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andicesmith - all messages by user

6/11/2017 1:20:26 PM
Seriously, I have no idea what I am doing I have been writing since I was 12 years old. I am now 41. I can't say I have learned much. Especially about poetry. I started writing as a therapy of sorts, to help work through childhood trauma. I would journal, write short stories, re-write lyrics to songs I thought could use some improving. I was 12, the improvements weren't really improvements, but I liked the verses and how they flow. So I started writing my own songs, until one of my teachers told me songs were poems set to music. Things just took off from there. I don't have a style, or even know my own style. I can't recite poets or even my own, because once I write it's purged. Nevertheless, I love poetry, and writing poetry, and reading poetry. But I couldn't tell you what kind of poems I write, as in what style, because I just don't know. I just write what comes out; blank verse, free verse, quatrain, sonnet: I just don't know what I am writing. Nor do I try to format my poems into a particular style. I just write. What I am saying is, I seriously have no idea what I am doing.
edited by andicesmith on 6/11/2017
pages: 1

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