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iolanda - all messages by user

5/19/2010 11:35:24 PM
ISBN (International Standard Book Number) Hello Everybody!
I do understand that an ISBN is like the ID or fingerprint of a book but I was wondering who is in charge, what agency, in listing and identifying these ISBNs in the US or releasing and matching the number with a certain book. I have a published book with an ISBN given by the publishing house but no bookstore chain seem to be able to scan the bar code. They say the ISBN is not active ( ?????) Help explain this to me. Yours gratefully, Iolanda
5/26/2010 9:18:25 PM
Pet Peeve I hate to see spelling, grammar mistakes...but, especially, when people start a poetry contest and say: "grammer is not important in judging this contest" This is THE ULTIMATE...
6/3/2010 12:27:57 AM
Relationships When I was 18 my main goal was to be admitted into College not being in a "serious" relationship... Any relationship should be respectful, kind or else that's not a good one. That relationship is TOXIC and you have to get out of it. Period. Cold turkey! You are soooooo young and you are learning the hard way I guess. I wish you good luck and remember: LOVE SHOULD NOT HURT!!! (physically or mentally)
edited by iolanda on 6/3/2010
pages: 1

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