and went straight through, like a hollywood movie smashing sugar glass. Cohen ran too but decided to grab the chalk first before jumping awkwardly over the hole i had just made in the window.

As soon as he did i heard another *SNAP*. In an instant the windows had cast iron bars to block the others students off. The glass mustn't have been sugar glass however, because a shard went straight through my calf and I could barely move...

The horrors we saw next as the chalk board opened completely and the Charcoal Man emerged, will haunt us for the rest of our lives. We had never seen a classroom re-painted entirely red in that of thirty seconds.

Copyright © Mr Pickles


Book: Shattered Sighs