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Best Famous Of Necessity Poems

Here is a collection of the all-time best famous Of Necessity poems. This is a select list of the best famous Of Necessity poetry. Reading, writing, and enjoying famous Of Necessity poetry (as well as classical and contemporary poems) is a great past time. These top poems are the best examples of of necessity poems.

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Written by Gary Fincke | Create an image from this poem

The Magpie Evening: A Prayer

           When magpies die, each of the living swoops down 
           and pecks, one by one, in an accepted order.
He coaxed my car to start, the boy who’s killed himself.
He twisted a cable, performed CPR on The carburetor while my three children shivered Through the unanswerable questions about stalled.
He chose shotgun, full in the face, so no one stepped Into the cold, blowing on his hands, to fix him.
Let him rest now, the minister says.
Let this be, Repeating himself to four brothers, five sisters, All of them my neighbors until they grew and left.
Let us pray.
Let us manage what we need to say.
Let this house with its three hand-made additions be Large enough for the one day of necessity.
Let evening empty each room to ceremony Chosen by the remaining nine.
Let the awful, Forecasted weather hold off in east Ohio Until each of them, oldest to youngest, has passed.
Let their thirty-seven children scatter into The squabbling of the everyday, and let them break This creeping chain of cars into the fanning out Toward anger and selfishness and the need to eat At any of the thousand tables they will pass.
Let them wait.
Let them correctly choose the right turn Or the left, this entrance ramp, that exit, the last Confusing fork before the familiar driveway Three hundred miles and more from these bleak thunderheads.
Let them regather into the chairs exactly Matched to their numbers, blessing the bountiful or The meager with voices that soar toward renewal.
Let them have mercy on themselves.
Let my children, Grown now, be repairing my faults with forgiveness.
© Gary Fincke

Written by John Milton | Create an image from this poem


 Part of an entertainment presented to the Countess Dowager of
Darby at Harefield, by som Noble persons of her Family, who
appear on the Scene in pastoral habit, moving toward the seat
of State with this Song.
Look Nymphs, and Shepherds look, What sudden blaze of majesty Is that which we from hence descry Too divine to be mistook: This this is she To whom our vows and wishes bend, Heer our solemn search hath end.
Fame that her high worth to raise, Seem'd erst so lavish and profuse, We may justly now accuse Of detraction from her praise, Less then half we find exprest, Envy bid conceal the rest.
Mark what radiant state she spreds, In circle round her shining throne, Shooting her beams like silver threds, This this is she alone, Sitting like a Goddes bright, In the center of her light.
Might she the wise Latona be, Or the towred Cybele, Mother of a hunderd gods; Juno dare's not give her odds; Who had thought this clime had held A deity so unparalel'd? As they com forward, the genius of the Wood appears, and turning toward them, speaks.
Stay gentle Swains, for though in this disguise, I see bright honour sparkle through your eyes, Of famous Arcady ye are, and sprung Of that renowned flood, so often sung, Divine Alpheus, who by secret sluse, Stole under Seas to meet his Arethuse; And ye the breathing Roses of the Wood, Fair silver-buskind Nymphs as great and good, I know this quest of yours, and free intent Was all in honour and devotion ment To the great Mistres of yon princely shrine, Whom with low reverence I adore as mine, And with all helpful service will comply To further this nights glad solemnity; And lead ye where ye may more neer behold What shallow-searching Fame hath left untold; Which I full oft amidst these shades alone Have sate to wonder at, and gaze upon: For know by lot from Jove I am the powr Of this fair wood, and live in Oak'n bowr, To nurse the Saplings tall, and curl the grove With Ringlets quaint, and wanton windings wove.
And all my Plants I save from nightly ill, Of noisom winds, and blasting vapours chill.
And from the Boughs brush off the evil dew, And heal the harms of thwarting thunder blew, Or what the cross dire-looking Planet smites, Or hurtfull Worm with canker'd venom bites.
When Eev'ning gray doth rise, I fetch my round Over the mount, and all this hallow'd ground, And early ere the odorous breath of morn Awakes the slumbring leaves, or tasseld horn Shakes the high thicket, haste I all about, Number my ranks, and visit every sprout With puissant words, and murmurs made to bless, But els in deep of night when drowsines Hath lockt up mortal sense, then listen I To the celestial Sirens harmony, That sit upon the nine enfolded Sphears, And sing to those that hold the vital shears, And turn the Adamantine spindle round, On which the fate of gods and men is wound.
Such sweet compulsion doth in musick ly, To lull the daughters of Necessity, And keep unsteddy Nature to her law, And the low world in measur'd motion draw After the heavenly tune, which none can hear Of human mould with grosse unpurged ear; And yet such musick worthiest were to blaze The peerles height of her immortal praise, Whose lustre leads us, and for her most fit, If my inferior hand or voice could hit Inimitable sounds, yet as we go, What ere the skill of lesser gods can show, I will assay, her worth to celebrate, And so attend ye toward her glittering state; Where ye may all that are of noble stemm Approach, and kiss her sacred vestures hemm.
O're the smooth enameld green Where no print of step hath been, Follow me as I sing, And touch the warbled string.
Under the shady roof Of branching Elm Star-proof, Follow me, I will bring you where she sits Clad in splendor as befits Her deity.
Such a rural Queen All Arcadia hath not seen.
Nymphs and Shepherds dance no more By sandy Ladons Lillied banks.
On old Lycaeus or Cyllene hoar, Trip no more in twilight ranks, Though Erynanth your loss deplore, A better soyl shall give ye thanks.
From the stony Maenalus, Bring your Flocks, and live with us, Here ye shall have greater grace, To serve the Lady of this place.
Though Syrinx your Pans Mistres were, Yet Syrinx well might wait on her.
Such a rural Queen All Arcadia hath not seen.
Note: 22 hunderd] Milton's own spelling here is hundred.
But in the Errata to Paradise Lost (i.
760) he corrects hundred to hunderd.
Written by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe | Create an image from this poem


 I feel no small reluctance in venturing to give to the public a 
work of the character of that indicated by the title-page to the 
present volume; for, difficult as it must always be to render satisfactorily 
into one's own tongue the writings of the bards of other lands, 
the responsibility assumed by the translator is immeasurably increased 
when he attempts to transfer the thoughts of those great men, who 
have lived for all the world and for all ages, from the language 
in which they were originally clothed, to one to which they may 
as yet have been strangers.
Preeminently is this the case with Goethe, the most masterly of all the master minds of modern times, whose name is already inscribed on the tablets of immortality, and whose fame already extends over the earth, although as yet only in its infancy.
Scarcely have two decades passed away since he ceased to dwell among men, yet he now stands before us, not as a mere individual, like those whom the world is wont to call great, but as a type, as an emblem--the recognised emblem and representative of the human mind in its present stage of culture and advancement.
Among the infinitely varied effusions of Goethe's pen, perhaps there are none which are of as general interest as his Poems, which breathe the very spirit of Nature, and embody the real music of the feelings.
In Germany, they are universally known, and are considered as the most delightful of his works.
Yet in this country, this kindred country, sprung from the same stem, and so strongly resembling her sister in so many points, they are nearly unknown.
Almost the only poetical work of the greatest Poet that the world has seen for ages, that is really and generally read in England, is Faust, the translations of which are almost endless; while no single person has as yet appeared to attempt to give, in an English dress, in any collective or systematic manner, those smaller productions of the genius of Goethe which it is the object of the present volume to lay before the reader, whose indulgence is requested for its many imperfections.
In addition to the beauty of the language in which the Poet has given utterance to his thoughts, there is a depth of meaning in those thoughts which is not easily discoverable at first sight, and the translator incurs great risk of overlooking it, and of giving a prosaic effect to that which in the original contains the very essence of poetry.
It is probably this difficulty that has deterred others from undertaking the task I have set myself, and in which I do not pretend to do more than attempt to give an idea of the minstrelsy of one so unrivalled, by as truthful an interpretation of it as lies in my power.
The principles which have guided me on the present occasion are the same as those followed in the translation of Schiller's complete Poems that was published by me in 1851, namely, as literal a rendering of the original as is consistent with good English, and also a very strict adherence to the metre of the original.
Although translators usually allow themselves great license in both these points, it appears to me that by so doing they of necessity destroy the very soul of the work they profess to translate.
In fact, it is not a translation, but a paraphrase that they give.
It may perhaps be thought that the present translations go almost to the other extreme, and that a rendering of metre, line for line, and word for word, makes it impossible to preserve the poetry of the original both in substance and in sound.
But experience has convinced me that it is not so, and that great fidelity is even the most essential element of success, whether in translating poetry or prose.
It was therefore very satisfactory to me to find that the principle laid down by me to myself in translating Schiller met with the very general, if not universal, approval of the reader.
At the same time, I have endeavoured to profit in the case of this, the younger born of the two attempts made by me to transplant the muse of Germany to the shores of Britain, by the criticisms, whether friendly or hostile, that have been evoked or provoked by the appearance of its elder brother.
As already mentioned, the latter contained the whole of the Poems of Schiller.
It is impossible, in anything like the same compass, to give all the writings of Goethe comprised under the general title of Gedichte, or poems.
They contain between 30,000 and 40,000 verses, exclusive of his plays.
and similar works.
Very many of these would be absolutely without interest to the English reader,--such as those having only a local application, those addressed to individuals, and so on.
Others again, from their extreme length, could only be published in separate volumes.
But the impossibility of giving all need form no obstacle to giving as much as possible; and it so happens that the real interest of Goethe's Poems centres in those classes of them which are not too diffuse to run any risk when translated of offending the reader by their too great number.
Those by far the more generally admired are the Songs and Ballads, which are about 150 in number, and the whole of which are contained in this volume (with the exception of one or two of the former, which have been, on consideration, left out by me owing to their trifling and uninteresting nature).
The same may be said of the Odes, Sonnets, Miscellaneous Poems, &c.
In addition to those portions of Goethe's poetical works which are given in this complete form, specimens of the different other classes of them, such as the Epigrams, Elegies, &c.
, are added, as well as a collection of the various Songs found in his Plays, making a total number of about 400 Poems, embraced in the present volume.
A sketch of the life of Goethe is prefixed, in order that the reader may have before him both the Poet himself and the Poet's offspring, and that he may see that the two are but one--that Goethe lives in his works, that his works lived in him.
The dates of the different Poems are appended throughout, that of the first publication being given, when that of the composition is unknown.
The order of arrangement adopted is that of the authorized German editions.
As Goethe would never arrange them himself in the chronological order of their composition, it has become impossible to do so, now that he is dead.
The plan adopted in the present volume would therefore seem to be the best, as it facilitates reference to the original.
The circumstances attending or giving rise to the production of any of the Poems will be found specified in those cases in which they have been ascertained by me.
Having said thus much by way of explanation, I now leave the book to speak for itself, and to testify to its own character.
Whether viewed with a charitable eye by the kindly reader, who will make due allowance for the difficulties attending its execution, or received by the critic, who will judge of it only by its own merits, with the unfriendly welcome which it very probably deserves, I trust that I shall at least be pardoned for making an attempt, a failure in which does not necessarily imply disgrace, and which, by leading the way, may perhaps become the means of inducing some abler and more worthy (but not more earnest) labourer to enter upon the same field, the riches of which will remain unaltered and undiminished in value, even although they may be for the moment tarnished by the hands of the less skilful workman who first endeavours to transplant them to a foreign soil.
Written by Emily Dickinson | Create an image from this poem

Expectation -- is Contentment --

 Expectation -- is Contentment --
Gain -- Satiety --
But Satiety -- Conviction
Of Necessity

Of an Austere trait in Pleasure --
Good, without alarm
Is a too established Fortune --
Danger -- deepens Sum --
Written by Philip Levine | Create an image from this poem

Passing Out

 The doctor fingers my bruise.
"Magnificent," he says, "black at the edges and purple cored.
" Seated, he spies for clues, gingerly probing the slack flesh, while I, standing, fazed, pull for air, losing the battle.
Faced by his aged diploma, the heavy head of the X- ray, and the iron saddle, I grow lonely.
He finds my secrets common and my sex neither objectionable nor lovely, though he is on the hunt for significance.
The shelved cutlery twinkles behind glass, and I am on the way out, "an instance of the succumbed through extreme fantasy.
" He is alarmed at last, and would raise me, but I am floorward in a dream of lowered trousers, unarmed and weakly fighting to shut the window of my drawers.
There are others in the room, voices of women above white oxfords; and the old floor, the friendly linoleum, departs.
I whisper, "my love," and am safe, tabled, sniffing spirits of ammonia in the land of my fellows.
"Open house!" my openings sing: pores, nose, anus let go their charges, a shameless flow into the outer world; and the ceiling, equipped with intelligence, surveys my produce.
The doctor is thrilled by my display, for he is half the slave of necessity; I, enormous in my need, justify his sciences.
"We have alternatives," he says, "Removal.
" (And my blood whitens as on their dull trays the tubes dance.
I must study the dark bellows of the gas machine, the painless maker.
) ".
and learning to live with it.
" Oh, but I am learning fast to live with any pain, ache, growth to keep myself intact; and in imagination I hug my bruise like an old Pooh Bear, already attuned to its moods.
"Oh, my dark one, tell of the coming of cold and of Kings, ancient and ruined.

Written by Robert Creeley | Create an image from this poem

Clementes Images


Sleeping birds, lead me,
soft birds, be me

inside this black room,
back of the white moon.
In the dark night sight frightens me.
2) Who is it nuzzles there with furred, round headed stare? Who, perched on the skin, body's float, is holding on? What other one stares still, plays still, on and on? 3) Stand upright, prehensile, squat, determined, small guardians of the painful outside coming in -- in stuck in vials with needles, bleeding life in, particular, heedless.
4) Matrix of world upon a turtle's broad back, carried on like that, eggs as pearls, flesh and blood and bone all borne along.
5) I'll tell you what you want, to say a word, to know the letters in yourself, a skin falls off, a big eared head appears, an eye and mouth.
6) Under watery here, under breath, under duress, understand a pain has threaded a needle with a little man -- gone fishing.
And fish appear.
7) If small were big, if then were now, if here were there, if find were found, if mind were all there was, would the animals still save us? 8) A head was put upon the shelf got took by animal's hand and stuck upon a vacant corpse who, blurred, could nonetheless not ever be the quietly standing bird it watched.
9) Not lost, not better or worse, much must of necessity depend on resources, the pipes and bags brought with us inside, all the sacks and how and to what they are or were attached.
10) Everybody's child walks the same winding road, laughs and cries, dies.
That's "everybody's child," the one who's in between the others who have come and gone.
11) Turn as one will, the sky will always be far up above the place he thinks to dream as earth.
There float the heavenly archaic persons of primordial birth, held in the scan of ancient serpent's tooth, locked in the mind as when it first began.
12) Inside I am the other of a self, who feels a presence always close at hand, one side or the other, knows another one unlocks the door and quickly enters in.
Either as or, we live a common person.
Two is still one.
It cannot live apart.
13) Oh, weep for me -- all from whom life has stolen hopes of a happiness stored in gold's ubiquitous pattern, in tinkle of commodious, enduring money, else the bee's industry in hives of golden honey.
14) He is safely put in a container, head to foot, and there, on his upper part, wears still remnants of a life he lived at will -- but, lower down, he probes at that doubled sack holds all his random virtues in a mindless fact.
15) The forms wait, swan, elephant, crab, rabbit, horse, monkey, cow, squirrel and crocodile.
From the one sits in empty consciousness, all seemingly has come and now it goes, to regather, to tell another story to its patient mother.
16) Reflection reforms, each man's a life, makes its stumbling way from mother to wife -- cast as a gesture from ignorant flesh, here writes in fumbling words to touch, say, how can I be, when she is all that was ever me? 17) Around and in -- And up and down again, and far and near -- and here and there, in the middle is a great round nothingness.
18) Not metaphoric, flesh is literal earth.
turns to dust as all the body must, becomes the ground wherein the seed's passed on.
19) Entries, each foot feels its own way, echoes passage in persons, holds the body upright, the secret of thresholds, lintels, opening body above it, looks up, looks down, moves forward.
20) Necessity, the mother of invention, father of intention, sister to brother to sister, to innumerable others, all one as the time comes, death's appointment, in the echoing head, in the breaking heart.
21) In self one's place defined, in heart the other find.
In mind discover I, in body find the sky.
Sleep in the dream as one, wake to the others there found.
22) Emptying out each complicating part, each little twist of mind inside, each clenched fist, each locked, particularizing thought, forgotten, emptying out.
23) What did it feel like to be one at a time -- to be caught in a mind in the body you'd found in yourself alone -- in each other one? 24) Broken hearts, a curious round of echoes -- and there behind them the old garden with its faded, familiar flowers, where all was seemingly laced together -- a trueness of true, a blueness of blue.
25) The truth is in a container of no size or situation.
It has nothing inside.
Worship -- Warship.
Sail away.
Written by Robert William Service | Create an image from this poem

The Three Bares

 Ma tried to wash her garden slacks but couldn't get 'em clean
And so she thought she'd soak 'em in a bucket o' benzine.
It worked all right.
She wrung 'em out then wondered what she'd do With all that bucket load of high explosive residue.
She knew that it was dangerous to scatter it around, For Grandpa liked to throw his lighted matches on the ground.
Somehow she didn't dare to pour it down the kitchen sink, And what the heck to do with it, poor Ma jest couldn't think.
Then Nature seemed to give the clue, as down the garden lot She spied the edifice that graced a solitary spot, Their Palace of Necessity, the family joy and pride, Enshrined in morning-glory vine, with graded seats inside; Jest like that cabin Goldylocks found occupied by three, But in this case B-E-A-R was spelt B-A-R-E---- A tiny seat for Baby Bare, a medium for Ma, A full-sized section sacred to the Bare of Grandpapa.
Well, Ma was mighty glad to get that worry off her mind, And hefting up the bucket so combustibly inclined, She hurried down the garden to that refuge so discreet, And dumped the liquid menace safely through the centre seat.
Next morning old Grandpa arose; he made a hearty meal, And sniffed the air and said: 'By Gosh! how full of beans I feel.
Darned if I ain't as fresh as paint; my joy will be complete With jest a quiet session on the usual morning seat; To smoke me pipe an' meditate, an' maybe write a pome, For that's the time when bits o' rhyme gits jiggin' in me dome.
' He sat down on that special seat slicked shiny by his age, And looking like Walt Whitman, jest a silver-whiskered sage, He filled his corn-cob to the brim and tapped it snugly down, And chuckled: 'Of a perfect day I reckon this the crown.
' He lit the weed, it soothed his need, it was so soft and sweet: And then he dropped the lighted match clean through the middle seat.
His little grand-child Rosyleen cried from the kichen door: 'Oh, Ma, come quick; there's sompin wrong; I heared a dreffel roar; Oh, Ma, I see a sheet of flame; it's rising high and higher.
Oh, Mummy dear, I sadly fear our comfort-cot's caught fire.
' Poor Ma was thrilled with horror at them words o' Rosyleen.
She thought of Grandpa's matches and that bucket of benzine; So down the garden geared on high, she ran with all her power, For regular was Grandpa, and she knew it was his hour.
Then graspin' gaspin' Rosyleen she peered into the fire, A roarin' soarin' furnace now, perchance old Grandpa's pyre.
But as them twain expressed their pain they heard a hearty cheer---- Behold the old rapscallion squattinn' in the duck pond near, His silver whiskers singed away, a gosh-almighty wreck, Wi' half a yard o' toilet seat entwined about his neck.
He cried: 'Say, folks, oh, did ye hear the big blow-out I made? It scared me stiff - I hope you-uns was not too much afraid? But now I best be crawlin' out o' this dog-gasted wet.
For what I aim to figger out is----WHAT THE HECK I ET?'
Written by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe | Create an image from this poem


 SAY, which Immortal
Merits the highest reward?
With none contend I,
But I will give it
To the aye-changing,
Wondrous daughter of Jove.
His best-beloved offspring.
Sweet Phantasy.
For unto her Hath he granted All the fancies which erst To none allow'd he Saving himself; Now he takes his pleasure In the mad one.
She may, crowned with roses, With staff twined round with lilies, Roam thro' flow'ry valleys, Rule the butterfly-people, And soft-nourishing dew With bee-like lips Drink from the blossom: Or else she may With fluttering hair And gloomy looks Sigh in the wind Round rocky cliffs, And thousand-hued.
Like morn and even.
Ever changing, Like moonbeam's light, To mortals appear.
Let us all, then, Adore the Father! The old, the mighty, Who such a beauteous Ne'er-fading spouse Deigns to accord To perishing mortals! To us alone Doth he unite her, With heavenly bonds, While he commands her, in joy and sorrow, As a true spouse Never to fly us.
All the remaining Races so poor Of life-teeming earth.
In children so rich.
Wander and feed In vacant enjoyment, And 'mid the dark sorrows Of evanescent Restricted life,-- Bow'd by the heavy Yoke of Necessity.
But unto us he Hath his most versatile, Most cherished daughter Granted,--what joy! Lovingly greet her As a beloved one! Give her the woman's Place in our home! And oh, may the aged Stepmother Wisdom Her gentle spirit Ne'er seek to harm! Yet know I her sister, The older, sedater, Mine own silent friend; Oh, may she never, Till life's lamp is quench'd, Turn away from me,-- That noble inciter, Comforter,--Hope! 1781.

Book: Shattered Sighs