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pjbayliss - all messages by user

9/18/2015 4:53:26 AM
Gidday from down under :) Hi there,
I live in New Zealand with my family on a rural lifestyle block. We have chickens, a pet cow & 2 pet lambs, a dozen horses, and plenty (I mean PLENTY) to do. It is a never-ending challenge to keep on top of things on the property yet alone find the time to write.

But, without writing, all the above would be simply impossible.

I started with poetry a few years back at a time when I needed some time-out from the hectic pace of the world and, well, here I am. I never studied poetry forms or anything like that so I'm pretty much winging it for now, but most of them rhyme.

I've basically given up poetry these days. My posts are older material from my published works and maybe I'll be inspired to put some more together in due course. Maybe the glimmer of poetic passion may light up once again in here...?
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