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jjote - all messages by user

12/13/2020 9:47:12 AM
Why can't I type text? Hi Kathy -
I find that weird - I was able to type the text over the background. In fact, the text I wrote were excerpts on poems I wrote and currently being finalized by my interior layout and cover designer hoping to upload this on Amazon before the year ends. Your post was over a month ago, so maybe you were able to do it?

edited by jjote on 12/13/2020
1/11/2021 5:49:26 AM
Footsteps of my soul Just published my first book above on It’s available in print and ebook. Hope you check it out - maybe purchase?

You can search for it under my name.

1/11/2021 10:40:21 AM
How to publish your book for free Well, not exactly free. I started writing the draft at, and submitted it for formatting, but had to contract a designer for the layout and cover. He was very thorough and knowledgeable, I uploaded it at kdpAmazon Publishing and bam! It went through and got published. You can check it out at under my name and it’s available in print and ebook.
6/28/2021 8:35:57 AM
New Book...Emile Pinet's Fragmented Feelings Hey Emile, just read your post about your published book. Congratulations. I also just published my first book last Dec.2020. Title- Footsteps of my soul - available at in print and ebook. Judt search my name - Josefina Costales.
6/28/2021 8:41:43 AM
Amy MaryJane McFate Soft Confessions wrote:
New here but I have been on the earth this time for 68 years. I wrote poems as a child and never stopped. Sometimes i write in the formal way I first read literature, from my parents old books, the lowest shelves in the library. Sometimes I use other voices. I have many.
It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance.
6/28/2021 8:46:10 AM
Amy MaryJane McFate Hi, glad to meet you. Have you published a book on your poems. If you say you have been writing poems over the years, why not gather them into a book. I have that experience also, and I did muster the effort of collecting the poems I wrote into a book. It's greatly satisfying.
6/28/2021 8:50:43 AM
Running Out of Time Ixas wrote:
Running out of time,

For What?

Who are you?

Do I know you?


Is it only me who has these feelings?


Is it reciprocated?

Why don't you talk to me?

Why can't you look at me?

When our eyes meet

Why do you look away?

Why are you doing this?

Who are you???
6/28/2021 8:51:36 AM
Running Out of Time Is this a poem? Did you post this on Podtrysoup
6/30/2021 9:06:37 PM
Footsteps of my soul Hi Johnny. I don’t know or understand the Edu Birdie too. I haven’t any idea of the services they offer. I have not read their comments on my post. Where is it written.

Have you visited Amazon yet? If you have Kindle, you can download the Ebook for free I think. (The images there are in color)
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