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Andrea - all messages by user

5/6/2010 12:13:33 PM
Entering Contest Competitions Interesting comments here. I think a lot of poets already have poems on hand that they use in the contests, Christopher. about half of mine are of that variety and have never been posted here before, much less entered in a contest. I see some poets even using poems that they already won awards for in other contests! Actually, I take back what i said originally. I never wrote "haiku" before coming here, and now I have entered about 15 haiku/senryu contests and those are ALL brand new because they were most of them based on pictures. I have found that challenges inspired more than 50 percent of the total sum of all my writing these past ten years! Without them, I never would have acheived as much I did in my short time writing poetry. If you can call ten years short. It seems like just yesterday sometimes! I think the solution is easy to ensure people have time to create a new poem. Just don't use fast deadlines!! I"ve noticed lately that, except in the haiku contests, a 35 limit contest is taking nearly a week or more to fill! andrea
5/7/2010 9:42:21 AM
Entering Contest Competitions About the contests, I just assumed a lot of people were using old poems sometimes in the contests. I could never write a poem in fifeen minutues, unless it were a shortie fun type of poem or etheree or haiku. I take anywhere from one hour up to SEVEN for a sonnet when i am trying to do a super good job. I guess my muse is a perfectionist muse. Has to be precise and rarely spur of the moment. Chris, if you look at people's contest entries, you will often see that they are coming from posts that were orginally made months ago here at the Soup!! It's a common practice, not just my Mormon cheating ways. hahahaha. YOu are so funny. And off I go now to see an R mated movie, but I won't be having any coffee, especially not java. heeheehee. LUv, Andrea PS This is a great way for non premium members to actually blog, you know it? You are not premium yet, right? Good "blog" you started, that is sure what it feels like to me, just another place for a great blog!
5/8/2010 11:22:17 AM
Soup Mail Joe , someone here told me that and thankfully I found out about it early on! have fun with it now! andrea
5/8/2010 11:25:16 AM
PoetrySoup Frequently Asked Questions Can I possibly RETRIEVE my previous profile picture to put it in my photo album of my bio. When I went to change it for another photo, it just disappeared. I can't find how I got it on my computer in the first place. It's nowhere to be found in my personal files. I think it is vanished in Cyberspace! and how can I prevent this from happening next time I go to change profile pics again?
1/4/2011 6:42:27 PM
Poll Question: Featured Poetic Forms... I love poetry forms, so I would be very interested in something like that.
9/22/2013 12:46:05 AM
What really gets on my nerves... LOVE what you say here. This has always been my big pet peeve as well!
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