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Famous Basked Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Basked poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous basked poems. These examples illustrate what a famous basked poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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by Montgomery, Lucy Maud
...nce you afar
Went out beyond my yearning mortal sight­
A wondrous year! perchance in many a star
You have sojourned, or basked within the light
Of mightier suns; it may be you have trod
The glittering pathways of the Pleiades,
And through the Milky Way's white mysteries
Have walked at will, fire-shod. 

You may have gazed in the immortal eyes
Of prophets and of martyrs; talked with seers
Learned in all the lore of Paradise,
The infinite wisdom of eternal years;
To you the...Read more of this...

by McKay, Claude
...At night the wide and level stretch of wold, 
Which at high noon had basked in quiet gold, 
Far as the eye could see was ghostly white; 
Dark was the night save for the snow's weird light. 

I drew the shades far down, crept into bed; 
Hearing the cold wind moaning overhead 
Through the sad pines, my soul, catching its pain, 
Went sorrowing with it across the plain. 

At dawn, behold! the pall of night was gone, 
Save...Read more of this...

by Dickinson, Emily
...erhaps I asked too large --
I take -- no less than skies --
For Earths, grow thick as
Berries, in my native town --

My Basked holds -- just -- Firmaments --
Those -- dangle easy -- on my arm,
But smaller bundles -- Cram....Read more of this...

by Betjeman, John the mulberry leaves hung down
Sheltering ruby fruit globes from a Sunday-tea-time heat.
Apple and plum espaliers basked upon bricks of brown;
The air was swimming with insects, and children played in the street.

Out of this bright intentness into the mulberry shade
Musca domestica (housefly) swung from the August light
Slap into slithery rigging by the waiting spider made
Which spun the lithe elastic till the fly was shrouded tight.
Down came the hairy talons ...Read more of this...

by Scott, Sir Walter
...e point he turned,
     A watch-fire close before him burned.

     Beside its embers red and clear
     Basked in his plaid a mountaineer;
     And up he sprung with sword in hand,—
     'Thy name and purpose! Saxon, stand!'
     'A stranger.' 'What dost thou require?'
     'Rest and a guide, and food and fire
     My life's beset, my path is lost,
     The gale has chilled my limbs with frost.'
     'Art thou a friend to Roderick?' 'No.'
     'Thou da...Read more of this...

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Basked poems.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things