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lsrg1987 - all messages by user

3/23/2015 9:49:01 AM
can someone tell me what this means?? hello, i just recently joined poetry soup and one of my poems won a contest. What does that mean?? What happens next?? I am truly happy that I won, but I'm also confused. My poem has a little badge beside it, and i noticed others have the words "Honorable Mention" beside them, which is why I'm asking this question. Any info is greatly appreciated, thanks Wiggle PS- i submitted and won in "Your favorite poem contest" sponsored by: Carol Eastman, a great thanks to her for choosing me as one of the winners, you have motivated me to write even more, THANK YOU!!
edited by lsrg1987 on 3/31/2015
3/31/2015 9:54:20 AM
My Poetry Must Suck! I have had many views on my poetry but not as many reviews, what makes me super happy is seeing the number of views rise because I atleast know that my work is being seen even when there is no review left behind. Keep your head up I just joined PS, and if you are in the same then don't doubt your work.
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