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Spatterdash - all messages by user

8/1/2017 9:25:27 PM
Time to go public This is Jenny, aka Spatterdash. Warm hellos!
It's been quite enjoyable, browsing through some of the poetry and poets here. There are a lot of both! I am trying not to feel intimidated by all the talent and experience floating around!

Although I have been writing since childhood, I have mostly felt unworthy of sharing my work with others. I was certain that it wouldn't be good enough to share, and people would feel I'd wasted their time. Wasted. Their. Time. What a heinous act among humans!

All right, so I was a bit... ahem, insecure. But I am now over much of my hesitation. Poetry is meant to be read, not stuffed away out of sight, like something shameful! And nobody needs, wants, or expects anyone else's poetry to be "perfect" (whatever that means)!

So here I am, ready to start posting. I welcome constructive criticism, because there is always room for improvement. I just hope you'll be gentle with me!

Just kidding, I know this is a gentle place. That's why I'm here!
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