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Best Famous Exhibition Poems

Here is a collection of the all-time best famous Exhibition poems. This is a select list of the best famous Exhibition poetry. Reading, writing, and enjoying famous Exhibition poetry (as well as classical and contemporary poems) is a great past time. These top poems are the best examples of exhibition poems.

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Written by Robert William Service | Create an image from this poem


 He gave a picture exhibition,
Hiring a little empty shop.
Above its window: FREE ADMISSION Cajoled the passers-by to stop; Just to admire - no need to purchase, Although his price might have been low: But no proud artist ever urges Potential buyers at his show.
Of course he badly needed money, But more he needed moral aid.
Some people thought his pictures funny, Too ultra-modern, I'm afraid.
His painting was experimental, Which no poor artist can afford- That is, if he would pay the rental And guarantee his roof and board.
And so some came and saw and sniggered, And some a puzzled brow would crease; And some objected: "Well, I'm jiggered!" What price Picasso and Matisse? The artist sensitively quivered, And stifled many a bitter sigh, But day by day his hopes were shivered For no one ever sought to buy.
And then he had a brilliant notion: Half of his daubs he labeled: SOLD.
And lo! he viewed with ***** emotion A public keen and far from cold.
Then (strange it is beyond the telling), He saw the people round him press: His paintings went - they still are selling.
Well, nothing succeeds like success.

Written by Dale Harcombe | Create an image from this poem

Prospect NSW (For Anita Cobby)

 The hushed dark hugs the streets.
Somewhere a cat snaps the silence.
Dogs begin to bark, like a pack moving in for the kill.
Women shrink in their homes.
Shadows slip through the night and stars dim their lights as cars flash past.
When they disappear, silence, heavy as hate, descends.
Hours stretch like elastic that finally snaps.
Dawn spreads its stain over the sky.
Seven years later young women walk again through lonely streets.
Screams taunt only those who remember.
*first published Northern Perspective Vol 17 no 2 – 1994 This poem was included as part of the exhibition in memory of Anita Cobby held at Q theatre in Penrith 2003
Written by Robert William Service | Create an image from this poem

The Man From Athabaska

 Oh the wife she tried to tell me that 'twas nothing but the thrumming
 Of a wood-pecker a-rapping on the hollow of a tree;
And she thought that I was fooling when I said it was the drumming
 Of the mustering of legions, and 'twas calling unto me;
 'Twas calling me to pull my freight and hop across the sea.
And a-mending of my fish-nets sure I started up in wonder, For I heard a savage roaring and 'twas coming from afar; Oh the wife she tried to tell me that 'twas only summer thunder, And she laughed a bit sarcastic when I told her it was War; 'Twas the chariots of battle where the mighty armies are.
Then down the lake came Half-breed Tom with russet sail a-flying, And the word he said was "War" again, so what was I to do? Oh the dogs they took to howling, and the missis took to crying, As I flung my silver foxes in the little birch canoe: Yes, the old girl stood a-blubbing till an island hid the view.
Says the factor: "Mike, you're crazy! They have soldier men a-plenty.
You're as grizzled as a badger, and you're sixty year or so.
" "But I haven't missed a scrap," says I, "since I was one and twenty.
And shall I miss the biggest? You can bet your whiskers -- no!" So I sold my furs and started .
and that's eighteen months ago.
For I joined the Foreign Legion, and they put me for a starter In the trenches of the Argonne with the Boche a step away; And the partner on my right hand was an apache from Montmartre; On my left there was a millionaire from Pittsburg, U.
(Poor fellow! They collected him in bits the other day.
) But I'm sprier than a chipmunk, save a touch of the lumbago, And they calls me Old Methoosalah, and `blagues' me all the day.
I'm their exhibition sniper, and they work me like a Dago, And laugh to see me plug a Boche a half a mile away.
Oh I hold the highest record in the regiment, they say.
And at night they gather round me, and I tell them of my roaming In the Country of the Crepuscule beside the Frozen Sea, Where the musk-ox runs unchallenged, and the cariboo goes homing; And they sit like little children, just as quiet as can be: Men of every crime and colour, how they harken unto me! And I tell them of the Furland, of the tumpline and the paddle, Of secret rivers loitering, that no one will explore; And I tell them of the ranges, of the pack-strap and the saddle, And they fill their pipes in silence, and their eyes beseech for more; While above the star-shells fizzle and the high explosives roar.
And I tell of lakes fish-haunted, where the big bull moose are calling, And forests still as sepulchres with never trail or track; And valleys packed with purple gloom, and mountain peaks appalling, And I tell them of my cabin on the shore at Fond du Lac; And I find myself a-thinking: Sure I wish that I was back.
So I brag of bear and beaver while the batteries are roaring, And the fellows on the firing steps are blazing at the foe; And I yarn of fur and feather when the `marmites' are a-soaring, And they listen to my stories, seven `poilus' in a row, Seven lean and lousy poilus with their cigarettes aglow.
And I tell them when it's over how I'll hike for Athabaska; And those seven greasy poilus they are crazy to go too.
And I'll give the wife the "pickle-tub" I promised, and I'll ask her The price of mink and marten, and the run of cariboo, And I'll get my traps in order, and I'll start to work anew.
For I've had my fill of fighting, and I've seen a nation scattered, And an army swung to slaughter, and a river red with gore, And a city all a-smoulder, and .
as if it really mattered, For the lake is yonder dreaming, and my cabin's on the shore; And the dogs are leaping madly, and the wife is singing gladly, And I'll rest in Athabaska, and I'll leave it nevermore.
Written by William Topaz McGonagall | Create an image from this poem

Lines in Praise of Mr. J. Graham Henderson Hawick

 Success to Mr J.
Graham Henderson, who is a good man, And to gainsay it there's few people can, I say so from my own experience, And experience is a great defence.
He is a good man, I venture to say, Which I declare to the world without dismay, Because he's given me a suit of Tweeds, magnificent to see, So good that it cannot be surpassed in Dundee.
The suit is the best of Tweed cloth in every way, And will last me for many a long day; It's really good, and in no way bad, And will help to make my heart feel glad.
He's going to send some goods to the World's Fair, And I hope of patronage he will get the biggest share; Because his Tweed cloth is the best I ever did see, In the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and ninety-three.
At the International Exhibition, and the Isle of Man Exhibition, He got a gold medal from each, in recognition Of his Scotch Tweeds, so good and grand, Which cannot be surpassed in fair Scotland.
Therefore, good people, his goods are really grand, And manufactured at Weensforth Mill, Hawick, Scotland; Where there's always plenty of Tweeds on hand, For the ready cash at the people's command.
Mr Tocher measured me for the suit, And it is very elegant, which no one will dispute, And I hope Mr Henry in Reform Street Will gain customers by it, the suit is so complete.
Written by Seamus Heaney | Create an image from this poem

Strange Fruit

 Here is the girl's head like an exhumed gourd.
Oval-faced, prune-skinned, prune-stones for teeth.
They unswaddled the wet fern of her hair And made an exhibition of its coil, Let the air at her leathery beauty.
Pash of tallow, perishable treasure: Her broken nose is dark as a turf clod, Her eyeholes blank as pools in the old workings.
Diodorus Siculus confessed His gradual ease with the likes of this: Murdered, forgotten, nameless, terrible Beheaded girl, outstaring axe And beatification, outstaring What had begun to feel like reverence.

Written by Eugene Field | Create an image from this poem

Our Lady of the Mine

 The Blue Horizon wuz a mine us fellers all thought well uv,
And there befell the episode I now perpose to tell uv;
'T wuz in the year uv sixty-nine,--somewhere along in summer,--
There hove in sight one afternoon a new and curious comer;
His name wuz Silas Pettibone,--a' artist by perfession,--
With a kit of tools and a big mustache and a pipe in his possession.
He told us, by our leave, he 'd kind uv like to make some sketches Uv the snowy peaks, 'nd the foamin' crick, 'nd the distant mountain stretches; "You're welkim, sir," sez we, although this scenery dodge seemed to us A waste uv time where scenery wuz already sooper-floo-us.
All through the summer Pettibone kep' busy at his sketchin',-- At daybreak off for Eagle Pass, and home at nightfall, fetchin' That everlastin' book uv his with spider-lines all through it; Three-Fingered Hoover used to say there warn't no meanin' to it.
"Gol durn a man," sez he to him, "whose shif'less hand is sot at A-drawin' hills that's full uv quartz that's pinin' to be got at!" "Go on," sez Pettibone, "go on, if joshin' gratifies ye; But one uv these fine times I'll show ye sumthin' will surprise ye!" The which remark led us to think--although he didn't say it-- That Pettibone wuz owin' us a gredge 'nd meant to pay it.
One evenin' as we sat around the Restauraw de Casey, A-singin' songs 'nd tellin' yarns the which wuz sumwhat racy, In come that feller Pettibone, 'nd sez, "With your permission, I'd like to put a picture I have made on exhibition.
" He sot the picture on the bar 'nd drew aside its curtain, Sayin', "I reckon you'll allow as how that's art, f'r certain!" And then we looked, with jaws agape, but nary word wuz spoken, And f'r a likely spell the charm uv silence wuz unbroken-- Till presently, as in a dream, remarked Three-Fingered Hoover: "Onless I am mistaken, this is Pettibone's shef doover!" It wuz a face--a human face--a woman's, fair 'nd tender-- Sot gracefully upon a neck white as a swan's, and slender; The hair wuz kind uv sunny, 'nd the eyes wuz sort uv dreamy, The mouth wuz half a-smilin', 'nd the cheeks wuz soft 'nd creamy; It seemed like she wuz lookin' off into the west out yonder, And seemed like, while she looked, we saw her eyes grow softer, fonder,-- Like, lookin' off into the west, where mountain mists wuz fallin', She saw the face she longed to see and heerd his voice a-callin'; "Hooray!" we cried,--"a woman in the camp uv Blue Horizon! Step right up, Colonel Pettibone, 'nd nominate your pizen!" A curious situation,--one deservin' uv your pity,-- No human, livin', female thing this side of Denver City! But jest a lot uv husky men that lived on sand 'nd bitters,-- Do you wonder that that woman's face consoled the lonesome critters? And not a one but what it served in some way to remind him Of a mother or a sister or a sweetheart left behind him; And some looked back on happier days, and saw the old-time faces And heerd the dear familiar sounds in old familiar places,-- A gracious touch of home.
"Look here," sez Hoover, "ever'body Quit thinkin' 'nd perceed at oncet to name his favorite toddy!" It wuzn't long afore the news had spread the country over, And miners come a-flockin' in like honey-bees to clover; It kind uv did 'em good, they said, to feast their hungry eyes on That picture uv Our Lady in the camp uv Blue Horizon.
But one mean cuss from ****** Crick passed criticisms on 'er,-- Leastwise we overheerd him call her Pettibone's madonner, The which we did not take to be respectful to a lady, So we hung him in a quiet spot that wuz cool 'nd dry 'nd shady; Which same might not have been good law, but it wuz the right manoeuvre To give the critics due respect for Pettibone's shef doover.
Gone is the camp,--yes, years ago the Blue Horizon busted, And every mother's son uv us got up one day 'nd dusted, While Pettibone perceeded East with wealth in his possession, And went to Yurrup, as I heerd, to study his perfession; So, like as not, you'll find him now a-paintin' heads 'nd faces At Venus, Billy Florence, and the like I-talyun places.
But no sech face he'll paint again as at old Blue Horizon, For I'll allow no sweeter face no human soul sot eyes on; And when the critics talk so grand uv Paris 'nd the Loover, I say, "Oh, but you orter seen the Pettibone shef doover!"
Written by Emily Dickinson | Create an image from this poem

There is a finished feeling

 There is a finished feeling
Experienced at Graves --
A leisure of the Future --
A Wilderness of Size.
By Death's bold Exhibition Preciser what we are And the Eternal function Enabled to infer.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things