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Famous Ages Ago Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Ages Ago poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous ages ago poems. These examples illustrate what a famous ages ago poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

See also:

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry
...rence, the world knows well,
And a statue watches it from the square,
And this story of both do our townsmen tell.

Ages ago, a lady there,
At the farthest window facing the East
Asked, ``Who rides by with the royal air?''

The bridesmaids' prattle around her ceased;
She leaned forth, one on either hand;
They saw how the blush of the bride increased---

They felt by its beats her heart expand---
As one at each ear and both in a breath
Whispered, ``The Great-Duke Ferdinand...Read more of this...
by Browning, Robert

...Now this is the story of Olaf
Who ages and ages ago
Lived right on the top of a mountain,
A mountain all covered with snow.

And he was quite pretty and tiny
With beautiful curling fair hair
And small hands like delicate flowers--
Cheeks kissed by the cold mountain air.

He lived in a hut made of pinewood
Just one little room and a door
A table, a chair, and a bedstead
And animal skins on the...Read more of this...
by Mansfield, Katherine

Galahad . . . soldier that perished . . . ages ago,
Our hearts are breaking with shame, our tears overflow.
Galahad . . . knight who perished . . . awaken again,
Teach us to fight for immaculate ways among men.
Soldiers fantastic, we pray to the star of the sea,
We pray to the mother of God that the bound may be free.
Rose-crowned lady from heaven, give us thy gra...Read more of this...
by Lindsay, Vachel
...ud from a heart unhealed,
It woke response of melodious breath
From lips now too by thy kiss congealed,


Ages ago, from the lips of a sad glad poet
Whose soul was a wild dove lost in the whirling snow,
The soft keen plaint of his pain took voice to show it
Ages ago.

So clear, so deep, the divine drear accents flow,
No soul that listens may choose but thrill to know it,
Pierced and wrung by the passionate music's throe.

For us there murmurs a nearer vo...Read more of this...
by Swinburne, Algernon Charles
...d there and hear
The birds' quiet singing, that tells us
What life is, so clear!
The secret they sang to Ulysses,
When, ages ago,
He heard and he knew this life's secret,
I hear and I know!

Ah, see! The sun breaks o'er Calvano— 
He strikes the great gloom
And flutters it o'er the mount's summit
In airy gold fume!
All is over! Look out, see the gipsy,
Our tinker and smith,
Has arrived, set up bellows and forge,
And down-squatted forthwith
To his hammering, under the wall ther...Read more of this...
by Browning, Robert

...! ambrosial moon!
Arise on my desert of sorrow
That the Magical eyes of me swoon
With lust of rain to-morrow!

Ages and ages ago
I stood on the bank of a river
Holy and Holy and holy, I know,
For ever and ever and ever!
A priest in the mystical shrine
I muttered a redeless rune,
Till the waters were redder than wine
In the blush of the harlot moon.

I and my brother priests
Worshipped a wonderful woman
With a body lithe as a beast's
Subtly, horribly human.
Deep in the...Read more of this...
by Crowley, Aleister
...ks o'er the surf, but it comes not there; 
And the fringe of the foam may be seen below, 
On the line that it left long ages ago: 
A smooth short space of yellow sand 
Between it and the greener land. 

He wander'd on, along the beach, 
Till within the range of a carbine's reach 
Of the leaguer'd wall; but they saw him not, 
Or how could he 'scape from the hostile shot, 
Did traitors lurk in the Christian's hold? 
Were their hands grown stiff, or their hearts wax'd cold, ...Read more of this...
by Byron, George (Lord)
...ce, the world knows well, 
And a statue watches it from the square, 
And this story of both do our townsmen tell. 

Ages ago, a lady there, 
At the farthest window facing the East, 
Asked, "Who rides by with the royal air?" 

The bridesmaids' prattle around her ceased; 
She leaned forth, one on either hand; 
They saw how the blush of the bride increased -- 

They felt by its beats her heart expand -- 
As one at each ear and both in a breath 
Whispered, "The Great-Duke Fer...Read more of this...
by Browning, Robert
...Once, on a glittering ice-field, ages and ages ago,
Ung, a maker of pictures, fashioned an image of snow.
Fashioned the form of a tribesman -- gaily he whistled and sung,
Working the snow with his fingers. Read ye the Story of Ung!

Pleased was his tribe with that image -- came in their hundreds to scan --
Handled it, smelt it, and grunted: "Verily, this is a man!
Thus do we carry our lances...Read more of this...
by Kipling, Rudyard
...Of a sunny shallow sea.

But you I never understood,
Your spirit's secret hides like gold
Sunk in a Spanish galleon
Ages ago in waters cold....Read more of this...
by Teasdale, Sara

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Ages Ago poems.

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry