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Love Writer - all messages by user

10/15/2014 3:22:03 AM
My Father's Heart This is the first poem I ever wrote and it sort of came naturally after that. I always loved writing, but I never wrote poems. My dad used to write poems and I started writing my own poems after he passed away three years ago.It became one of the things I love doing. I absolutely love this site. Only joint three days ago.

Please let me know your thoughts on my writing and any advise is welcome as I am pretty new at this.

My Father's Heart

Hearing your heartbeat my ear on your chest
moments like that I loved best
For every heartbeat was special to me
'cause it meant my dad I still get to see

Then I went to bed that night
peacefully next door you were sleeping tight
I never feared lying in that dark room
knowing it will take only one shout and you'll be there soon

Waking up the next day, getting out of bed
I got done for work and that morning not much were said

I remember your words the previous night
"Leave her just now she'll be alright"
A worried mom kept asking what is wrong
'Cause she didn't understand why i looked so down

Off to the doctor you went that day
and in hospital you had to stay
I prayed to God "please just let him be okay"

Hours have passed and your words got less
I told myself that you'll be fine after a couple of days of rest
I never prayed so hard
asking Him "please please just help him God"

I never stopped hoping and believing
That soon with my ear on your chest i will still hear you breathing

Seven days have passed, not a word from you
Imagining you waking up saying "I'm fine how are you?"
In the ICU lying with my ear on your chest
This time only small little breathes
I felt safe so close to your heart
That fatherly love my favorite part

Your words that previous Thursday night
"Leave her just now she'll be alright"
I never knew those words would be your last
'Cause a week after those words... Daddy, you've passed

Lying with my ear on your chest
The moments I used to love best
My world came crashing down
and that moment was never the same
'Cause that moment I realized that MY father's heart will never beat again
edited by Love Writer on 10/15/2014
edited by Love Writer on 10/15/2014
10/15/2014 3:37:53 AM
New Girl I am Brümilda, everyone calls me B. I would like to introduce myself and tell you guys that this is an amazing site. I was looking for a site like this for a while and came upon this one three days ago. Love it since day one. I look forward to sharing my poems with everyone. Have a good day and keep well.
10/15/2014 6:35:06 AM
New Poet I only started writing poems three years ago and I would like to know what you guys think of this. Any criticism welcome.

Never stop hoping and believing

This is a poem 'bout those moments when you've had enough

and it feel like you get no answer from above

I know you're not where you wanna be

what the future hold you cannot see

It is all about hoping and believing

that soon you'll be living what you were once only dreaming

I know what you go through is frustrating as well

and those crazy days u feel locked in a cell

The anger, frustration, the "whatever I'm done"...

and you think you will never shout "oh yes I won"

Wanting to give up "who cares anyway?"

"Nothing was great bout this day" you say

but never my dear stop hoping and believing

that soon you'll be living what you were once only dreaming

You're strong and you will live your dream

even though impossible now it seem

Wait on God's time, He will give you the best

'cause God and I know you deserve nothing less

Smile be positive and always be you

tell yourself "with all negative I'm through"

And NEVER EVER stop hoping and believing

that soon you'll be living what you were once only dreaming
edited by Love Writer on 10/15/2014
pages: 1

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