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paws888 - all messages by user

12/28/2010 11:50:17 AM
Oh no, not another skunk! My young rodesian, blood hound mix, Duke, loves to have run in's with small critters. Well, in one of his late night adventures, got into it with a skunk, P U, what a smell, this was just awful, and late at night, so no grooming shops open. Though, I am a professional dog groomer, and my girlfriend has opened her shop at night, for these little mishaps, it was to late to bother her, cold out, so couldn't wash him outside, and, there was no way I was going to sleep with him in the house smelling like this. My rotty Buddy, even took a wiff, and went into the other room. I used the only thing I could think of as a quick fix. I sprayed him down with scrubbing bubbles foam, then wiped him off with a warm towel. It worked, probably not the best, but, you do what you have to do in a situation like this. susan Viscione
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