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niyomi shah - all messages by user

4/17/2016 5:22:12 AM
Getting Discouraged concerning your Poetry... hello rev and ettie, i began to write poetry a year ago but not as much as i am writing this year, although my parents, a lot of my friends and a few of my teachers appreciate what i write, one of my teachers began to critize everything i wrote, i was supposed to recite a poem for my school assembly but my teacher forbid me from reciting it ,telling my class teacher that i din't have the potential to write well, although i recited it anyways, ive always held this grudge against that teacher because i am only 14 years old and she judges me too much. anyways it was great sharing this with you all makes me feel much better thank you...
4/19/2016 11:40:08 AM
Getting Discouraged concerning your Poetry... Thank u soo much.. i will keep this in mind the next time i write... also lenny ur story is really impressive and for a person like me it is also very inspiring thank u lenny and ettie for your kind words it is great to have someone you can talk to so thanks a lot
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