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Rev Lenny - all messages by user

2/22/2016 1:55:27 PM
Pagan Poets? I am not a practising pagan, but follow Mother Earth closely and give Her all my respect.
2/22/2016 2:04:42 PM
Joyous Arrival of Winter the joyous arrival of winter
and my heart rejoices
as once again darkness
lords it over the light
this for me is sheer delight
as once again I can venture outside

Lenny Gazbowski(c)2016

My first poem for your perusal. I would like to say that I rarely or seldomly use punctuation, I prefer to leave that honor to the reader.

Rev Lenny
4/16/2016 7:09:00 PM
Help Fund My Very First Poetry Book! I'm past 50 and need help with regards to publishing. One avenue open to me(anyone) is via Kindle which I have been told is done on Amazon(I have an account) and is free. I am a dinosaur with technology but have friends who may be able to help. I would love to have a paperback book of my poetry published, but am financially challenged, as many of us are. Any help will be gratefully appreciated.
4/16/2016 7:36:47 PM
Getting Discouraged concerning your Poetry... Hello Ettie, I began writing poetry way back in the last century 1974 ! It was titled 'Birds' - the feathered variety, and was for a school competition. I didn't win and never expected to ! But that was my introduction to the world of poetry. I began writing poetry seriously when I was 18, and managed to have some of my writing published in a variety of small press magazines including Purple Patch, White Rose, Eclipse and Agogagogo ! I even had a poem read out on our local BBC radio station - Merseyside. Then came a long hiatus as I entered the world of heavy metal, I wrote songs for a few bands, so in a way I kept my hand in so to speak. Around 1988 I became involved in the local writing scene, and it was here that I became aware of poet jealousy ! Certain poets grouped together and would enjoy back stabbing rival poets/poetry groups. This was my first taste of poet snobbery ! I became a target of a number of elitist poets/groups but I knew my poetry was good because when I performed live strangers would come up to me in the interval and tell me so. My advice iis to ignore the discouraging and to know that your writing is good. Easier said than done, and some need practise to fend off those who want to pull you down. I would suggest getting involved in writing circles but to always be aware that there are some petty and nasty poets about. Its great if you can find a couple of good writing friends who will help you with your writing, listen to them and not the poetry elite !
4/17/2016 10:20:05 PM
Getting Discouraged concerning your Poetry... niyomi shah wrote:
hello rev and ettie, i began to write poetry a year ago but not as much as i am writing this year, although my parents, a lot of my friends and a few of my teachers appreciate what i write, one of my teachers began to critize everything i wrote, i was supposed to recite a poem for my school assembly but my teacher forbid me from reciting it ,telling my class teacher that i din't have the potential to write well, although i recited it anyways, ive always held this grudge against that teacher because i am only 14 years old and she judges me too much. anyways it was great sharing this with you all makes me feel much better thank you...

Niyomi, the person who is most important is YOU ! If you are happy with the words you have written that is all that matters, they are your words and you know if they are good or not. Its nice if you have someone who you can trust and confide in as regards to your poetry, as a sounding board so to speak. Sadly this isn't always possible, but its great if you can have a trusted allie. Most importantly its you who has the final word. Hope this helps.
4/17/2016 10:23:03 PM
Getting Discouraged concerning your Poetry... EMC98 wrote:
Hi Guys... first off thanks for sharing your experiences!
Niyomi my adivse to you would be rather or not people like your poetry don't stop writing just because of that and if that teacher judges all your work then so be it you don't write for people you write because you love it .....Some people are just going to find something wrong with you work BUT don't let it stop you!
Keep writing as much as you feel to!
Lenny thank you for the advice it's awesome to hear how you went through all that yet seemed to come out just as strong with your writing!
edited by EMC98 on 4/17/2016
edited by EMC98 on 4/17/2016

Ettie, your welcome my friend.
3/9/2017 10:26:39 AM
Looking for a collaboration for music lyrics I cannot access the videos you recommend so I am going out on a limb by letting you know that I am an experienced lyricist. I can write for many genres including but not limited to rock and folk. If you are still seeking a lyricist let me know.
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