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PFicklebottom - all messages by user

7/24/2010 7:02:00 AM
Happy writing! Kudos to this great place for writing poetry.

Although, I have to admit, I'm not for the slam poetry.
It's like trying to go to a slam poetry performance and reciting a Concrete style poem.
You don't get the experience on a text-based forum that you would hearing it out loud, for the same reason no one would be able to fully appreciate a poem that looked like the thing it was. the whole essence and spirit behind the poem is lost.
I'm not saying Slam poetry is bad or that it lacks merit, it just doesn't hold any weight as a lone text. It stands more on the side of a song/rap without music. I'm sure many people have received emails, text messages and misinterpreted the message because there was no tone of voice to fall back on. It's the same here because Slam is especially opinionated and reliant on a performance. Just my opinion.
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