Book: Shattered Sighs

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brittybt - all messages by user

9/18/2015 8:25:11 AM
LOVE IS HUMAN NATURE I agree with you on this. I have had my heart broken to many times to count, and after each heartache I swear I'm never going to put myself through that again. I am going to close myself off to love and just forget about it all, but I never do. At the end of the day, I absolutely love love. I love falling in love and the feeling you get when you realize for the first time you love someone. I love being in love and the emotional roller coaster it takes you on. Love is everything, and it is nothing. It gives and it takes away. A real love can change you, to the core, your very nature. I may hate the heartbreak of a love ending, but I wouldn't change everything before that for the world. No matter how much we try to shut off that part of ourselves, closing ourselves off from the pain and heartache, we, as humans, keep going back for more.
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